chapter 11

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 He grabbed it and pushed it down, nothing had happened, so he turned around to look. Something had. Now all the statues were glowing and the necklace was floating, there were whispers of words all around him. The small voices calmed him and made him feel safe.

He saw a person, not anyone he had before, they were a plain while figure like a shadow of a person with nothing on. It had gold accents all over, and also had wings, they were bigger than America's. The person walked up to the necklace and grabbed it, then looked at America, America stumbled a bit scared of if he did something wrong.

The figure started walking over to him, with the necklace in hand. It went up to America and got in a proposal position and put its head down as a way of bowing down. Handing America the necklace in its hands, giving it to America. America was shocked but took it from the person's hands. And held it, "t-thank you." America said nervously.

The figure stood up and gave a pitiful look to him, even though having no features on its face you could still see emotion. It made a paper with its hands that had writing on it and gave it to America and bowed, then started walking away. "W-wait what am I meant to do with this?!" he yelled, making the figure stop and point to its neck. Telling America to put it on his neck.

Then America stood there puzzled for a moment, then put it on. Once he did everything stopped glowing and the figure had gone away. America stood there processing what happened, 'what the fuck.' he thought as he looked around, it had not been his imagination, he had the necklace and he was still in the same place. It was still night.

He just stood there, and started crying. 'What's going on with my life right now? I had the deer yesterday, and now this?! I don't even know what this is...' he thought before walking out of the area. He decided to go back to doing his work, but first he was going to put some more clothing on.

But when he started walking, when he went by the eagle with the Buckskin jacket, it had glowed. The jacket and his two necklaces glowed as he was near it, 'should I put it on? What does the paper say?' he thought. He opened the paper, and it read.

The things your mother had said about you were correct. You have grown much since the last time I saw you, I know you don't have an idea who I am but darling you don't need to know. You are stressed and I know it, stay calm, lots will be happening with the magic in the forest I will warn you. You need to keep an eye on all those sweet children of yours, bad magic has been trying to take over. My brother has awoken from the long sleep he had been having because your mother had fallen. He will cause great problems to you and your twin. Please go to rest, you will wake with better wings and more magic with the necklaces I gave you. Once you finally have the necklace magic mastered please work on your heart's one. All countries will need to find how to get their magic somehow, protect everyone, I'm counting on you to help me make my brother rest again. Take the Buckskin jacket and War bonnet. You will need it at some point, plus you look cold. Take care union <3

America was shocked , 'mom has never told me about any of this, I have no clue what the fuck I'm doing.' He walked up to the jacket and headpiece and grabbed it, he held it carefully in his arms and flew over to his bedroom. He hoped not to wake Dixie or CSA, not having the words to explain what had just happened. He would have to tell Dixie at some point, but he didn't want to stress him out more right now.

He had stopped in front of the room and opened it to see both still up watching something on the TV. "You two are still up?" America asked, glancing at the two. "Yea! Yea! What the TV has is good right now! Look! Look!" CSA said extremely happy, while Dixie was trying not to laugh. "You very childish CSA," Dixie said while looking over to him, the two were under a blanket with backs leaning on each other.

"Glad you two are getting along I guess," America said while looking for a place to put the two things in his hands. "What are you holding?" CSA asked looking over at America, making Dixie perk up "why do you have a Buckskin jacket and War bonnet?"

"More weird shit is happening in the forest, magic bullshit, apparently some evil brother woke up from rest. Both of the necklaces I have are meant to help me," America said, while CSA looked confused and Dixie looked worried. "I have the note from the light figure, whatever I saw, don't know its name," America said, walking over and handing the note to Dixie.

"What language is that?" CSA asked, looking at the paper not being able to read it. "It's one of the Native American ones, I can't read it that well..." He replied, while eyeing America who was putting the two clothing items into his more empty side of the closet.

"Do you think this is a safe spot? They are important and I'll need them later..." "it will be fine, America," Dixie said while swatting CSA's demon tail away from the paper. Which just made CSA start to braid Dixie's long hair. "I'm going to bed, the note told me to sleep, and Georgia was telling me too," America said while grabbing some clothing from his dresser.

"Mk don't die like you did last night," Dixie said jokingly while America walked into the bathroom. "Your hair is soft," CSA said while smiling, "really? I don't take care of it." "yea! Do you have hair ties and hair clips?" CSA asked, making Dixie laugh a bit, "are you doing my hair like a little girl?" Which made CSA flush a bit out of embarrassment, "yes... so do you have any?" "You will have to wait till America gets out of the bathroom, there are some in there because he does the state's hair sometimes," Dixie said while smiling.

America exited the bathroom, in a plain white tank top with some plain black shorts. Making CSA bolt in, "where are the hair clips?" CSA asked. Making the other two laugh, "in the top cupboard, they are in a jar." America said while CSA snatched the jar and ran back to doing Dixie's hair. America walked over and fell on his bed and opened his phone to check if there were any notifications.

There was one from the group chat, saying that UN wanted all the countries to have a meet up to make sure all five go. Also to say goodbyes, and to state how long they will stay there. America sighed, It was at 1pm when he would have to pick them up. "I have to do some meetup thing so get the countries tomorrow at 1pm," America said "okay," Dixie replied. With that, America drifted off into a peaceful sleep for once.


UPDATE YAYAYAYAYAY! thank you for 105 reads, and for some reason I'm #5 in statehumans tag. Never thought that would happen ngl, so THANK YOUUUU!

anyways have a good day/night/evening!!


(1251 words)

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