chapter 14

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"Hey America?" His adoptive mother questioned, America looked up. "Why has no country ever been to your house fils(son)?" she worryingly asked. "You will see when you get there, it's not any of y'all faults. It's... something in the past I can't get over I guess," America replied, glancing over at Japan. He had hid them and was about to tell everyone so people he loved were not blocked out of his life, but Japanese Empire got ahold of them and tried to harm his kids. He knew it was for war, that's why he planned on hiding them, Forever.

It fell silent again, all countries looking around at each other, waiting for one to speak. North Korea, Japan, Russia, France, Canada, America, Britain, New Zealand, and Australia. All standing there in silence, no one was there for Russia, America wondered why. It was most likely family issues, no country had an easy going life for that matter. No one knew much about anyone's personal life, and if they did it was mostly used for blackmail.

Canada was messing with the collar of his flannel, it was a red and brown plaid flannel. He was wearing it open with A shirt with his flag on it that was dark gray, a normal brown belt, some dark blue jeans, and some basic black shoes. Also his raccoon hat, of course, he has always worn that. It was a gift from Australia when they were both young. He also had his hair in a low ponytail.

"Are we going to sit in silence till UN gets here, or are we going to talk about... stuff?" Australia said while looking around at everyone. "Some will have to share rooms, I only have three extra bedrooms. Would you like me to explain who you grouped up with...?" America spoke up, although it was very obvious who was grouped up with who, it was a conversation starter. "Yes that would be nice," France spoke, fixing her beret.

She was wearing a navy blue sweater, some light blue jeans, some basic black shoes, some gold earrings In, and a red beret. Her hair was down and being clipped back by a few black clips. She was also holding on to her shoulder, she had a scar there and it was probably hurting. All countries have scars, less have missing body parts. They knew more had them but never knew who, just how no one knew America had a robotic arm. The metal was white and nobody cared enough to look closely, other than his two friends.

"My parents will be sharing a room, It has one king sized bed, with a bathroom and closet. You have a TV and all the jazz," America spoke. Britain looked happy that he had his own bathroom, not knowing that he wasn't special for that. "The second biggest Japan and Canada will be sharing, there are two queen beds in there. You also have your own bathroom if you were wondering," America said, making Russia a bit happy he didn't have to share a room with someone.

"Russia you're by yourself in a room, bathroom, closet, the basics," America said while Russia nodded. It fell silent, then America got a notification on his phone. He opened it and it was his twin, "how's it going? Tell me when you are leaving so I can make sure the demons calm their asses down before they get here." "I'm fie, more will be coming though, they aren't staying, just saying goodbyes to family and stuff," America texted back and closed his phone not wanting to deal with the rage of Dixie knowing more people were coming.

His phone was buzzing like crazy and he ignored it, while others looked at him because it was the only noise. "Who is texting you?" Canada asked. "Just someone I live with, mad that more people are coming even though they aren't staying," he replied, Canada nodded thinking it was a states, as others were confused. Then UN walked up to them. "Glad you didn't fight," He said while looking at everyone, "Now America, can you fit luggage in your car? You might want to take some people with you in your car."

'Shit' America thought his car wasn't clean and had some stuff from his kids or pills he used to take, and should now. "Yea I can, I just need to clean it a bit," He replied. "Well, could you do it now? You will be taking your family that's staying at your house," UN explained, America just nodded and walked over to his car to start cleaning.

Then UN looked at all the countries, "Can America even house you all?" he asked. Japan nodded and spoke up, "he has three extra rooms and grouped us up well so we wouldn't fight that much." "Well that's wonderful," UN smiled. The UN almost always wore a black suit with a dark blue tie, no one had ever seen him without it. He had long white hair in a high ponytail, and some white earrings. He had white wings and a halo with a little mini world in the middle. He tried to make sure no one fought but that's stressful and hard to do, you could tell he was tired.

"Does anyone know why he never allowed anyone at his house?" UN asked a bit worried, he didn't like America that much but he was still worried for the guy. "No, but he said we would see when we get to his house," New Zealand said. UN sighed and nodded 'why was America always so stubborn and blocked off?' he thought.

"Do we have to go?" Russia asked glaring at UN. Russia hated this and didn't want to be here. He thought America wasn't going to have good food or drinks, or even houses for that matter. "Yes, sadly you have too. Very sorry that you had gotten punished with the others. I do see you insult America though a lot, as well as Britain," UN explained a bit of frustration in the last sentence.

"Very sorry for making fun of America," Britain said, fixing his monocle. He wore the monocle that was used to cover up his prosthetic eye, he was ashamed of having it because it looked so bad. He was wearing a dark brown coat, a plain black shirt, some gray jeans, and some plain white shoes.

UN glared over at him, "I know you're not sorry and just trying to not make me mad. Please don't fight with your own son while you are there." UN said , causing Russia and Japan to giggle a bit. UN asked a few more questions and didn't get answers. Most of the countries just had normal conversations before America came back.

"I cleaned up by car to the best extent," America stated while looking at UN. UN smiled a fake smile and nodded. "Well I guess we better get going, America lead the way," UN said while some dashed off to their cars. America sighed knowing he would have to fit three extra people in his car was nerve racking.

"Well? Lead the way," Canada said while turning to America and smiling, America smiled back 'at least I'll have Canada and Japan with me.' They all walked to the trunk, it was a white trunk that was built for all kinds of terrain. It has stickers all over the back and sides, one for each state, one for him, one for his brother, and some other ones, like pride flags or NASA stuff.

They all grabbed the luggage they were taking and put it in the trunk of the truck. America put the flap down on top to make sure nothing flew out, he didn't want someone to throw a fit over his tea flying out of something.

Once they all got in, his adoptive parents in the back, and Canada next to him. "Your car is a bit dirty," Britain commented. "No shit Mr. Tea, be glad I cleaned it or you would be sitting in junk," America spat back. Britain just scoffed. "Could you two not fight?" France asked while glaring at her husband. "Do you want me to blast country music so he'll shut up?" America asked while connecting his phone to the Bluetooth. "That would be nice I guess, better than you two fighting the whole ride," France said while looking out the window. "Mk," America said before choosing a song and turning the music up.

He drove out of the parking spot to see about 2 other cars waiting to follow him. He sighed and drove out of the parking lot and made sure they were behind him, before focusing on driving and the music that was blasting through the car.


yes hello! I have updated pretty fast compared to how I have been, but its the weekend and that's prolly why. I know not much happened in this chapter and its mostly... filler but that's bc I'm trying to keep chapters under the 2 thousand mark so its not stressful for me in the future that "my chapters aren't long enough" kind of thing.

anyways have a good day/night/evening my lil' stars!!! love you all <33


(1454 words)

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