chapter 15

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The drive felt longer than it should have, America was thinking about how to get them through the forest. He could use the many horses, but he's probably the only one that knows how to ride one safely right now. They could walk through, it would take long but the animals won't harm them as long as America is with them.

He drove and thought, still half focusing on the road. His mother and father were having a conversation about something, and Canada was chiming in at some points. "Hey Amérique?" France questioned, America got pulled out of his thoughts. "Yes mom?" he replied, the car went silent for a second, before France spoke back up. "Why don't you let anyone into your house? Are you hiding something?" America tensed up, the question was innocent but the subject made him angry.

"Yes I am," he replied, "but you will see what I've been hiding when you get to my house." France sighed, somewhat worried but also mad her son wouldn't tell her. She is his mother after all and never got to be present in his childhood." Why can't you tell us? We are your family," Britain said. 'No, you are not my family,' America thought. He hated calling them family, they were adoptive family. It was different, very very different to him.

"I'd like to focus on driving for now," America said coldly, taking a sharp turn. The car went silent for what felt like hours to all of them. "So, does anyone have some funny stories to pass time?" Canada asked nervously. America glanced at his brother and giggled a bit. "Hey! What's so funny about that question?" Canada defensively barked, crossing his arms.

"Nothing, nothing, just... brought back old memories," America looked at Canada for a second and smirked at him. Canada just slouched down in his chair. "I wasn't that weird when I was younger," "you looked like a wanna be emo kid," America said jokingly to Canada. Canada cringed at the memory of what he looked like. "Bet you didn't look any better when you were a teen," Canada said to America.

America did, he was a teen for a long time though. He turned into "an adult" after the cold war, his personification didn't look like or act like an adult till after that. He was basically a teen dad for most of his life. Only turning into an adult in 1991 would make him a teen dad. Only Britain, the French empire, and Russia knew he was basically a child, she was dead and his father didn't care, Russia just didn't comment on the touchy subject. "You gained independence so young, this is on you," his father would claim.

"I did, you knew me in my teens," America said which confused Canada. "Really?" "Yeah, I was a personification of a teen when you were an adult, so I don't know if that makes me younger or older," Canada now got more concerned for his brother, 'Was he a teen dad of like 50+ kids...' he thought. Canada had so many questions, but that would be for later. "When did you turn into an adult?" his mother asked. America sighed, "the cold war..."

"THAT LONG?" Canada practically yelled in worry. America sighed, "yes... we're almost to my house though, you guys might have to walk a lot." The car went silent for a bit, they were about five minutes away so it wouldn't be that long. The silence was awkward, France was fighting not to ask the question of why they would walk because she would just get the" you will see when you get there" answer again.

They were in a countryside area, up in the mountains by the coast. Where America lived, you could travel high up enough for it to snow, and low enough for it to be the beach. Though they lived on an island, all countries personified did. It was like magic and Humans could not ever find it, no country ever questioned why or how, they were just glad for the safety.

America drove up to an empty spot at the side of the forest, where his car is usually. It was a big space, the other two cars could fit. He parked his car, and turned off the music. America slouched down in his seat and sighed. "Guess we should... get out...?" Canada said, America just nodded his head and got out of the car. All four had gotten out and saw that the other family members went with UN in his car, as well as Russia. South Korea and Japan went in South Korea's car.

Everyone had gotten out of their cars to see the two twins arguing. "New Zealand and Australia, stop it," Britain said firmly. The two stopped but glared at each other while all ten were standing in silence. UN cleared his throat, "America, may I ask why we are by a forest." America sighed and crossed his arms.

"Because I live in one, it adds protection, seeing as this island isn't very safe with all the personifications and fanfic authors on it," America said looking down at the floor. UN just nodded his head and went back to looking around. "Well you don't have fencing," Russia said while glaring at America. America perked up, "If I had fencing around a forest, it would be obvious someone lived in here, Russia." America shot the same glance back.

"W-well why don't we start to walk over to your house! That's what you said we had to do if I am correct," Canada said. "Stop the act we found out last meeting тупица (dumbass)" Russia spat at Canada. Canada gave him a crooked smile, "Ah well then I could start insulting you about merde(shit) that would make you cry but I'm trying to be nice here, Russia." France sighed, "All of you stop fighting. We all don't want to be here I bet, for different reasons, but it would be faster if we all started walking to the damn house!" France yelled frustrated at everyone.

Canada pouted, America sighed, "let me lead the way, we aren't going to the house first, I think the closest thing is the animal pen. It would be easier for you guys to walk on paths rather than normal forest ground, some of you." Some got offended but didn't try fighting. They all just followed America, started talking to friends or family. Russia and America stayed silent. Russia was the only one that knew America lived in the forest.


Dia duit mo réaltaí. IVE BEEN GONE FOR A BIT... but I'm back. Well explained in a now deleted update, I might be posting once a week at minim. Also going up to my aunts land in the mountains this weekend starting on Friday after my school. There is no internet nor service sometimes that the children are allowed to have up there.

fun fact! every 15 chapters there will be an update chapter though it will not be coming out soon for this one because I'll be gone just like explained. It will be about updates, such as like things I forgot to write in the introduction of the story, chapters I'm planning on editing, changes in schedule, ect. 

anyways have a good day/night/evening!!! go drink water eat food or something if you haven't! take care of yourselves my lil' stars! <3

(1088 words)

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