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Y/n was rudely awoken by her phone at a ridiculous time, 5:36 am is too early for anyone to be calling her.

She groaned loudly, annoyed that she had to wake up and see who was calling her. Whoever it was was about to get an earful from her. She was not a morning person. It took her about an hour to actually wake up.

Y/n rolled over and tossed her hand onto the table next to her bed. Her hand landed on her phone and she lifted it up to her face. She squinted for a moment when the bright screen illuminated the dark room, a name appearing on the screen, Steve.

Y/n was going to kill him. Why was he calling at this time? She reluctantly sat up and answered the phone.

"Hello?" She spoke into it, her voice groggy from sleep.

"Y/n, hey." Steve's voice came over the speaker

"What's up? There better be a good reason for waking me up at this hour." She stated

"There is. We have a problem." Steve said, his voice sounded serious and grim.

Y/n felt herself grow more alert. "What's wrong?"

"'s a long story. I'll explain later. Right now I need you to get ready."

"Get ready for what?" She asked in confusion

"I'm coming to get you. I need you for a mission, vision is in danger and we have to find him." Steve stated

"What? Why? What's happening Steve?" She said quickly, feeling concerned for her friend

"There's alien wants the mind stone from his head to destroy half the universe." Steve said awkwardly, not sure how to describe what has been going on

"I'm sorry what? Alright? When should I expect you to be here?" She asked, deciding that she can ask him questions later.

"30 minutes tops." Steve stated

"Alright. I'll be ready. You better explain to me what's going on though." She said

"I will. see you soon." Steve said before he hung up the phone

Y/n sighed, running a hand down her face, she reluctantly got up and out of her bed. Dragging her feet across the floor to the bathroom to try and get ready.


Y/n trudged down the familiar grassy hill, her backpack slung over her shoulder and donned in her tactical suit.

She saw the back of Bucky, he was sitting on the shore facing out towards the water. He looked peaceful, and she was not wanting to break his peaceful moment.

Bucky turned his head around look at her once he heard her footsteps on the sand, though the smile that he wore dropped quickly at the sight of her attire.

He stood up and quickly approached her. "What's going on?" He asked in concern

Y/n sighed slightly, feeling awful for having to leave him. "Steve called. I have to go on a mission."

"What mission?" He asked her

"I have to find vision, apparently there's an alien after him who wants to destroy half the universe." She told him

Bucky's face contorted in confusion before his expression was replaced with a frown again. "How long will you be gone?...are you coming back?" His voice was hesitant

"Of course I am. I don't know how long I'll be, it could be a week or longer." She stated with a kind tone in her voice, trying to reassure him that she would come back to him.

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