Part 1: Alia Ivanovna

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* Man speaking in German*

Alia: Do you guys speak English? I can't understand. 

I'm currently tied to a chair and being interrogated by two german military officials. I'm waiting to hopefully get intel on something for General Shepherd. 

German General: why are you he- *phone rings*

I watched intently as the General walked to pick up the phone

German General: Hello? 

Captain Price: You have five seconds to put the girl on the phone. I currently have an f-22 exactly eight miles out I will blow up the block before you can make it to the lobby if you don't cooperate. 

German General: For you

The General handed me the phone and I sat there confused as he backed away.

Alia: Are you kidding? I'm working.

Price: Hello Alia. I have the intention of recruiting you to a task force.

Alia: Now? 

Price: Yes. Problem?

Alia: No sir *mockingly*

Price: Alright then, I'll leave you to it be at the airport in 30 minutes. 

After captain price hung up I looked at all 3 men in front of me. The general walked in front of me as I was on the phone. I decided to go after him first. 

I stomped onto the General's foot and when he toppled over I headed-butted him while standing up. I then kicked the first guy in front of me and hit the guy next to him with the chair that was still tied to me. The first guy I kicked started to get back up so I swiftly sat the chair legs on his feet and head-butted him. I kicked both of the guys and then flipped over on top of one and broke out of the chair as it hit the man's back. one guy tried to put me in a chokehold so I quickly grabbed his arm and kicked him away from me. I then ran up to him and jumped onto his shoulders. As I wrapped my thighs around his head I swiftly brought his body to the ground. 

The General started to get up so I grabbed a pipe that was nearby and hit his head till he was out on the floor again. I grabbed my phone from a table and texted Price

Alia: OMW!<3

God, I love annoying him. It's literally my only favorite hobby. I grabbed my heels and walked out while laughing to myself. I got into an uber that was parked outside of the hotel I was in. 

I looked out the window as I was on the plane. I thought about what type of task force Price was putting me on. I bet it's filled with a bunch of other skilled people if he wanted ME to be on it. Not to be used as an ego booster or anything but I was only put on missions when it was dealing with world threats or very risky in-and-out missions. 

when the plane landed in Mexico I walked straight to the luggage so I could hurry up and get to wherever price wanted me and I could get some rest. As I walked I saw a man with a sign that had my name. I walked over to the man and he looked at me surprised. 

Alia: Were you expecting someone else?

Soap: Oh sorry! no. It's just the way price talks about you I was expecting a battered-up woman, but you are dìreach brèagha(Simply beautiful). Hi, I'm Soap!

Alia: Thank you! I'm Alia.

We started walking out of the airport and he asked with his eyes wide,

Soap: You know Scottish

Alia: Only a little. I want to learn more it's a very beautiful language. 

Soap was very fond of Scotland and you can tell because he blushed when I Called his language beautiful. we got to the car and there was a guy in the front driver's seat. 

Gaz: Hey beautiful lady! I'm Gaz. I will be your lovely chauffeur this evening. 

He introduced himself to me while laughing. I could tell these two guys and I would be good friends.  

Soap: Lady's in front Madam. 

I laughed as soap opened the door to the passenger side for me. I got in the car and we drove to the base which was two hours away. With the way, the two guys treated me I knew they wouldn't mind if I slept, but I asked anyways. of course, they said yes so I turned slightly to the window and laid my head on the door. I watched all the lights pass by and soon my eyes closed.

Gaz: Good evening passenger princess. 

I slowly opened my eyes and looked around. 

Alia: Thank you for waking me. 

Gaz nodded his head towards me and then we got out of the car along with Soap and started walking to the doors of the base. as we walked in I noticed nearly everyone would turn their heads towards me. I leaned close to Soap and asked, 

Alia: Why is everyone staring at me? 

Soap: you're like a legend here. I mean you're a literal Black Widow.

Alia: Price sure does run his mouth doesn't he?

Soap: He's always drunk when he tells us these stories too.

I laughed out loud thinking about drunk Price talking about me. Gaz, Soap, and I stood outside Price's office door and we eventually went inside. I walked in and mockingly saluted Price and he laughed. 

Price: Good to see you haven't lost your amazing humor. 

I looked at him offended that he could even think that. 

Alia: How could I? 

Price: Alright let me introduce you to the others. Alia this is Alejandro

Price pointed to a relatively handsome man. I just know he has a hot accent. 

Alejandro: Hello Hermosa(Beautiful). 

I was right he had a very nice Spanish accent. He took my hand after calling me beautiful. 

Price: Alright and this is Ghost.  Don't let the mask scare you. 

I looked towards this "Ghost" man and I was shocked to see a man in a skull mask. I didn't show the shock on my face because duh that would be embarrassing but in the words of Rihanna, what's wrong with me? why do I feel like this? Damn, he was muscular. 

Alia: Hi Guys I'm Alia Ivanovna or also known as Valdis. 

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