Part 9: Mother Russia

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Sorry it's been a while. I started school and I've been super busy but here is the new part. Also I've been working on a Price fanfic where the main character which is you since it's a readerxprice has autism and a photographic memory. It's gonna be cute I hope lol. I have autism so it's kindve like my experience with it.

I woke up really early and I saw Simon sleeping peacefully. I looked at his uncovered chest and all the scars around his torso and pecs. I brought my finger up slowly and started tracing all of the small milky white scars and then moved to the big ones that were more redder. I traced his scars until I noticed his nose scrunch up.

Simon: That tickles.

I giggled as he rolled to his side to look at me.

Alia: Simon? Do you have any siblings?

Simon: I had a brother. His name was tommy. We never really got along. Do you have any siblings?

Alia: I have a sister. Natasha. I don't know where she is, but we have solved our differences throughout the years. We should probably get ready. Price texted the group chat about an emergency meeting at 8 today.

I gave Simon a quick kiss on the head and I swear I saw his cheeks blush. I walked to my room and put on a simple pair of sweats and walked out of my room. I saw ghost walking out of the bathroom in his full tactical gear. Compared to him I looked thin and small and I didn't know we were supposed to wear our gear but it's too late now. I'm comfy and I'm not changing.

We walked together to the meeting room and price looked very serious.

Price: we're going to have to put our break on hold for a quick mission. Alia... I know Russia is a touchy subject, but we have to take a mission there.

Alia: I'm fine. Besides you guys need me. I know Russia like the back of my hand.

Simon put his hand on my shaking leg as price continued talking. Once we were dismissed soap came up to Simon and I and hung his arms around our shoulders.

Soap: looks like it's us three clearing the building.

Soaps accent is visibly way stronger in the mornings. He didn't even go to his room to get dressed. I saw him walking straight to the kitchen and Simon followed after him. I decided I wanted a long shower so I went to mine and Simons room to get ready for the mission.

I picked up my white suit and my vest and headed to the bathroom to take a long deserved shower. As I was in the shower I noticed simon's body wash in the corner. I know it's wierd but I love the way he smells. It brings a lot of comfort. I washed myself with his body wash because if I'm going to Russia and facing a lot of bad memories I at least want to smell like my safe place or I should say safe person.

~time skip~
I sat in between soap and Simon on the small air craft. My left leg was constantly shaking up and down from anxiety and Simon put his hand on my leg to stop the shaking. I slightly glared at him and started shaking my right leg. I then felt soap put his hand on my other leg.

Soap: don't worry lass. Me and ghost got you. We won't let anything bad happen to you.

I sat in my seat slightly annoyed but what he said was funny. He thinks I'm worried about getting hurt. We landed and the three of us got out while the others stayed back.

Soap, Simon, and I stayed in the tree lines getting ready to move. I looked through the scope of my sniper and and looked around the building.

Alia: stay on ground. I'm going high.

I quickly climbed a tree that was bulky enough to where I couldn't be spotted. Soap stared up at me in shock but quickly went back to position.

I looked through my scope and saw a table with a bunch of people around. I looked closer to the table and I saw pictures of everyone in the 141 and las vaqueros.

Alia: I see pictures of everyone that currently resides on our base. Permission to flash.

Price: make known of your location try to take down as many people as you can. Get intel and all of those pictures.

I flashed the light on my scope and made known to the people huddled around the table. Once they realized there was a sniper in the trees everyone started taking cover. Soap and ghost were taking down atleast 2 people per 30 seconds. I stayed in the tree and continued sniping people hiding behind vehicles and tables.

Alia: I'm going in. You two cover me.

I ran into the midst because people kept coming from around the corners or from the inside of the building. I started sprinting faster and I quickly pulled my two pistols from the holsters and started shooting.

I ran towards one guy and kicked his legs to make him fall to the ground. I shot him in his chest and continued to fight off a group of five. 

Alia: we need to get out of here price there's too many people. I started running back to our previous spot. I saw ghost and soap stand up from there positions. I currently had a bunch of photos and files in my chest and my suit was zipped up all the way. I started signaling for them to run to the air plane. Soap and ghost started running with me behind them. We ran to the plane and when we got in Gaz shut the door. Soap and I were heavy breathing as we got in and price immediately came up to me.

I looked at him tiringly and I took the photos and files out of my boobs and handed them to him. He looked at me questioningly but shrugged it off. Our airplane started taking bullets and price started yelling at the captain to go.  Price came out of the cockpit looking very upset and angry.

Price: our base is under attack so as if right now we don't have anywhere to go.

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