Part 4: Mission

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*Author note* The villain in this story will be Drekov because I've read too many fics where the villains are the original COD villains. It won't be like in the black widow movie though. The storyline will be different and the way Drekov dies will be completely different. 

Price told us that we would be leaving for the mission today because the departure date moved up a day early. Today I woke up extra early to do my hair and go for a run. I put my hair in a ponytail and put my black suit on. Usually, I wear my white but since I'm just going on a run I'll wear my black. I grabbed my vest and walked out of my door.

I went to the kitchen and got a bottle of water to set by the entry door for when I get done running. I walked out of the door to the base and started running circles around the base. The base is pretty big so It took me about 20 minutes to run around the whole base. I ran for about two hours. I checked the time on my phone and it read 5:30. I got my water bottle and started drinking from it as I walked inside the base. compared to when I left the base was now alive and people were working. 

I went to Price's office and saw everyone there. 

Price: You look like a mess!

Alia: Thank you! I was out running for two hours so I would expect my looks to not be the best. 

Gaz: Two hours? God, I can't even imagine. 

Alia: I always run before missions it helps me stay stretched. 

Price: well we will discuss the mission deets on the plane but for now go and get ready. Alia you better take a shower!

Alia: yes sir!

I mockingly saluted him and walked out as Price was laughing his ass off. I walked alongside Ghost to get to our room. 

Alia: Is it ok if I take a shower?

Ghost: I took one already. You're good. Take your time.

Alia: Thank you.

There it is again. That feeling in my lower regions. It's not my fault it's his. His voice is so hot. I went into my room and grabbed my black and red suit along with my vest. I went into the bathroom and took off my sweaty black suit. I gotta be honest these things slip on and off pretty easily unless you sweat profusely. 

~time skip~

Putting these catsuits on after a shower is like hell. I feel like this one makes me look sooo hot. I then put my hair in a braid crown and walked out of the bathroom with my vest in my hands. When I walked out I saw Ghost coming out of his room and he looked at me with a weird emotion in his eyes. 

He looks hot. I mean he always looks hot but all of the tactical gear he has on right now accentuates his slutty little waist. oop that was a weird thought. I let him walk in front of me. we went outside to the hangar. Ghost and I walked into the airplane and saw everyone sitting in their seats. 

I sat by Alejandro and Ghost sat right in front of me. 

Price: Alright we will be going to Russia so this will be a pretty long flight. when we get there, Alia you will go inside with a flask drive and get intel from the computers inside the building. Ghost and soap will be Together in the building next to you. Alejandro and Rodolfo will be outside waiting for you outside of the door and then Gaz and I will be in the plane keeping an eye out for anyone coming near you. Question?

Everyone: No sir!

Price was right. The flight was long, and Ghost stared at me nearly the whole time. I put an earbud in my ear when the plane landed. I went outside of the plane and found an air vent on the side of the building. From there, I put on American pie in my earbud and got to work. 

Alia: This will be the day I die

Price: Alia! you're not dying. 

Alia: I'm singing my favorite song. now let me work!

I started crawling through the air vent until I saw a room full of computers. I jumped down from the vent. everyone must have been on lunch because there was no one in the office. I quickly typed in some codes to get into the computer without a password. I stuck the USB into the port and waited until everything was downloaded. as I waited I casually started singing. I mean what else was I supposed to do? sit and be bored. 

Alia: Bye Bye Miss American pie drove my chevy to the levee but the levee was dry. 

Alia: They were singin' "This'll be the day that I die." 

Once the files have been completely downloaded onto the USB a big screen in the front suddenly turned on. I saw a bunch of red on the screen all of a sudden a picture of my face popped up. 

Screen: Alia Natasha Ivanovna born in 1984 known as the infamous Black Widow

the screen showed pictures of me in the red room and security footage of missions I've been on. it even showed pictures of the children's ward. Flashbacks started hitting me all at once. My skin started burning as I saw the fire from the children's ward. 

I took a deep breath and listened to my surroundings. I quickly jumped onto a desk and grabbed the projector off the ceiling. I threw the projector on the ground ad started punching it until it looked completely broken into pieces. 

Alia: Price! Someone knows I'm here. I can't go through the vents again so tell Alejandro to pick me up at the front doors.

Price: Don't pay attention to what was on that projector. whoever did it is trying to get into your head. 

I walked out of the office doors and saw people coming back to the office. They weren't armed but they sure as hell weren't going down without a fight. 

Red and Black Simon Riley x oc Where stories live. Discover now