Part 5: Lady Widow

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~spicy warning~ later on in the chapter

In the red room, you were taught to fight gracefully but also aggressively. Sometimes the aggressiveness was too much to handle so it's as if widows activate an alter ego. Every single one of us has a psycho side that we call Lady Widow. It varies between all the widows, but they are all brutal. I knew to make it out alive I had to shut down and let Lady Widow take over. 

I looked at the group of people in front of me. They weren't armed but they sure as hell weren't going down without a fight. 

Alia: Got any last words?

They all started running towards me. I kept my calm composure and unlocked some very unwanted memories that I knew would make me mad enough to go absolute ape shit on these people. That projector stunt pissed me off to an extent that I didn't even know was possible. 

I grabbed the widow bites from my back. I activated the voltage on them and started hitting people. One guy kicked my back and that pissed me off even more. I grabbed his throat with one of my hands and threw him to the ground making sure to hit his skull super hard on the floor. I grabbed one girl by the hair and bashed her head on the wall. I then grabbed my widow bites again and started hitting one person in the legs and then I kicked them far away from me. the last person started trying to hurt me, but I quickly grabbed him by the chin and threw him to the ground.

Alia: Stay down! Stay down!

I started choking the man because he just wouldn't stop moving. His body eventually went limp. I started walking towards the kitchen. I was going off of the numbers that were on the wall. I finally found the kitchen. There was one singular chef in there. I grabbed a throwing knife from my pocket. 

Alia: leave or else!

I flashed him the knife and his eyes looked at me in fear. He immediately ran out of the kitchen. I went to the stoves and turn every single knob to the highest setting. I then put a bunch of forks and cans in the microwaves. I ran out of the kitchen so I could find the exit. 

Alia: Alejandro, Rodolfo, Ghost, and Soap! clear the building. 

Alejandro: But you're still in it!

Alia: I'll be fine! leave now!

I ran to the exit. As soon as I got out I started running towards the plane. The building blew up behind me and I could feel the heat against my figure. I saw Price and Ghost on the ramp of the plane. I stopped running and I was completely out of breath. 

Price: Are you ok?!

Alia: I'm going to be sick. 

I put my head into a trash can that Ghost handed me. I don't know where he got it, but I needed it. I started throwing up in the can Ghost was holding for me. Price made sure My hair didn't get in the way. when I was done throwing up Price immediately pulled me into a hug. 

Price: It's ok. You're ok. It's done and over with.

Ghost: Come on. Let's get you back to base. 

Ghost had his arm hooked with mine and started walking me to the plane. He sat right beside me on the plane and his leg was right against my leg. I swear I could hear a cat purring. 

After an hour into the flight, everyone was napping except for me and maybe Ghost. Our bodies were so close and I could feel the heat radiating off of him. He turned his body to mine and he was in fact sleeping. His hand landed on my thigh and I swear I have five heartbeats down there. My breath hitched when his hand went a little higher. I saw his eyes open and I swear this man stared into my eyes so hard he could see my soul. 

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