Part 10: Family Reunion

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Alia: I have a place we can go.

I walked into the cockpit and told the pilot to let me fly. I redirected the plane and went to an old home.

I landed the plane on a landing strip near the place we'll be residing in for a few days. Everyone got out of the plane and soap came near me.

Soap: I didn't know you could fly planes!

Alia: there's a lot of things you don't know about me.

I walked everyone to the doors of the building and took in a shaky breath.

Alia: Welcome to The Red Room Academy

Everyone gasped and I took a Bobby pin out of my hair and started to pick the lock. I unlocked the door and took my gun out. I held it in a defensive manner and started scoping the place.

I was about to turn the corner when I heard someone talk to me.

Melina: Alia. It's me it's mama.

I Drew in a sharp breath as I heard the familiar voice from the hallway. I quickly turned the corner with my gun pointed towards her chest. She raised her arms in the air signifying she didn't mean harm. I pointed my gun down and eventually put it back in the holster that was attached to my thigh.

Melina: why don't you and your friends come eat dinner with us?

Alia: ok

Talking was hard. I wasn't expecting having to face the past this much. I didn't know they were going to be here. I walked down the hall behind her. I made sure everyone in my team including las vaqueros was behind me. I stopped at a door in the hallway. The sign read "children's morgue" I silently continued on thinking about my past and how truly horrible it was.

Melina took us all to the cafeteria where the widows would usually eat except it was more homey. The dishes that lined the table were homemade. I then saw Alexei and Natasha at the table drinking shots of vodka.

Alia: Natasha?

I felt heart broken realizing they all had been living here without me and they've been acting as if they were a family like we once were.

Melina: we would have invited you but you looked busy with the military and all that. Come in guys have a seat there's plenty of food for everyone.

Everyone sat near me and I grabbed the bottle of vodka and poured me a shot.

Melina: Alia don't slouch!

Alia: I'm not slouching! I don't slouch.

Melina: you are slouching

Alexei: listen to your mother Alia

Alia: enough! We're just here for business. We just need a place to stay.

Melina: alright alright! You can stay just be careful with the pigs training outside. Don't do anything careless.

Alia: pigs?

Melina: it's an experiment like with chemically subjugating agents across the world. I'm trying to see if I can make the control stronger.

Natasha: why do you need to know that?

Melina: I don't know. I guess just to prove to myself that it really wasn't our fault for the things we've done.

Natasha: you talked about agents who were they?

Melina: I'm not sure. That was Dreykov's department. All I know is that turned CIA agents worked on a project with the red room so they could test whether mind control was possible. 

Alexei: oh my gosh it's like we're all like one big happy family again! Like that time I let the girls try to catch Santa.

Natasha: Stop! Who cares that wasn't real.

Alia: Don't say that. Please don't say that. It was real. It was real to me. You were my real mother! The closest thing I ever had to one. Those agents you chemically subjugated... that was me. And it was all your fault! But who cares you weren't even the first mother to abandon me.

Melina: no you weren't abandoned you were chosen by a program that assesses the genetical potential of infants.

Alia: I was taken?

My voice grew soft and I stood up from my chair. I made my way into the long hallways. I walked until I saw the door that said gymnasium.

I walked in seeing all the leotards and balance beams. I found my old locker and put on my black leotard that had the black widow emblem on it. I laughed at myself when I realized it still fit even after all the years.

I felt constant memories flooding into my brain as I put on my ballet shoes. I went over to the other half of the gym that had the ballet bars instead of gymnastics equipment. I stood on my points and started to do the old dance we were forced to do over and over again. The dance consisted of multiple striking widow poses that were made into a beautiful dance that helped us balance and be graceful while we fought.

I stopped dancing when my heart rate felt elevated. I took off my shoes but I walked over to the gymnastics side. Old memories of younger me training to be flexible came to find as I put the chalk on my hands. As I warmed up the constant memories flooding my brain caused my body to fall and curl up into a ball.

Simon: Alia

I heard loud and fast footsteps rush to me. Simon picked me up and laid me in his lap like he had done the day before.

Alia: it's too much!

Simon: shh shh it's ok. Your safe. I got you and I'm not going to let anything happen to you.

I could feel myself slipping and disassociating. My brain was locking down on me and I can't stop it. I'm pretty sure simon noticed it because he pulled me into his lap more so he could face me toward him.

Simon: hey Alia... I need you to stay with me.ok ? I'm going to put my hand on your face because it might help you ground yourself ok?

I could feel Simon's cold hand on my check and it brought me out of my episode. I'm glad he was able to catch it while I was just slipping or else I wouldn't have been able to come out until at least a couple hours.

Alia: thank you.

Simon: I know we don't really say it a lot but I love you Alia. I really do.

Simon hugged me close until my heart rate went down.

Alia: I love you too Simon. Are you ok? I know my episodes can be difficult on some people.

Simon: this has happened before?

Alia: a couple times actually. Price was usually always there.

Simon: I'm ok. Don't worry I'm just happy you're ok.

Alia: can I give you a tour?

Red and Black Simon Riley x oc Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt