Part 11: I see you

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Spicy towards the end🥵

Usually I would never recover this fast, but I want Simon to see me. I want him to see me for me. I want him to see my scars and see my childhood. I want him to see everything.

I walked him out of the gym and walked him straight to the next door which was the testing room.

Alia: In here we used to be tested. We were hooked up to monitors and put through multiple physical and emotional tests. They would either say things that could bring up traumatic memories or hurt us and we would have to remain calm. During the actual graduation ceremony if the monitor changed we would fail.

Simon: you don't have to do this Alia.

Alia: Simon I want you see me for me. I know I don't have to do this but I want to do this.

I walked Simon down the halls until I was at a door that said level 3.

Alia: this was my room. I was a level 3 widow. Highest level.

I walked him in the room and to my old bunk. I opened the chest in front of the metal framed bed. I looked at all of my ballet clothes, ballet shoes, the countless suits, the guns, and all of the knives that have the black widow emblem carved into them. I took a knife from simons pocket and put it in my vest and then I put one of the black widow knives in the pocket on his vest.

Alia: now you can always have a peice of me. And I can have a piece of you.

I also took the two pistols from the chest and put them in the holsters on my thighs. I looked at my widow bites that lay in the crate. I picked them up and put them on. It's been a while since I've had these on. I activated the voltage and my wrists lit up blue. Simon watched me as I pointed them towards the wall and shot. The wall shocked with electricity and there was a single hole where I shot.

Simon: those are cool. May I see?

I lifted my wrist and Simon drew this fingers around them. His cold gloves fingers traced my palm, and eventually traced the widow emblem
Alia: Follow me

I walked Simon to a large door that said children's morgue. He looked at me questioningly. I walked him in. I stood with my hands behind my back looking at the empty tables. I saw soap come in the door looking out of breath.

Soap: there you two are! Price got word from laswell.

Ghost, soap, and I walked back to the cafeteria.

Price: we have a mission. Alia... you are going undercover.

I walked back to my room and opened up the chest. To find all of my old undercover stuff. Ghost and price were both behind me.

Alia: who do you want me to be.

Price: you're going to be a dancer at a celebratory party. Do with that what you will Alia. I trust you and I trust your judgement.

Price walked out and ghost stayed behind with me. I pulled out a simple black leotard and a breathy black skirt. I also pulled out my black ballet shoes from the bottom of the chest.

Simon: are you sure you're going to be ok?

Alia: of course! I'm trained for this.

Simon came close to me and wrapped his hands around my waist nuzzled his face in my neck.

Simon: I just want you to be ok.

Alia: don't worry Simon I got this. I love you.

Simon: I love you too.

I know with simons past it's hard for him to say things like this and have physical contact, and whenever he does these little things it makes my heart flutter. I placed a soft kiss on his masked lips and put his hands on the bottom of my vest.

Alia: wanna help me get ready.

Simon lifted the Velcro pieces of my vest and moved it down my arms. He then brought his hands back up to the zipper of my suit. He slowly unzipped my suit and I could see his pulse quicken and his breathing was uneven has he unzipped me more. He got to my utility belt and unclipped it. He then took my suit down my legs and took everything off.

He stared up at me on his knees. He looked so pretty at this angle. His head was directly facing my lower tummy and his eyes were staring up directly into mine. He looked as if he was staring and worshiping to a goddess who he loved so dearly.

Simon went to get up but I stopped him with my hand.

Alia: don't move.

I stared at him intently with a more assertive look. An unknown emotion skimmed across his eyes. I noticed he started moving a bit more. Every now and then he would move his hands or his legs and I could see the longer I was looking at him the more desperate he was getting.

Simon started Getting impatient under my gaze. He was moving a little more now.

Alia: Do you want to touch me дорогой?(darling)

I could see simons eyes widen as I called him darling in Russian. I could clearly see how much he was enjoying this because of the painfully obvious bulge in his army pants.

Simon: yes.

Simon's eyes were desperate and pleading. I leaned my head downwards towards his ear and bit it softly. I could hear him slightly whimper but he tried to hide it by biting his lip.

Alia: beg for it.

Simon: please? Please Alia. Let me touch. Please. I really want to touch you

Simon was pleading with a shameful amount of despair. He looked into my eyes pleadingly. He was almost out of breath with how desperate he was

Alia: how could I say no to such a beautiful милый мальчик (sweet boy)? Touch me where ever you want.

I know Simon couldn't understand what I was saying but I could visibly tell how much he loved when I talked to him in Russian.

Simon ran his hands up my thick muscular thighs and to my medium sized waist. I was in no way a small petite woman. I had muscular thighs and a little fat on my tummy to help me stay warm if I were to ever be stuck in the cold, and Simon loved this. He loved how thick, soft, and slightly jiggly my thighs were. He traced over the scars that littered my body and quickly took his mask off.

Simon: can I kiss you?

Alia: wherever you want малыш (baby)

I could see Simon slightly trembling with need and despair as he touched me and got off of the ground so he could kiss me. He pressed his lips firmly on mine and I walked him towards my bunk and pushed him down.

Simon: I see you Alia. I want you so bad. Please?

I was about to take all of simons clothes off when the door to my room slammed open. I stared at the door in utter shock as soap's eyes widened. His mouth opened wide when he realized what he just interrupted.

Soap: omg! I'm so sorry! Price said get ready  because we're leaving in 15.

Soap covered his eyes with his arm and walked out of the door.

Alia: as much as I would love to finish this, we have to get ready.

I heard Simon whimper as his bulge in his pants was practically screaming.

Alia: you deal with that while I get dressed.

I placed a kiss on simons forehead and lips and got up off of him.

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