Part 15: Admitted

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Alia: shit!

Simon: what? Is something wrong?

Alia: I have to put the Christmas presents under the tree.

Simon: is that why you wouldn't let me into your room at all since that last midnight shopping spree?

Alia: yes! Help me up. I gotta put them under the tree so everyone can have a Christmas.

Simon: alright

Simon helped me up off the bed and helped me walk across the room. I was stronger now but my legs hurt like a bitch. I walked Simon to my room and showed him the monstrosity of Christmas that was in my room. There were perfectly wrapped Christmas presents on my bed and a bunch of rolls and scraps of wrapping paper on my floor.

Simon: wow! How did you manage to get all of these withought any of us knowing?

Alia: I'm a Russian assassin/spy. You think I don't know how to go in and out unnoticed.

Simon laughed and grabbed a couple of wrapped gifts along with the filled stockings that I was going to place on the wall since we sadly didn't have a fire place.

Simon: how did you even manage to know what everyone wanted?

Alia: Gaz still writes letters to Santa. Everyone felt bad and didn't want to ruin it so everyone else wrote a letter. I stole all of them and yeah that's how.

Simon: Gaz writes letters to Santa?

Simon laughed hard and almost fell over if the wall wasn't there to catch him. Simon and I finished setting up the gifts and I was extremely tired. I walked back to Simon and I's room and layed down on his bed. I watched Simon turn out the light and walk over to the bed. I took off the shirt I was wearing. Which was in fact Simon's and threw it across the room. I cuddled into Simon and he threw his arms around me in protective way. I slowly fell asleep in Simon's warm embrace feeling like the most happiest person in the world.


I woke up to fluttery kisses being placed on my neck.

Alia: good morning Simon! merry Christmas!

Simon: good morning darling

Alia: it's Christmas!

I don't think I've ever gotten out of bed that fast before. I quickly rushed to my room to get a pair of red plaid shorts and a simple black t shirt. I walked out of my room and saw Simon in sweats. I rushed towards the living room and  saw everyone looking confused.

Alia: merry Christmas everyone!

Alejandro: did you get all of these gifts?

Alia: Of course not! Santa brought them! come on open them up.

I watched everyone start to unwrap their gifts and I could barely contain my excitement as I watched my friends get excited about what they got. I saw prices eyes staring at me. He knew I bought all of these gifts. In fact I'm sure everyone knew I bought them, but I just my family to have a Christmas.

I've never had Christmas until price came along and saved me. I can't put into words how thankful I am for him. I got an envelope that had a pretty green wax seal and handed to price. I watched him open it and start reading the long hand written note I made for him.

Price saved me countless times. Not just from the red room but from myself as well. There was one point in my life where I didn't want to do anything with my life. I would barely eat and I would sleep all day. Price lit up my world and he was like a perfect father figure in my eyes. I know I said I would never admit it to him but I just did in that letter.

I saw price's eyes well up with tears as he looked up from the letter.

Alia: I got you something else too.

I gave him a bag that had a really pretty snowflake on it. He opened it and pulled out a "world's best dad" trophy

Alia: I know it's not much, but I just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate you.

Price: Alia... this is the best gift I've ever gotten.  Thank you so much!

Price pulled me into a ginormous bear hug and I felt so safe in that moment. When price let me go I finally remembered I had a gift for Simon. I went to the Christmas tree and pulled a small red box about the size of my hand from behind the tree.

When I got to Simon he looked at me with a questioning look.

Alia: I got this for you.

Simon: you didn't have to get me anything.

Simon gently pulled the box out of my hand with a small frown on his face. I could tell by the way his eyes scrunch up. That the only way I can know his emotions when he has his mask on but I don't mind.

He unwraps the paper to reveal a red velvet box. He looked up to me and I nodded at him to keep going. He opened the box carefully and saw a gold bracelet that had our initial graves in it along with the date of when we made things official.

Simon looked up to me and hugged me tightly. Simons not big on pda and him hugging me in front of everyone shows how much he trusts me and I really like that.

Alia: look I have one too.

I lifted my wrist to show Simon the replica that was on my wrist.

Simon: thank you so much Alia. I love you

Alia: I love you too.

Price: Alia?

Alia: yeah?

Price: we all got you presents too.

Alia: what?! You didn't have too!

Laswell: of course we did! You do this every year you buy everyone else presents but you always forget about yourself.

I turned around to laswell and saw her and her wife along with a bag full of presents.

Alia: omg!

I ran up to them to give them both hugs.

Laswell: you deserve Christmas too!

Kate handed me the bag full of presents.

Laswell: they're all yours.

I started sobbing when Kate said they were all mine. I felt guilty that they bought all of this for me.

Alia: there's so many.

Laswell: you've never really celebrated Christmas before so all of these gifts are to makeup for the years that we're lost.

I hugged Kate and her wife and sat down on the couch. I opened all the gifts continuously sobbing because I was so happy.

Alia: thank you guys!

I watched Simon walk up to me with his hands behind his back. He sat next to me and looked deeply into my eyes.

Simon: I know I'm not the best at showing emotions or physical affection but I'm really trying. So I got you something.

Simon pulled out a ring box and for a second I was kindve scared but when he opened it there were two rings that had the word promise on the inside.

Alia: how did you know my ring size?

Simon: I might've measured it while you were sleeping. Look on the inside of the rings.

I took the rings out and looked at the inside. On the smaller one there was the black widow emblem and on the bigger one there was a little skull face. I put my ring on my finger and I put his ring on his finger. I hugged him tightly and put a kiss on his masked face. I could see how his eyes scrunched when he smiled under his mask.

I was truly happy right now. I know that I will do anything for this team. Even if it makes me a traitor or a wanted criminal. I would do anything for them.

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