Part 8: Childhood

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In this chapter, I go into detail about the red room and I add things to it, but for the most part, the red room is the same. TW: infertility, scars, and stuff like that. Also, I know Simon is soft in this fanfic and It's because I've read so many angsty fics that I just want a soft Simon for once so yeah. If you want angst I'll be happy to give it though. Should I keep going? I feel like people stop reading after the first two chapters so should I just start a new one?

Alejandro: That looks terrifying

Alia: there's more

the next file was my graduation report. 

Alia: In the red room where I was trained, where I was raised, there was a graduation ceremony. There would be a series of mental and physical tests. If you passed... they sterilize you by performing an involuntary hysterectomy. If you failed... you were killed. 

I finally looked up at everyone hoping they wouldn't see me as a monster. 

Alia: For them, it was one less thing to worry about. It made everything easier. Even killing. I never thought about a future when I was in the red room but after the graduation ceremony, that's all you can think about.  For the rest of my life in the red room, I thought I was a monster, a failure, and even a complete disgrace of a woman. 

Price didn't know this part about the red room. The whole team looked shocked and I could tell everyone felt hurt realizing the horrifying truth of what I went through. I looked at Simon and although his face was covered I could still see everything processing in his eyes. Price got up out of his seat and started walking towards my chair. Price came near me to pull me into a hug, Simon's eyes looked physically pained when I slightly flinched in Price's arms. Price let me go and turned towards everyone. 

Price: This meeting has come to an end. I'll cook dinner tonight. How does macaroni from a box sound?

Alia: Make sure we have hot sauce. 

Simon and I quietly walked to our room. When we got inside he quickly turned to catch me as I collapsed onto the floor crying. Simon pulled me onto his lap and I cried in his arms. 

Alia: I'm sorry. I know we haven't been dating for even a day, but I'm sorry I can't bring you a child. 

Simon: Don't you dare apologize for something that monster did to you. You are not a monster, you are not a failure, and you are not a disgrace. you are loved by everyone here and no matter what I will always be here for you. 

Alia: Thank you, Simon

Simon rocked me in his arms for what felt like forever. I eventually fell asleep since his body was so warm. I woke up to Simon saying my name softly, and at that moment I just wanted to stay right here with him for the rest of my life. 

Simon: Alia, It's time for dinner. 

Alia: I don't want to.

I squealed as Simon picked me up and carried me out the door.   

Price: you guys finally made it!

Simon: Someone here wanted to fight over not eating dinner. 

Alia: you know I can kill you right now right?

Simon: you won't

Simon sat me at the table and put a plate in front of me. Simon leaned in close to me so only I could hear him.

Simon: with the way you marked me the other day, I don't think you want to kill me. 

I rolled my eyes as I started eating my dinner. 

Alia: so... I was thinking we should all go shopping for Christmas gifts so we can all celebrate with each other. 

Soap: Yes! 

Soap came over to sit by me and we talked about which shops we should go to. Soap and I talked the whole dinner. somehow we got on the topic of Scotland and I had nearly a whole conversation in Scottish with him. Soap was genuinely happy about having someone who could speak with him in his first language.  Soap eventually got tired and went to his room as everyone else did besides Simon and me. 

Simon and I stared at each other for a while until he bushed a piece of my hair behind my ear. 

Simon: you're so pretty.

Alia: thank you. you're beautiful too!

Simon blushed as I called him beautiful. he came close to me and picked me up. 

Alia: I'm starting to think you just like to carry me. 

Simon let out a deep chuckle and continued carrying me to our room. he set me down on his bed and took one of his t-shirts out of a drawer. He walked over to me and slowly started taking off my clothes. he got in between my legs and sat on his knees in front of me. 

Simon: Can I see your scars? I saw them the other night, but can I admire them?

Alia:  yes. you're the first person who has ever wanted to see them. 

Simon took my shirt off and then my shorts. Simon ran his hand over the medium-sized milky white scar on my tummy. He then moved on to the ones on my thighs and he drew stars with his fingers on top of them. he then took his shirt off to show me the scars he had all over his chest and stomach. He let me touch the small ones he had on his torso. 

Simon got the shirt that he had laid to the side of me and put it over my head. I was instantly hit with the scent of him and at that moment I knew I would do anything for Simon. Even if he hated me or betrayed me. I knew I would do anything for him. 

Simon got up from the bed and took all of his clothes off beside his boxers and came back over to me. 

Simon: do you want to sleep in my room or your room?

Alia: I want to sleep with you. 

Simon pulled the covers from under me and pulled them up to my chest. He then went to the other side and got under the covers. Simon pulled me close to his body and put my head in the crook of his neck. 

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