Part 18: Grim Reaper

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Warnings: thoughts of future, uterus transplant maybe more but I'm not sure.

Sooo I escaped death. Imagine that. Everything's back to somewhat normal now. It's been about two months. A lot has been on my mind, and if I'm being honest I'm being a little distant with Simon. Simon is half of my thoughts now. I've been thinking a lot about the future like will we ever get married or what are we going to do when our mission is over.

I've even had thoughts about children. I did some quick google searches and I saw a thing on uterus transplants. I might be able to get one, but would Simon even want kids?

I've withdrawn from everyone. I've barely been eating with my thoughts constantly running. Everyone's been starting to notice that I've been distant. They've been giving me space, but I'm just so conflicted right now.

After my close death experience, I realized I want a future with Simon and I really want kids.

I'm sat in the bathroom thinking about everything. I had a box of red hair dye in my hand. Natasha dyed her hair blonde so it's only fair I dye mine red. I'm bored and conflicted and it only reads to two solutions. Dye your hair or talk to someone, and I'm not ready to talk to anyone about this yet.

My hair dye was setting and here I was sobbing on the ground. I heard Simon sit on the other side of the door, but he didn't say anything. He didn't push me to open the door. He just comforted me in silence.

I eventually heard something slide against the floor. I looked down and saw a small peice of paper. I picked the paper up and saw a small stick figure being hugged by a big stick figure. Then there was a little pink heart above the two figures which I think was supposed to be us. He slid a black pen under the door and I picked it up. I drew a few more hearts around the two figures and then on the back I wrote " can we talk after I shower? Love you" I then slid it under the door and waited for his response. The note slid back under and I read " of course! Love you too!"

I took of all of my clothes and got into the shower so I could wash the hair dye out of my hair. I combed my hair with my fingers to make sure it was nice and soft.

I got out of the shower and started drying my hair with the towel. The ends of my hair were orange but I kinda liked it. I put on a black top and some black leggings and then brushed my hair out. I took a deep breath in and let it out.

I swung the door open and saw Simon right outside. All of a sudden a ton of emotions hit me and I threw myself in Simon's arms. He wrapped one arm on my back and put the other one on the back of my head. I sobbed in Simon's chest.

Simon: shhh it's ok. I'm here for you Alia.

Alia: I'm so sorry.

I don't even know how I managed to speak through my choked sobs.

Alia: I love you so so much Simon, and I didn't mean to be so distant.

Simon: hey hey it's ok everyone understands. No one in this whole base is mad at you.

Alia: thank you for being so understanding.

Simon: I will always be understanding Alia. I love you. Also I love your hair.

Alia: thanks. I love you too Simon. The reason I've been so distant is because I was thinking about children and our future.

Simon: what-

Soap: Simon and Alia! We have an emergency mission! Hurry!

Alia: I promise we'll talk more about this when we're not busy.

I rushed to my room and put a black suit on and I put on my vest before leaving. Simon grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers so we could walk to the briefing room together. I walked into the meeting and everyone turned their heads toward me.

Price: you dyed your hair.

Alia: yep! And I'm feeling better. Sorry I've been distant.

Price: it's alright kid. Glad to see your feeling better.

Soap: lass that hair color looks good on you.

Alia: thank you! Natasha dyed her hair blonde so I dyed mine red.

Price: looks good kid.

Alia: thanks!

Price: alright. Our fear has come true Alia. Dreykov is still alive.

Alia: great! Do we atleast have a lead on him.

Price: that's where we're about to go right now.

Alia: let's get this mothefucker then.

Price: alright. Everyone gear up. On your way out grab an earpiece.

Simon and I walked together to our room.

Alia: when all of this is over we're going to have a longgg talk.

Simon: I agree, but for now... I love you Alia.

Alia: I love you too Simon. This mission is going to be hard.

Simon: oh yeah it is. 

I walked to my room. I swapped my suit out for my white one. If Dreykov's gonna die, it's going to be by my hands and I will make sure of that. I braided my now red hair into a bun. I put the earpiece in and walked out of my door. Simon wasn't done yet so I knocked on his door. When he let me in I saw him in military pants with his mask on. I lost my breath looking at his bare chest. The military pants he wore squeezed his large thighs and the mask he had on made him disrespectfully hot.

Simon: love you're staring.

Alia: what? No I'm not I'm just waiting.

Simon: do you usually not blink when you're waiting.

Alia: I just don't blink.

Simon: don't lie darling. I might have to punish you when we get back.

Alia: hmmm I don't plan on behaving so you might just have to teach me a lesson.

I walked over to Simon and ran my finger from his pec down to the hem of his pants.

Alia: we have a mission to get to.

Simon: such a tease.

I laughed and walked out of the room. I continued through the halls until I got to the helicopter.

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