Part 16: Snowball fight!

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Alia: let's go outside!

Price: no. It is way to cold everyone will get sick.

Alia: pleaseeeee. Pleaseeeeee price please please please.

Price: no Alia. It's too cold.

Alia: I was raised in Russia I can handle the cold!

Price: not all of us were raised in Russia. No

Alia: pleaseeee da- price!

Soap: did you just almost call price dad lass?

Price: yeah did you?

Alia: no! I meant to say cap! I just slipped on my words!

Price: bring it in Alia! best Christmas ever!

Price grabbed me and pulled me into a big bear hug. It was really nice and warm, but if I hug him back I admit that I almost called him dad. Fuck it! I hugged him back and sniffed a little because of how comforting this is.

Price: are you crying?

Alia: no I just think You got some onion juice on your shirt from cooking.

Price: I didn't cook this morning Alia.

Alia: shit! This is embarrassing.

Price finally let me go and I grinned Evily towards Simon. I'm about to do something really fucked up. I grabbed the candy cane out of my mouth that I had been sharpening all morning and pounced on Simon.

Alia: let's go outside or else Simon gets it.

Simon: you can't kill a Ghost honey.

Alia: wanna bet?

I dug the candy cane farther into his neck, and looked at price.

Price: fine! Everyone bundle up!

Alia: yes!!!

Simon: did you really have to threaten me with a candy cane? It couldn't have atleast been a knife?

Alia: you would prefer a knife to your neck?

Simon: it's embarrassing to get killed by a candy cane.

Alia: mmm yeah I gues your right.

I swiftly grabbed a small knife from my bra and held it against Simon's throat.

Alia: alright! You heard price! Bundle up! I wanna see everyone outside in 15 minutes. And if you aren't. Your gonna get it.

Everyone left in a hurry probably scared of what just happened. We were just being soppy five minutes ago and now I was holding a knife to his throat.

Simon: press a little harder honey and I might just moan.

Alia: what?

Simon: you heard what I said.

Alia: sadistic. I like it! We're gonna try this later.

Simon: mmm can't wait darling.

I let go of Simon and ran to my room giggling. I quickly hurried into my room to put some clothes on. I put a simple white T that was most definitely Simon's and then I put on a plaid jacket along with some plaid pants. I let my hair loose in it's natural waves and walked out of the room. I saw Simon in a really nice blue jacket that had the British flag on it. He didn't have his mask on and that made me frown slightly.

Alia: where's your mask?

Simon: I'm not gonna wear it. I trust this team enough to know my face.

I have Simon a big goofy smile and gave him a small kiss his chest because I can't quite reach his face. He bent down low so I could give him another kiss and I smiled at him even wider. I gave his nose and then his lips a feathery kiss and walked to the door.

I walked to the entrance doors of the base and went outside. I saw everyone in a line saluting.

Alia: why are you weirdos saluting.

Everyone beside Simon: reporting for duty ma'am!

Alia: shut up! Follow me. We're going to my hide out!

Price: hideout? Also nice to see you Simon!

Alia: I call it the web! It's super cool. It's in the back over here by the decor tank.

I walked them to the web. There were lights and outdoor safe pillows, and some bug spray because I'm terrified of bugs but I will never tell the boys that! While they were checking out my hide out I bent down and grabbed a handful of snow. I threw the first snow ball right into the back of Simon's head. He turned around slowly and smirked at me.

Simon: oh you're fucked now!

Alia: I hope so!

I ran away giggling, and while he might have a pretty good stamina and speed he's still not as fast as me.

Alia: catch me if you can loser!

Simon: oh it's on!

I gathered a bunch of snowballs when I saw the cost was clear. I quickly ran up the latter to the roof and made a small little camp site. I heard voices from the ground near me and I lowered my breathing as well as my heart rate.

Gaz: let's team up yeah Ghost?

Soap: yeah let's find her. Price?! Wanna join our team.

Price: let's get her!

Simon: 4 against 1 Alia! You don't stand a chance.

He underestimated me. I giggled and looked over the edge of the roof. I saw them all walking toward the web and looking in there. I threw a long shot at soap who was almost dazed and confused.

Soap: wtf lass!

Simon: she got you?

Soap: yeah.

Simon: she's close then!

I saw price walk the edge of the base. I quickly moved farther behind him and made sure to hit him on his hip with a snowball.

Price: fuck! I'm out I got hit.

Soap: nooo price! We have both died.

Gaz: just me and you Simon.

I glanced outwards towards the back of the base and saw Gaz scouting the fence. I grabbed two snowballs and pushed them together to make a ginormous ball. I threw it straight at Gaz's face. He looked shocked and tried to look around for me to hint anything to Simon.

Gaz: no fair! She hit me with two snowballs!

Soap: damn! Double homicide!

Simon: just me and you love!

I cackled lightly at soaps remark and waited for Simon to get close. My nose was slightly going numb so I quickly rubbed it. I saw Simon walk up to the edge slightly stalking so he couldn't get sniped with a snowball. I jumped down quickly from the edge of the roof behind Simon. He turned around quickly to hit me with the snowball, but he didn't expect me to be so close to him. I shoved the snowball in his face with my hand.

Alia: hah! I win! Don't underestimate me.

The snow melted on his warm skin and it was red. My eyes looked concerned. And I put my hands in his cheeks to warm them up.

Alia: I'm sorry I didn't mean to get that aggressive.

Simon: it's alright love. Let's get you back inside you look worse then me.

It was true. Now that I was inside I could feel the snot running out down my face, the tingling of my nose regaining feeling, and my teeth chattering.

Price: I told you so Alia!

Alia: whatever I'll be fine!

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