Part 22: Femal Rage

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Feminine rage is not the female expression of normal anger.  Feminine rage is the physiological, ancestral, naked and embodied response to things gone wrong in the world.

Many people say Male Rage is scarier than Female Rage. If they think that, have they really seen Female Rage. A Woman's Rage is rooted deep from ancestry. Patriarchal oppression, not being listened too, not being believed, or being told they can't do something because they're a woman can be channeled into a brutal and aggressive rage that can drive any woman to murder.

Female Rage has been dated way back in old paintings or journal writings. It is one of the one things every woman is connected by. Female Rage is scary, Brutal, bloodcurdling, and spine-tingling. A woman could tear down empires with just a drop of her rage if she wanted to, and that's exactly what I'm going to do.

I will show Dreykov rage and ruthlessness if he truly wants it. No one can take the throne that I built for myself. I've been abused and tortured, and I'll be damned if I let that fucker live any longer than he has. 

I'm angry but not to a point where I'm reckless. My tears are dry and my face is cold. I feel nothing. I turned everything off. My thoughts, emotions, and my heart. I'm no longer Alia. I'm the killer he wants me to be. That he trained me to be.

Dreykov: if you won't crumble to my manipulation, I guess I'll just have to get creative.

I watched him carefully as he walked to a small metal box. He took out a medium sized knife and a cloth. He walked to the door and locked it. Dumb move if you ask me. I watched him with cold eyes as he walked over to me.

Dreykov: don't worry sweet dove. I'm not going to hurt you.

Alia: don't touch them.

He walked over to Soap and put the knife against his cheek. He held the knife there and looked to me. Soap's eyes were wide and terrified.

Alia: don't hurt them! If you're going to hurt someone hurt me! Not them! I can take it they can't.

Dreykov: I'm not gonna hurt him. But this one looks interesting.

He took the knife away from Soaps face and went to Gaz. He twirled the knife while staring at Gaz. He pursed his lips and looked at me with a smile.

Dreykov: this one isn't the right person either.Hurting him will only make you mad not ruthless. What about this guy hmm?

Dreykov walked to price and put the knife to his throat.

Dreykov: I could kill him. What would you do if I killed all of your friends? Maybe I should kill them all just to see what you would do.

Alia: stop. Don't hurt them. Make me a widow again or kill me. Do whatever you want to me just don't. Hurt. Them.

Dreykov: maybe I should hurt your little boyfriend. How would you feel about that?

Alia: don't.

Dreykov walked over to Simon and stood in front of him. My stare was cold and I found myself checking my restraints. My legs weren't  tied but my hands were. I could easily break them if I needed to.

Alia: touch him, and your dead.

Dreykov: oh really? I think I found the right person I need to hurt.

Dreykov pulled Simon's mask off and my gaze darkened. Simon kept shifting in his seat or trying to lower his head. Seeing Simon so uncomfortable made me angry beyond belief.

Alia: stop it Dreykov!

Dreykov took the knife in his hand and put it against Simon's cheek. I could tell Simon was angry for being so vulnerable right now and I can't put into words how enraged I am.

Alia: don't do it Dreykov.

Dreykov didn't answer me. He drew the knife down Simon's cheek creating a shallow cut on his face. I watched the blood drip from the cut. My blood ran cold and my skin was burning.

I broke the restraints around my hands and quickly lunged at Dreykov. The knife fell from his hands and I threw it away. I got on top of him and started punching him over and over again. His grip and hits hurt but there was no way I was going to stop. My fists were bloody and I'm pretty sure I had a few broken bones in my hand.

I let out a strangled cry as I continued punching him. I couldn't stop. His face was unrecognizable with all of the blood and torn skin. I was a monster, a weapon, a trained killer, and a ruthless woman.

My hands aren't clean, and maybe they never will be, but for my team I will always protect them. I let out a a blood-curdling scream as I let all of my pent up anger and rage go.

My fist hurt and I had a horrible headache, but I can't stop. No matter how many times I punch him I still think it's not enough. He deserved every moment of this pain and he deserves to rot in hell for the things he has done.

My cheeks were stained and wet from angry tears. My head was throbbing and my body burned like I was being sprayed with acid. My fist was numb as I continued on with my heavy and strong punches.

I heard my name being screamed by multiple people, but ny hearing was clouded. I couldn't see and I couldn't hear. My senses were gone and I can't seem to find myself in the void of darkness and rage.

I stopped punching him and went back into a corner. I curled myself up into my knees and sobbed. The tears kept flooding and I was trembling. My shaking figure was aggressive. I couldn't look up and face them.

I was a cold blooded killer. I didn't deserve to live. I didn't deserve redemption. I didn't deserve the teams love and trust. I didn't deserve anything beside a slow, painful, and torturous death. I deserved to die for all the things I've done.

My sobs were strangled and I felt like I couldn't breathe. I was wailing and letting out desperate cries. The room was silent besides my sobs and loud whimpers.

The boys sat and watched me fall apart. Gaz was the first to break his restraints. He untied everyone else and all of them huddled around me.

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