Part 3: Feral

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I woke up to knocking on my bedroom door. I felt so well rested surprisingly, but I didn't want to get out of bed. In fact, I didn't want to do anything. 

Alia: Come in!

Ghost opened the door and looked at me. 

Ghost: Breakfast is done and usually after we eat we all train together. 

Alia: Alright I'll be out in a few minutes.

Ghost left and I sat staring at my ceiling until I decided to finally get ready. I braided my hair into a bun quickly and put on my black widow suit. I grabbed my vest as I was walking out of the door and headed to the kitchen. 

Price: Took you long enough! Come on eat up princess. 

Alia: You sound like a dad.

Price: I feel like one! If it wasn't for me I bet you would forget to eat. 

Alia: I probably would.

Price and I sat together laughing as we talked about him acting like a dad. He truly was like a father figure to me. I would never admit it but I do think of him as a father figure. 

Alia: I'm full.

Price: how can you be full?! You only ate your bacon and eggs. I made you slutty waffles those are your favorites. 

Alia: I love your slutty waffles but I can't eat like a grown man. 

Price and I laughed as we argued over slutty waffles. we walked to the training room and saw the other guys including someone new. He was sitting near Alejandro. 

Alejandro: Alia! Meet my buddy Rodolfo. 

Alia: Hi Rodolfo! I'm Alia. 

I sat in a chair between Ghost and Soap. I've noticed that Soap and Ghost are usually always near each other. Price stood in front of all of us. 

Price: ok let's start training. partner up with someone and get to training. Soap you're with me today since I trained with Gaz yesterday. Ghost looked towards me and I got what he wanted to say and I nodded my head towards him. I'm nervous. If at any moment he takes me down while fighting I might just pop the question.  

Ghost and I walked to the large mat in the middle of the room. 

Ghost: Are you ready?

I'm ready for you to fuck me- No! Stop it not today!

Alia: Yes I'm ready.

Ghost struck with his arm to punch me. I grabbed his wrist and twisted it outwards. I then swiftly flipped onto his shoulders and brought him to the floor with a really loud bang. 

Price: OMG! It's training Alia, not a mission. 

Alia: what? where I was trained we train as if our opponent is trying to kill us in a real-life situation.

Soap: That was hot!

Ghost: I'm fine Price. with the vest on it didn't hurt that bad. 

Price: look Alia I'm not mad at you or anything I was just a little shocked. Maybe just refrain from using your special widow tactics. 

Alia: Fine.

I grumbled and walked back to Ghost. 

Alia: Sorry...

Ghost: It's alright sweetheart. It didn't hurt that bad. 

I froze when he called me sweetheart and he used that to his advantage to get payback. He grabbed my arm and tried to kick me in the back. when He kicked my back I swiftly turned and went into a striking widow pose. In the corner of my eyesight, I could see Price shaking his head and getting back to practice with Soap.  From here in my widow pose, I could either swoop my legs and make him topple to the ground or I could trap his leg with my legs and make him fall on his stomach and I could get on top of him from behind. I quickly scooted towards him and caught one of his legs with my thighs. I made him fall on his stomach and then I quickly got on top of him to restrain him. 

Feeling his muscular back as I straddled him was making me feral. At this point, I need to be spayed and neutered with how I'm acting. That move takes a lot of energy so I was heavy breathing in his ear. This could easily look like a very freaky sex scene to anyone who just so happened to walk by the training room.  I got off of him and we stared for what honestly felt like forever. 

I couldn't tell if he was angry that I practically just dominated him or if he was just as turned on as me. I'm going to be honest I'm eye fucking him right now. 

*In the back*

Soap, Gaz, Price, Alejandro, and Rodolfo were huddled and talking about Alia and Ghost. 

Soap: They're literally eye fucking right now!

Gaz: I mean who wouldn't? Did you see how she just flipped him over? 

Alejandro: Ghost is definitely a bratty bottom.

Everyone started laughing as Alejandro said that Ghost was a bratty bottom

*Back with Alia and Ghost*

Ghost tried to strike me with his fist again and I decided instead of doing a quick takedown I'll let this one go for a bit. I dodged his fist and then Kicked his chest making him take a few steps back. He quickly tried to Strike with his fists again, but I swiftly ducked down and swept my leg under his. Ghost fell back and I quickly got on top of him. I was here once again straddling his arms to his side with my legs and I could feel how muscular he was under the t-shirt he was wearing.

We were both staring at each other. we were breathing heavily from fighting. 

Alia: God you're making me feral. 

Shit, I said that out loud. I quickly got off of him and held my hand out to help him up. I was seriously blushing right now. I helped him up and shock his hand

Alia: Good game

Ghost: Good game

we both looked at the other guys just to see them looking at us.

Price: Alright lovers! we're done for today. 

I got even redder as Price called us lovers, but then I realized I should not be happy about that. to save myself from any more embarrassment I looked up at Price to reply. 

Alia: we aren't lovers it was just a friendly fight. 

Soap: Friendly... right...

Ghost and I both rolled our eyes as we walked toward the door. 

Ghost: Ladies first.

he gestured to the door and I nodded my head toward him.

Alia: Thank you

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