Part 21: A monster?

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I woke up to multiple people saying my name in hushed tones. I went to hold my head but my arms were tied behind me. I have a throbbing headache. My mind becomes more aware of my surroundings. My hands are tied behind me and the lights above are red. I looked around and I saw my whole team looking at me.

Alia: I think we've been kidnapped. *giggles*

Price: I think your delirious from the sedation.

Alia: oh definitely but don't worry the feeling in my body is coming back.

Simon: unfortunately there's no way we can get out of these restraints.

Alia: fortunately you're wrong-

The door barged open and Dreykov walked inside along with two guards. I swallowed the saliva in my mouth and lifted my head a little more.

Alia: hello life ruiner!

Dreykov: you've been out of the red room for years so I don't see your problem.

Alia: your my problem asshole!

Dreykov: you better watch your tone. I am the one who raised you so respect me.

Alia: oh stop it!

Dreykov: don't tell me... to stop!

Alia: if I'm not there to tell you to stop then how will you know when to shut up.

Dreykov punch me in the face and my head moved to the side. I rolled my head upwards feeling my vision slightly wobble. I laughed as I moved my head to stare Dreykov in the eyes.

Alia: you think I can't take a punch? You raised me you should know that I can take way more than a punch.

Dreykov: shut up you bitch!

Dreykov punched me again except this time with the hand that had a large metal ring. My chair slightly went back from the force of the punch, but I used my body weight to make sure I didn't fall. I gave Dreykov a nearly sadistic and creepy smile.

Alia: God... Damnit! You're weak! But I guess it's easier to be tough in front of defenseless little girls.

Dreykov:  y'know I was going to go easy on you and just kill your friends and make you a widow again, but you have made me incredibly angry.

Alia: what are you gonna do? Torture me? You've done that already get creative!

Dreykov: no... I'm going to tell your friends about Osaka, Hussain, or Operation Angel. Or... how about I tell them about the Children's Ward. Should I even show some photos? Let me get the photos so they can have a visual of how horrible you really are.

A guard came in with a medium sized box in his hands. My skin was burning at the thought of the Children's ward. Every sound felt like a needle being stuck in my ear and my vision kept nearly fading to red with how angry I was. I glared at Dreykov and every time he would move my eye would twitch from anger.

Dreykov: in this box... is pictures of all the people you have killed while in the red room. It's an impressive collection you got. Let's take a look shall we.

Dreykov took the box and put it down on the table in front of us. He opened it and I saw a bunch of headshots of the people I killed. I remember every single one of them. Some even joint my dreams at night.

Alia: stop.

Dreykov: no you brought this open yourself.

He took out every picture and layer them down on the table. I saw faces of government officials, innocent adults, people who got caught in the crossfire, and then I saw what I was really afraid of. The children.

Soap: lass? Why are there photos of children?

Alia: stop it Dreykov! 

Dreykov: oh. I've struck a nerve haven't I?

Alia: stop!

Dreykov: there are children here because Alia killed them. Isn't that right? You remember the children's ward Alia?

Alia: shut up. Shut up! It is all your fault that they are dead!

Dreykov: my fault? But your the one that killed them. If anything it all your fault.

Alia: no? *sob* no it can't be. You made me!

Dreykov: mind control wasn't real yet Alia. You killed them and you know it. You're just looking for someone to blame.

Alia: no! No! I didn't do it!

Dreykov: yes you did. It was amazing how ruthless you were. Killing all of these people. The men around you have made you soft, and I'm going to make you tough again. If I have to break you in order to do it I will.

Alia: why break me when I'm already broken?

Dreykov: I'm going to make you ruthless even more than before and these men are going to see it before there very eyes.

Ghost: are you threatening her?

Dreykov: it's not a threat. It's a promise.

Dreykov went close to Simon's face and I swear if he does anything to Simon I will kill him. My team is my family and if any of them get hurt I will go bat shit crazy.

Alia: fuck off! Leave them alone!

There were tears in my eyes and everything was blurry. My face hurt from being punched and my skin burned at the thought of the children's ward.

I can't take much more. Dreykovs right he can break me if he tried hard enough. It's almost like broken glass. I may be in shards, but you can still grind me up until I'm little microscopic pieces of glass that look like sand.

Dreykov: face it Alia. You're a monster!

Alia: A monster?

He was right. I've killed so many people without even thinking twice. I've killed children, honored people, and innocent people.   I truly am a monster and a weapon. I have been since I was a kid. It's not fair... It's not fair. I was a child. I was forced into this lifestyle. I didn't choose to kill people. I didn't kill those children on purpose. I was forced to kill them. I was forced into being a weapon.

Alia: I was a child. I didn't choose to be turned into a monster. You made me a monster! I was a defenseless little girl and you ruined me!

Dreykov: so what if I did? I take what the earth has too many of. Girls. I take the trash and I recycle it. I make it better. You should thank me for not letting you rot in the trash can you were found in.

Alia: I wasn't abandoned. I know the truth Dreykov. I was taken!

Dreykov: you shouldn't know that.

Alia: But I do. What are you going to do about it?

Dreykov: I'm going to make you forget it.

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