Part 19: Slavic Shadow

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Me and the boys are loaded in a helicopter about to drop. I'm going from the roof and the boys are coming from the side. The door to the heli opened. I strapped myself to a rope and walked to the exit.

Price: be careful kid!

Alia: of course! When am I not!

I jumped with the rope around my waist and in my hands. I flipped in the air and landed in a widow pose. I glared up at the guards around me. All the other boys were jumping to go from the sides.

I grabbed my knife and cut the rope from my waist. I then threw the knife at a guard from far away. I flipped onto one guys shoulders and shot about four guys with my two pistols. When the guy I was on top of finally fell from being choked I threw myself to one guy and put a widow bite into his skull lighting his temple red.

I walked to the stairs and walked down. I saw a guard coming from the stairs. I ran quickly and put a widow bite into his chest. I reloaded my pistols and walked with one in both of my hands scoping out the building. A man jumped from over me and tried to attack me by punching my face. I dodged his hit and kicked his face. While he was stumbling, I put two shots into his body and continued on.

I walked through the long white hallway. There were a ton of doors that seemed like they had no purpose.

Simon: Valdis. How copy?

Alia: fine. I'm inside where are you guys?

Simon: we are on the opposite side of you. Let's meet in the middle.

Alia: alright.

I continued my way until I made it to the large hangar in the middle of the building. I saw Ghost and all of them huddling behind some cargo containers hiding from a group of guards. I looked around me and saw an electrical box. I turned all of the lights off. The boys put on their night vision goggles but our enemies didn't have those so I ran into the midst of the men with Simon's knife in my hand.

I stabbed one guy in the neck and then another in the side. I threw a small circular electric bomb onto one guy who started seizing. I then kicked my leg at one guy and shot a widow bite into the side of his head. The widow bite lit the area red for a second and the men looked around confused trying to find me. I ran towards a pole and swung around on it with my legs out and kicked down a pretty good bit of the guys. I punched one guy in the jaw hard enough to where he fell straight down. That hurt. I then plunged Simon's knife into the back of one guy and threw the dead guys body to another man. I shot the three men who tried to grab me and I ran toward the last guy and went to stab his diaphragm but he grabbed my wrist. I wailed in pain as he twisted my arm. I was forced to the ground on my knee. I dropped my knife into my other hand and stabbed him right in the gut. I grabbed the blade with two hands and twisted it deeper. When I pulled it out the man's blood splattered on my face.

I got off of the ground breathing heavily. I walked back to the electrical box and turned the lights back on. There was blood trailing the floor behind me. I must have stepped in it. The boys were behind the cargo box's I walked over to them. Price stood up and looked at me with a horrified look on his face.

Price: we were going to take them down one by one. What happened?

Alia: this whole situation was pissing me off so I needed a reliever.

Price: you're covered in blood Alia.

Alia: oh don't worry. It's not mine!

One of the guys started waking up from earlier and I grabbed my gun and shot him without actually looking at him. Well I mean I saw him in my peripheral. Soap looked straight at me with his jaw dropped.

Alia: alright I'm heading to the big office. where you guys going?

Price: we will clear out the rooms.

Alia: alright. My coms are on. Go team!

I walked away into the hallway. I walked to the back where two large doors were. The intricate designs and swirls on the door were enticing, but I needed to focus. I threw the large doors open and saw a woman with long dark hair sitting on the edge of her desk looking out of a window. She looks familiar but I can't pinpoint why. She turned around and I gasped.

Alia: Lorelei?

Lorelei: Alia! I've been expecting you.

Lorelei moved to stand behind her desk. She stood with her hands behind her back and stared at me intensely. I know the boys can hear me so I know the questions are going to be exhausting.

Alia: Lorelei please tell me you didn't.

Lorelei: oh I did!

Alia: I saw you die!

Lorelei: but you didn't did you? Now I'm better and powerful.

Alia: no... you're a traitor! But given your history, I should have known better.

Lorelei: what does that mean sweetheart?

Alia: don't call me that!

Lorelei: don't be so dramatic Alia! I had to do this Alia! It's my purpose! I'm not meant to be a normal person. I am meant for power!

Alia: God Dreykov really has turned you crazy.

Lorelei: no he made me realize my worth.

Alia: I thought I knew who you were. Now I know I simply only knew a version of you. When you "died" I...I almost nearly died with you. How could you do this to me?! I trusted you Lorelei.

Lorelei: I guess this is a lesson on not trusting people, right? You never saw it coming?

Alia: no I didn't Lorelei! I watched you die! I was ready to give you my heart and you... you faked your death!

Lorelei: you're pathetic!

Lorelei pulled out her gun and held it up to my head. She stared at me in my eyes. I never faltered or moved. I never moved my eyes or flinched when I felt the cold barrel hit my forehead.

Alia: come on do it. Pull the trigger. C'mon pull it. End it. End my life Lorelei!

Lorelei moved the gun away from my head and stood with a confused look on her face. I slowly pulled the knife from my sheath that was strapped to my back. I stabbed her stomach and she dropped the gun. I kicked the gun away and pushed her down. I got on top of her and looked at her with a mocking look.

Alia: looks like you're the pathetic one Lorelei. Look at you bleeding out after trying to betray me...You're ex wife. God how could you even think that you would succeed.

Lorelei: he...lp

Alia: oh I'm not going to help you nor is anyone else here. You're going to die!

I grabbed my knife and ripped it out of her body. I hammered my knife into her body over and over again while sobbing. Her blood was splattering all over me, and I wasn't going to stop until someone pulled me off her body.

I looked around. My vision was now fading to clear from the red. I saw price take the knife I was holding and I looked at Simon who was holding me. I sobbed continuously into Simon's arms.

All of a sudden my emotions just stopped. I stared blankly ahead with tears staining my cheeks. I stood up straight and walked to price. I grabbed my knife from him and walked out of the office.

Alia: c'mon we're leaving!

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