Part 28: Russian Lullaby

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When Ghost cut into my thigh all of a sudden everything was black and my groaning was faint. As I opened my eyes again I was in a familiar but unfamiliar room.

A room lined with a dozens of beds. Handcuffs attached to every edge. My hands were attached to my own bed. An older woman walks in, head mistress. She used her special key to unlock the handcuffs and let us be free. Everything is slowed but very, very lifelike. What is this?

Her words are slow but the register into my brain. My body moves by itself and I find myself getting clothes from the black wooden chest.

Training clothes. My body starts walking along the hallways along with the other girls who had braided hair and red bows alike to mine. The woman spoke in a soft Russian as we reached an open gym. She calls various names.

Mine is called and my body naturally moves forward to the center. I catch sight of my blank and emotionless expression in the window. This little girl once wore a smile. You could tell.  The tall, blonde, Russian woman blows her whistle and the other little girl starts to attack me. She is dazed and emotionless. Her black eyes stare into mine and for a moment I fear for my life and it causes me to fight harder.

I find myself with my arms wrapped around her neck and the woman nods her head. My body naturally snaps the girls neck forcing me to let her go and drop her to the ground. I look back at my face in the window and it's empty. There's no reflection staring back. I look at my hands as they start to fade and next thing I know I'm hanging from the ceiling.

My body has significantly changed and I'm older, more scared. A tall bulky man hits me like I'm his punching back but I stare into the reflective surface and stare into my voiding eyes and they stare back empty and teary. They hold words that can not be said. My body sways as I hang and the man lets me down. He tells me, "I hope you learned your lesson little widow."

Gun shots ring out and the man rushes away as my body is dragged by will to a room. A room with fewer beds. Other girls my age leave the room in black gwar and braided hairstyles. My body rushes to the crate in front of my bed and I quickly get into a Kevlar substance body suit. I buckle a utility belt around my waist and holster weapons to my side.

I walk to the door but it swings open with a young but old looking man that has a bulky build that is big yet toned. His tag reads 'John Price' and I want to save him. My brain recognizes him but my body pulls out my weapon. I fight my body to stop aiming at his head and I quickly jerk my arms down and shoot him straight into his side.

I know he'll survive that. I then empty the bullets from my gun safely and click the trigger in an SOS code. I see the man's eyes  widen and I quickly run off as I hear his teammates feet rush down the hallway.

I run down the hallway away from the men and I feel sharp pain in my side. My face is blank and my body hurts but I don't stop running. I continue until I'm nearly pale from the blood loss and there's a hug ache in my calves. I see the woman from the training field. She lifts me from my kneeled position and I pass out.

The world is black and when I wake up again, I'm suddenly on a rooftop with a sniper in my hands.

I knew I was different from the other girls. They hummed while they worked. Soft gentle tones most likely played with a piano fell from their vocal chords. I was silent. My teammates always seemed more dazed and lost.

My partner hums before she talks in a monotone and emotionless tone. I watch her in slow motion as she runs down the side of the building and that's when I hear a gun cock behind me.

"Don't move. Turn around nice and slow." The man's voice was gruff and aged. I turned around slowly and I'm met with the familiar face that didn't feel quite familiar anymore. He looked stern and relaxed while I was laid down and tensed.

I can stare down the barrel of the gun and that when I see him move it so I can see more of his face and pacific deep blue eyes. He grew an obvious beard but his nose shape and specific blue eye color gave the man's identity away.

"John Price." I softly mutter the name as he moves to put his other hand on the gun. He emptied the bullets from his gun and clicked the trigger in an SOS code and with a soft smile he held out his hand for me.

I grab it hesitantly because I know I could get myself killed or this man killed. His hold on my hand is firm as he helps me to my feet. He hands me a shiny and sharp knife. John looks down to my thigh and closes my fingers around the handle of the knife.

I cut into my thigh with a groan and grit of my teeth. I take out the tracker and throw it to the ground. Suddenly the world is less cloudy and I can hear clearly and see clearly. My eyes once again move at the world's pace and no longer slow motion. I hear helicopter blades whirl above me and a rope drops to the rooftop. Price grabs the rope and motions for me to do the same.

I grab ahold of the rope and we climb until we're inside. John shits the helicopter doors and I watch as the pilot turns around to look at both of us.

"Got the girl?" I watch him with curious voided eyes. John answers the man and the pilots turns back around and starts flying off. I sit in a seat still not believing if this is a dream or not. This has happened before but was that a dream or real life? I look at my hands and they look more life like than the last time I looked. My flesh was colored normally and my reflection wasn't so emotionless.

I think this is real life right now.

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