Part 2: Disturbia

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Alejandro: Valdis?

Alia: It's my nickname. It means death. 

Alehandro: How'd you get it?

Alia: funny story. Price gave it to me. I shot him twice and almost killed him, so ever since my nickname has been Valdis. 

I kept laughing out loud thinking about it. 

Price: I think you are the only person who laughs at that story.

Alia: it's funny! Calling the person who tried to kill you a name that means death is hilariously ironic. Maybe my humor is just broken. 

Alejandro: your accent sounds Russian. Are you Russian? 

Alia: yes. I'm a retired Russian Assassin. 

Alejandro: Wow! Beautiful and dangerous!

Price: alright we leave for a mission in 3 days so rest up! Gaz and soap will be sharing and Alejandro and Rudy with share a room and lastly Alia and Ghost will be sharing a room. 

Alia: what about you cap? 

Price: I will have my own room since I'm the captain. Your rooms will be like suites. you each have your own room but it's combined into one big room.

I laughed as price said he would have his own room. I've known this man for a while and he doesn't like sharing.  I am nervous about sharing a room with Ghost though. I mean I haven't even seen this guy's face or heard his voice and I'm ready to go feral, so you can see my nervousness. I'm scared I might slip up and blurt out "fuck me." Deep down I wanted to believe price took our names out of a hat to choose our rooms, but I knew he saw me hesitate when I saw Ghost. 

All of us left Price's office and we went to the kitchen for dinner time. I'm not used to eating with a team. I like it though. it's like we're one big family eating dinner together. almost like Price is my dad, soap is my brother, Gaz is my brother-in-law, and Ghost is my husb- STOP. don't think like that Alia. 

I took a minute to look at everyone around me. Price was in front of me shoving his face with spaghetti, and soap was doing the same thing except he was on the right beside me. Gaz was at the end of the table eating politely and looks like he is at a very fancy dinner with the way he is eating. Alejandro sat opposite to Gaz and they looked like they were a couple on a date. Ghost was on my left. He had his mask lifted only enough to eat. Damn, he is majestic. I saw how he had pretty pink lips and a little stubble on his face. I remember seeing a video on how the lip color of a man is very close to the color of their tip- STOP! omg, I need to stop thinking this way.

I was observing everyone while taking very small bites. Price looked up at me and looked confused. I don't know why he's confused but he looks really funny when his cheeks are stuffed with spaghetti and he has an eyebrow raised. 

Price: why are you taking such small bites? Go on. Don't be shy. Dig in there. 

I laughed as he told me not to be shy. 

Alia: I'm not being shy I'm just observing. 

Price: we're like a family here. I'm not going to poison you. 

Alia: I know you're not going to poison me. Besides, I'm immune to poison. 

Alejandro: You're immune to poison?

everyone turned their heads toward me after I said that. It's nerve-racking having a ton of pretty men staring at you. 

Alia: yes. where I grew up we were injected with small amounts of poison that was super strong and as we grew up the dosage got larger until we were fully immune. The poison was super strong on purpose because the mixtures were stronger than any poison at the time so now I'm immune to all poison unless there is another super strong poison out there. 

Everyone had continued eating while I was telling my story about the whole poison thing. once we were all done eating we sat our dishes in the sink and started saying goodnight. Ghost and I were walking to our room. I trailed behind his very tall, muscular, hot, sexy- stop it, Alia. Get a hold of yourself. 

Ghost: What room do you want?

I stopped thinking as soon as I heard his voice. Did I really just get turned on by a man speaking

Alia: Umm... I'll Take the one on the right if you don't mind. 

Ghost: Alright. Do you need to take a shower first? you have blood all over your dress. 

Alia: Shit I forgot about that. If you don't mind I would like to go first. 

Ghost: I've already freshened up so you take however long you need. 

Alia: Thank you.

That is the HOTTEST thing a man has ever said to me. Omg, I am so down bad for this man and I only met him an hour ago. I quickly sat my things in my room and got out pj's. After finding some red satin booty shorts and a cropped spaghetti strap that had a husky on it, I went to the bathroom. I turned on the shower and let the hot water run over my aching body. 

I hissed as the water hit the stinging cuts on my thighs. I really needed to stop being risky on missions. I eventually got out of the shower after I washed my hair and body. 

I stopped at Ghost's room before I went to mine and knocked on his door. He opened the door with a t-shirt and boxers on. he looked like he rushed to get the door because his mask was slightly crooked. 

Ghost: Yes? 

Alia: Goodnight.

I think I saw a soft smile in his eyes but it was quickly covered by an emotionless look. 

Ghost: Goodnight.  

I smiled as I walked to my room. I kept thinking about how rideable his thighs looked. OMG Alia stop thinking like that. I got into my room and laid in my bed. It was surprisingly comfortable. usually, military base beds weren't that comfy. 

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