Part 20: The Black Widow

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We were in the helicopter. I was staring into space and price along with Simon were staring at me. Simon wasn't mad. Although he probably should be. He just found out I had an ex wife and he's not even mad at me.

Alia: *sigh* Lorelei and I grew up in the red room. We fell in love and when we got out, we got married. We- we were planning on having a family. Adopting a little boy who we used to see everyday at the place I used to work at. Before we were about to adopt him, she got hit by a car. I was at work. When I got the call I rushed to the hospital and she coded. The doctors shocked her and everything but she flatlined and never spiked again. I was devastated and seeing her there made me furious. Mateo, the little boy, would never forgive me for not being there for him because of her. I could've been there for him but I never was because she "died" and I couldn't get over my grief. I got over her after awhile, but I could never go back and face Mateo. He would be 18 now. I'm mad because she was my everything and it was thrown away so she could have power.

Simon: it's ok Alia. I'm not mad at you for not telling me. I get that it's apart of a dark memory and you know I would never push you to tell me things like this. I love you.

Alia: I love you too Simon. Thank you for not being mad at me.

Simon: I could never be mad at you.

Alia: I got Dreykovs coordinates. You guys feeling up to another mission?

Soap: hell yeah lass! We would do anything to kill the eejit(idiot) that hurt you.

Alia: you guys are the best family I've ever had. I love you guys.

Price: we love you too Alia. Now let's get this bloody bastard!

I gave the coordinates to the pilot and strapped myself into a seat next to Simon. He grabbed my hand and stroked my hand with his thumb. He leaned towards me and leaned his head on my shoulder. I put my head over his and exhaled calmly.

Alia: you're my everything Simon.

Simon: Спасибо, любовь моя (thank you, my love)

Alia:*gasp* you've been practicing Russian?

Simon: just for you doll.

I gave Simon a peck on his masked cheek and relaxed into him. He exhaled softly and continued stroking my hand.

Gaz: sooo... who tops?

Soap: Gaz! We already decided Ghost is a bratty bottom!

Simon: I am not!

Alia: yeah you are

Simon: I literally topped you the first time we had sex.

Alia: and I topped you the last time we had sex and you fucking loved it. You were begging, whimpering, and whining for me to untie you and let you touch me

Soap: ooooh!!! Ghost she completely exposed you!

Price: you guys are the reason I have grey hairs.

Gaz: I knew you were a bottom Lt.

Pilot: we've arrived.

Alia: ooh exciting!

I twirled Simon's knife in my hand as I watched the heli door open. I cracked my bones and stretched. when the door opened I walked out leading my team.

Alia: you guys go in through the side. I'm going front.

Soap: yes ma'am!

Price: be careful kid.

Simon: yes Alia! Be careful!

Alia: I'm not A Black Widow I'm The Black Widow for a reason. I'm alway careful. Love you Simon!

Simon: love you too Alia!

I saw the boys run to the side entrance while I walked to the front area of the building. I crouched behind a truck as two guards walked by. I looked in the truck and found a box of widow suits.

Alia: oooh these are nice! Wonder if they have my size.

I rummaged through the box and found a suit in my size. It was time for the white one to retire anyway. I stripped down and put the new suit on. The new suit had a built in body plate that could defect bullets and the design was super sleek. The holsters were small and light weight and the tactical belt was very nice. I put my guns into the thigh holster and sheathed my  knives into my tactical belt. I found a black mask and put it over my face. I clipped my widow bites into place and strapped my widow batons to my back.

I let my hair down out of the ponytail braid it was in. I shook my head and brushed my hair with my fingers. I loaded my guns and walked out of the truck quietly.

I saw the two guards from earlier leaning against another truck. I watched them walk to where they were right beside me but slightly more in front. I walked behind the guards and slit the left one's throat. I then turned to the right and stabbed the other guard's neck.

I sheathed Simon's knife and took out my holstered guns. I skillfully and carefully walked to the middle of the parking lot. There weren't many guards around. I could easily slip in when the guards rotate.

I waited for a few minutes. When the guards started walking away from the door to their next post I slipped inside the building.

Alia: I'm in.

Soap: steamin' Jesus how did you do that so fast lass?

Alia: playing the waiting game. Also if you see a masked widow that's me. I had a slight outfit change.

Soap: alright noted lass.

I walked through the entrance and saw people building rooms inside the large building. He's building another red room. I walked past one room and saw cribs lined along the wall. My eyes swelled with tears.

It never stops does it. The death, gore, and trauma of the red room. All of the cribs were empty besides the one closest to the door. I saw a white board with the name Delilah etched into it. The beautiful baby girl was sleeping. I need to get her out of here when it's all over.

I was about to turn around until I felt a sharp stick in my neck. My body fell limp into a guards body and my vision slowly went black as my eyes closed.

Guard: night night.

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