Part 12: Belladonna

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TW: blood, knife carving, Alia being a complete bad ass

I put on my leotard and skirt along with some black tights. I then obviously wrapped my ankles with the ribbon from the ballet shoes. I heard simons soft whimpers coming from the bathroom. I smirked softly knowing I was the only one who could make him make those sounds.

I rolled my hair into a perfect ballerina bun and I walked over to a small vanity in the corner of the room that was only used for undercover missions. I put some simple eyeliner and highlighter to make me look youthful and less beaten. I covered the scars on my arms so no one could suspect I'm more than a dancer.

Simon eventually came out of the bathroom. He looked relieved and when he saw me he smiled slightly.

Simon: we're going to continue this after the mission.

Simon kissed my forehead and put his mask back on. We walked out of the door to the landing strip. When we walked out everyone was giggling watching us walk toward the plane. I giggled when I realized soap had ran and told everyone like he usually does. I could totally tell Simon blushing under his mask.

I walked in the airplane with my "dance" bag that was actually filled with weapons we were all sitting in our seats and soap was right beside me.

Soap: sooo are you the dominant one?

Alia: it's more of an equal establishment. Thanks for the cockblock earlier by the way. I was so close to topping him and you ruined it

Soap: hey I was just doing what price told me to do.

Soap raised his hands in defense. We laughed it off and sat in silence for the rest of the flight.

Price: we will be right there in the crowd watching you ok Alia?

Alia: don't worry price. I got this.

I cracked my neck and walked off the plane to the limo that sat near a gate. I put my bag in the back of the car got in the passenger side. Since I am the dancer I need to be the first one out of the car. We drove to a fancy hotel that had a lot of black cars letting people out. I got out first along with my team and las vaqueros.

I walked to the front towards a man with a clip board.

Man: name?

Alia: Ali Ivan

Man: alright. Who are the men behind you?

Alia: They are all with me. They help me get ready.

I gave the man a soft smile and he let us through the door. Everyone followed behind me until I reached the theater doors.

Alia: you guys are on your own now.

I gave Simon a look that said I love you and walked away to go back stage. I saw a few other ballerinas. Some from Germany, US, France, and Russia. A lady game me a patch that had the Russian flag on it and she told me to stick it on my outfit wherever I wanted.

I placed the patch on my shoulder and started doing slight touch ups to my makeup. One by one the girls were called on stage to perform. I was going last so I patiently waited observing everyone occasionally to see if there was anything suspicious going on. I walked and stood at the entrance to the stage since it was almost my turn. My performance wasn't going g yo be peaceful like the others. Mine was going to be aggressive. Widows are taught to be aggressive and graceful and that's exactly what I'm going to do.

Speaker: now up! Ali Ivan from Russia

I walked out onto stage. I saw my team in the front row and everyone around them including them was clapping. IC3PEAK - Смерти больше нет started playing. I could see the surprise as the beat started. My body was dancing aggressively but it held such gracefulness as the woman was singing in Russian. My dark eyes look into the audience as I hit the ground when the lady's voice got soft.

I was the living definition of  grace is beauty and beauty is dangerous. I was aggressive, graceful, and poisonous almost like a belladonna flower. In Itallion belladonna means beautiful lady but there's also a plant named belladonna that can make you high if overused.

When the song ended I walked off stage to the sound sound of clapping, whistles, and standing ovations. I walked pass the other ballerinas that had horrified expressions on their face. I walked to the hallway in hopes of finding the boss. I needed to get in his office and steal intel to give to price and laswell. I knocked on the big bosses door and I eventually saw a tall lean man open the door.

Boss: what do you need.

I faked a blush and looked at him innocently. I had an ear peice in my ear that was nearly invisible. It was connected straight to my boys, so if the boss said anything useful or if I needed help they would know immediately.

Alia: hey I saw you earlier and I just wanted to know if I could come in and talk.

Boss: sure come in.

He turned away with a slight manic smile and I quickly put on some of my lipstick and put it away before he noticed. I quickly sat in a seat across from him and looked at him needingly. He slowly stalked over to me and put his face right in front of me.

Boss: I see why you're here. You want me baby?

Alia: yes

I threw up in my mouth a little when I said that. He put his face closer to me and kissed my lips. As he continued to kiss me, his body fell limp in my lap. I kicked him off of me and laughed. I wiped my lips on his handkerchief and put it back in his pocket.

Alia: kiss and kill. Boss down. Looking for intel now.

I searched the doors picking up everything I thought would look useful. I looked at the bookshelves as well to see if maybe there was anything hidden. I picked up one book that had a hollow inside and saw a flash drive.

Alia: bingo!

I looked at the boss's body. It's missing something. I stuffed all of the stuff I took into a cute little bag I found in his office I took one of the knives I had in a sheath on the inside of my thighs. I carved the black widow emblem into his forehead and I wiped his blood on my lips and kissed his cheek leaving a nearly perfect outline of my lips.

I took a picture because if I was being honest it was hot and I know Simon would love it. I wiped the blood from my lips and walked out of the door with the bag in my hand. I grabbed my weapons bag from the dressing room and started walking to meet up with my team. Simons eyes widen when his eyes saw me.

Simon: what did you do? There is blood smeared on your lips.

Alia: you'll see when we get in the car.

We all walked back to the limo and this time I got to sit in the giant back with everyone else.

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