Part 13: shower sex

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TW: pornography photos in a creepy sense. 

Spicy warning: hence the title.

The trigger warning and scene have no connection.

All the boys stared at me in anticipation.

Alia: fine I'll show you!

Soap: you took a picture?!

Alia: it was too pretty to pass up.

I shrugged my shoulder and price just shook his head. I dumped all of the intel in the middle of the limo for price to look at. I also pulled up the picture I took of the man and set it down in the middle. Simon looked at me wide eyed and all of the other boys looked up mortified.

Alia: the emblem of widow starts fear inside of anyone because they know if you are hunted by a widow then you did some pretty fucked up shit. And all of that intel proves what type of man he his and he deserved to be killed by the hands of a widow

There were photos of naked women he was fucking. These poor women. It made me angry when I first saw a photo on his desk.

Alia: That's what made me kill him. He made these poor women vulnerable and took unconsentual photos of them.

Simon put a hand on my knee as a way to comfort my anger.

Price: well we can go to our home base now. Laswell said the has been cleared and cleaned up.

Alia: yes! I'm so ready to lay back in my own bed.

~time skip~ don't want to bore you guys

We were all finally on our way back "home"  just in time for Christmas. I smiled thinking about the way I was going to top Simon on Christmas Eve. I don't know how I'm going to create the same atmosphere we had today but I will tip him and nobody is stopping me. Even if soap or one of the other guys walk in, I'm not stopping.

We were finally off the plane. Simon and I were in our room unpacking all of the things we had gotten over the trip.

I stood at Simon's door watching him unpack. I watched as his muscles flexed up under his shirt and how his tattoos looked so cool. I had a couple tattoos myself but Simon's were extremely hot.

Simon: you're staring love.

Alia: I know I am. Sooo tonight's Christmas Eve.

Simon: yeah what about it?

Alia: can I sleep with you tonight?

Simon: of course.

I walked up to Simon and sat on his bed. I took his tattooed arm and traced his tattoos. I really wanted to just lick his arm but I know that would not be a good idea. Because that's really weird.

Alia: wanna take a shower with me?

My voice was soft and he looked at me in surprise. He took his shirt off along with his mask and pants. He stood in his boxers and he looked at me to ask if it was ok for him to strip me. I nodded my head and I was left in my undergarments. We walked to the bathroom and Simon was holding my waist.

I unclipped my bra and slid the straps down my arms. Simon pulled his boxers down and I slid my underwear off my legs. I stepped inside the shower and Simon slipped in behind me.

Simon held my waist and faced me towards him. He put his head in my neck and started placing sloppy kisses on my neck and chest. I let a small moan out when Simon suddenly bit my neck and immediately sucked it right after to create a small hickey. I brought Simon's face towards mine and kissed him passionately. I backed him into the shower wall and started getting rougher with my kisses.

Simon: Fucking hell! I love you.

I kissed down Simon's body until I heard a knock on the bathroom door. I groaned into Simon's neck

Alia: yes?

Soap: I know I'm interrupting but price is done with dinner and he told me to come get you because you guys wouldn't answer

Alia: alright we'll be out in a min.

I quickly but Simon's neck causing him to let out a surprising yelp. I sucked to hopefully make the bite feel better. I looked at the mark I had made and I knew I was going to mark him all the way up tonight.

I got out of the shower and Simon followed closely. I walked to my room and put a pair of pj shorts and then a cropped nirvana shirt. I saw  Simon walk out in black sweats with his mask on. We walked together to the kitchen.

Price: glad you decided to join us lovebirds.

We all ate our dinner in peace cracking occasional jokes. Price was wearing his Santa suit I bought him. I looked around feeling happy.

I've never celebrated Christmas until I met price. He was the one who helped me escape the red room in the first place. I first met him when I was 12. I shot him twice. They had to leave the academy in order to save price. Later on Price came back when I was 18 I had just finished the graduation ceremony and he hit me super hard on the head and when I woke up I wasn't locked up or anything. I was laying in a hospital bed and he was in a chair on the side.

I cried in his arms when I realized I was free from the red room. Ever since then we've been like father daughter. I celebrated holidays with him, Kate, and her wife. Today being here I realized how much life means to me. Usually I don't care what happens to me but today I do. I would do anything for this team including living or even dying.

I watched as Gaz and Soap fought over the last peice of garlic bread

Soap: I will show a candy cane so far yo your ass if you don't let go of that bread Gaz

I laughed my ass off watching the two fight over bread. I felt so lucky to have these idiots as my family.

Red and Black Simon Riley x oc Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz