Part 27: Just A Dream

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Alia: Simon I'm nervous

Simon: I know Love I am too, but you'll be alright.

Price: when you wake up everyone will be here. Melanie, Kate, Rudy, Alejandro, and everyone on the team.

Kate: this is so exciting! You're going to get the chance of a lifetime. Just remember we all love you and we'll see you when you wake up.

Price: Yep. Give ''em hell kid. You're strong.

Alia: Thank you.

Soap: Good luck Lass!

Doctor: Alright Alia. Are you ready to go back?

Alia: yes.

A few nurses unlocked the hospital bed and started to roll me towards the door. I watched my whole team smile toward me and I let out a soft sigh. We went down the hallway until we reached the doors that led to the OR.

I was laid onto the table and the anesthesiologist put a mask over my face. My heart was pounding as my nervousness skyrocketed.

Anesthesiologist: Alright. I'm going to have you count backwards from 10 for me ok?

Alia: ok. 10. 9. 8. 7...6..5...4....3.

Everything was dark for who knows how long. When I started to finally gain some consciousness I heard soft whispering voices. Soap and Simon maybe.

I groaned softly and opened my eyes to a bright light. I instantly shut my eyes again and softly tried to sit up. When my eyes were used to the light I opened them.

Head Mistress: oh good your awake. You sure are a sleeper. The doctor said you healed completely while in your coma.

Alia: coma?

Head Mistress: when the soldiers came, you were shot. Now get up and get dressed you have a mission.

Alia: no. No no no no. I can't be here again.

Head Mistress: you have always been here Alianovna. Now get up.

I softly slid out of the hospital bed still convinced this was just a dream. I followed the Mistress down the halls that look nearly the exact same.

I was led to my room and I had to put on one of my suits while I was briefed. I loaded my guns and put my knives into their pockets. And finally I zipped up my stealth suit.

Head Mistress: you'll be assinating a man named John Price and a woman named Kate Laswell. You're all alone on this mission. Take you place in the world Alia.

Alia: I have no place in the world.

Head Mistress: wonderful. A jet is waiting for you outside.

I bowed my head slightly and left for the jet. I got to the exit doors and was sedated by the guard. I quickly went to sleep and waited to be awoken when I arrived at my mission site.

~Few Hours Later~

I sat in an abandoned building far from the press conference that was going on. I loaded my sniper and laid on the table that out looked the window. I saw price through the scope.

This was very much real. I could feel everything and smell everything. I teared up at the thought that Simon and I were fake, and Price wasn't really like a father to me. It was all a dream.

I made an irrational decision and started walking down the side of the building. I walked closer and closer to the building that held the conference. I was walking through the doors until I was tackled to the ground. 

Alia: Johnny?

Soap: how do you know my name?!

Alia: this might be a little scary but I saw you in a dream.

Soap: what the fuck are you doing here?!

Ghost: soap? Why did you abandon your post?

Soap: An assasin!

I saw the familiar man with his ghost mask walk over to me. He turned me onto my back and zip tied my hands together.

Alia: can't you take me to dinner first before tying me up so tight?

Ghost: shut the fuck up! Let's go!

Ghost pushed me in front of him and made me walk. He gripped arm super tight most likely leaving small crescent marks. Soap walked beside me almost nearly deep in thought. I was pushed into an empty office and was forcefully tied to the chair with an electric cord.

Ghost: what are you doing here?

Alia: why would I tell you?

Soap: she's Russian.

Ghost: I'm going to ask you nicely one more time before I get aggressive. What are you doing here?

Alia: What if I like it tough?

Ghost: Fuckin hell. What are you doing here?!

Alia: fine fine I'll tell you calm your tits.

Soap: shut the fuck up.

Alia: ok first you want me to talk now you want me to shut up? I was sent to assassinate John Price and Kate Laswell.

Ghost: why?

Alia: I don't know why, but I chose not to go through with it. I want my freedom in exchange for not assassinating your captain.

Ghost: *scoffs* Freedom?

Alia: I didn't voluntarily become an assasin. I was forced. I want out I can also give you information.

Soap: I'm gonna go get Laswell.

Alia: I can work for your team. Please just let me be free from the red room.

Ghost: red room? I thought those files were just rumors. 115 soldiers were rumored to be killed. I mean only 3 survived. And one of the three was nearly dead because of his injuries.

Alia: the red room assesses the genetic potential of infant girls and trains them to be Russian spies/ assassins.

Ghost: how do we know your not lying?

Alia: unzip my suit and on my tummy I have a burn scar of the black widow emblem.

Ghost: we'll let Laswell take over the rest.

Ghost sat in a chair across from me while soap was still getting Kate. I heard the door knob rattle and I saw soap,Price, and laswell rush through the door.

Price: what has she said?

Ghost: She was sent to kill you but decided not to because she wants freedom.

Over ear peice: Alia. Alia! Come in. Checking in on Alia Ivanovna. I was sent to come check on you since you didn't make it back to the exfil site.

Alia: Ghost. Ghost! I need you to listen to me. There is a tracker implanted in my thigh. I need to you to cut me open and take it out or else they will find me.

Price: Do it. We don't need more than one widow.

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