☆ What's the problem? ☆

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You'd finally fallen asleep, after about an hour of trying. The clock marked 3:00 AM when you were rudely awakened by the ring of the telephone.

You groan, sitting up and immediately answering the phone.

You mumble out a quick, "Hello?"

"Akira!" Polnareff was on the other end of the line, frantically speeding through his words. "Come quick! There's an emergency! Bring Jotaro!"

"Yare ya-"

You couldn't finish your sentence before he hung up.

You got up, nudging a half-awake Jotaro off of you.

"What?" His voice laced with sleep, he grunts.

"Come on, emergency in Polnareff's and Kakyoin's room."

"Oh great."

He gets up about half as quickly as you do. By the time he's out the door, you're walking shoeless down the hallway with your coat on, gun in hand with finger on the trigger, you picked it up out of habit, not even realizing that you probably wouldn't need it.

When you reach the door, you see Mr. Joestar and Muhammad standing outside.

"He called you two too?" Mr. Joestar was in his pajamas, slippers covering his feet. Muhammad was in pants and a tank-top. He rubbed his eyes. Despite being an early riser, he hated being woken up.

"Yeah, it's gotta be serious," you kick the door in..

Everyone follows behind, gun drawn.

You see Noriaki sitting in a chair in the corner of the room, he too dressed in pajamas, looking unscathed and aggravated.

"What's the problem?" Jotaro asks, he looks around.

"Hm? Problem?" Polnareff smiles cheekily, "what problem?"

"The problem you woke us all up for," Muhammad reminds.

"Oh! That problem! I just wanted to have a get together."

"Get together?" Mr. Joestar questions.

"Goodnight," you walk back out the room.

"Akira! Wait!"

Polnareff chases after you.


"There is a problem, actually."

"And that is..?"

"My boredom."

If you weren't so exhausted, you would have entertained the idea of attending this "get-together." But, even in your sleep-deprived state, you realized how valuable this time would be. You were all together, gathered in one place. Who knows if that'll be the case after tomorrow?

You feign sigh, "Yare yare daze, Fine, since you woke me up."

Everyone else looked extremely unsure, giving you wary looks as you drag yourself back in the room, dropping your stuff on the table and jumping onto Kakyoin's bed.

"So, what's the plan, Jean-Pierre?"

Muhammad had shut the door and everyone else gathered around in the room, sitting wherever they could. It was certainly a funny change to see everyone in their pajamas.

"Plan?" He tilted his head, "I... Well, I'm certainly no problem solver, I usually leave it to the rest of you."

"So, correct me if I'm wrong," Mr. Joestar pinches the bridge of his nose. "You invited everyone down here, but didn't plan anything for this supposed 'get-together'?"

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