☆ Let's finish this once and for all. ☆

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The hunt for DIO continued as you entered Cairo. 'This is our final destination,' I thought worridly, 'DIO's somewhere nearby and we're gonna find him.' Jotaro's hand gripped yours and you smiled at each other. We continued to ask people about the spirit photo, but no one seemed to know about the building. Not even the construction workers knew about it, which was an incredibly bad sign.

"Yare Yare.. Just one big town, and no one know knows anything about just one big building?!" Jotaro said angrily and I saw the slight panic in his eyes.

"Oi," I had him look up at me and noticed reader beginning to gather. 'He misses and is scared for his mum..'

"We're gonna find him, and once we do, we'll make sure your mom will be okay. Just relax. Let's focus on finding him so we can end this quest for good." He quickly pulled me in for a hug, "Oi, I don't do hug-" I could feel his warm breath and it was quite soothing.

When he finally released me, I saw him smiling gently, and he leaned into my touch closing his eyes. 'I love him so much. He's such a softie sometimes too..' Eventually we broke apart again and kept moving, and I couldn't help but notice Iggy disappearing. 'He's probably doing whatever a dog does in it's free time.' I thought, continuing through the city. Polnareff began to get nervous and kept looking behind him like something was wrong. "Oi Baguette, you good?"

"I keep having the strangest feeling. Like someone is following and watching us.."

"I keep having the same feeling." Said Kakyoin and he shrugged. (I'm case you haven't noticed, Cherry Boi has fully recovered before even meeting Alessi :D) Polnareff went to investigate while we waited in silence. 'Hmmm...' I sent out The Universe and she went behind the building Polnareff was checking out. I watched through her eyes as Polnareff was now fighting, "Hol Horse?" I said I confusion before my eyes widened. Neither males had noticed me, but a pair of eyes watched me from underneath a crate. 'A little kid, but why in the world is he looking straight at my stand? Unless.... He's a stand user too. Time to take matters into my own hands.'

The others had figured out what I meant when I said Hol Horse's name, but they weren't sure what to do. "Pretend like you don't know. I will take care of the rest." We called out for Polnareff while The Universe disappeared leaving Polnareff alone. 'That kid, it seemed like he knew I was going to be there, so let's change things up a little huh?' The Universe appeared behind the crate. 'If I do this too hard, this Hol Horse will become a Half Horse.'

She kicked it off, revealing the kid and hitting Hol Horse in the head. "OW!" He cried out, falling onto some oil jars, spilling and breaking them. All of us looked at him and the kid, both of them terrified. "T-this wasn't supposed to happen... Mundada, what is the meaning of this?!" Hol Horse said in anger.

I was about to punch Him Horse to a bloody pulp before the squeal of tired could be heard. I turned to see a car heading straight for the offenders. The tires swerved in the spilled oil, causing it to spin out of control and head in our direction. I grabbed Jotaro's arm as well as the kid and ran away before it hit us.

I could hear the crash from the rooftop of this building. Mundada looked at me in shock. "W-why did you help me?" I looked at him with an unemotional expression. "You're just a kid, and I didn't see you planning on doing any harm with your stand. I can let Hol Horse die, but not a kid like you." There was a look of admiration in his eyes as Jotaro looked down to see the others knocked out below us. "That'll leave a mark." He commented, pointing at the fallen crusaders. Hol Horse was running away, no doubt looking for his companion.

"Hey Kid, what's your stand's power?"

He showed me a comic book called " The Adventures of the Oingo Boingo Brothers". "This is my stand. It's name is Tohth, named after the Egyptian god of prophesy, yes. In the form of a comic book, it can show me what'll happen in the future, yes."

'A stand of prophesy... Wow..' I knelt down to his height. "Mundada, your stand has power, and there is no doubt in my mind that you could use it for the greater good. I assume you work for DIO?"

He nodded, "Me and my brother both, but you guys defeated him a while back, yes. He had disguised himself as Jotaro and accidentally got blown up by a bomb planted inside of an orange. He's in the hospital, but he's still alive, yes."

"I knew that Jotaro was fake!" I said, putting my hand on the kid's shoulder, "Listen, with your stand's power of prophesy, imagine how many people you could help. People would like you and your brother, and I have no doubt that DIO would ever bother you again. After all, we are here to kill him.."

Mundada looked like a kid on Christmas morning, smiling like he had never smiled before. "Before we take our leave of you," said Jotaro, "Tell us how to defeat Hol Horse for good." Mundada nodded, "Leave it to me, yes." 'Why does he keep saying yes?' He left the building as Jotaro and I jumped off the side to help our friends. "You didn't have to save him y'know." He said, his hand meeting mine. "Yare yare daze, If I didn't, I wouldn't have made a new alli."

He only rolled his eyes as I began to heal the others in an attempt to wake them up. Jotaro went to get Polnareff who was stuck underneath it some building rubble. There was a pipe that aimed right at Jotaro's head as he did so. I frowned as I suddenly heard multiple gun shots, not far away. I smirked and used The Universe to bend the pipe a little.

As I fixed up the others, Polnareff sneezed in Jotaro's face, causing him to recoil as the bullets from The Emperor passed them by and whizzed through the sky. I hummed softly in contentment and I watched them fly around back around the building where I heard them make their mark. 'Hol Horse is one lucky guy, so I'll bet they hit him in critical places, but not in deadly places. Either way, Hol Horse and The Emperor are defeated.'

I helped Mr. Joestar up, walking to the building to see Mundada looking at at his companion with shock. "Hey. Thanks for taking care of him for us."

He looked at me with a smile. "No problem. I'm going to head back to the hospital to see my brother, yes. Bye, Akira. Good luck, yes." He walked off and I explained in my own words what happened to Hol Horse when the ambulance and police arrived.

Iggy returned almost unscathed. Okay, that was an overstatement. He had lost one of his feet entirely. "Oh shit, Iggy come here" He limped his way over and I took a bandage off my arm and wrapped his paw in it. He licked my cheek happily and barked for me to follow him. We passed a car accident in the way here and it seemed to be the work of an enemy stand, but there was no one in sight so who the heck cared?

Iggy lead us to a tall building, the exact one on the spirit photo. I took a deep breath and Jotaro held my hand. "This is it...DIO's hide out."

"Let's finish this once and for all."

We all moved forward and entered through the already open gate. When we opened the door to the mansion, I got the strangest feeling of terror. Then like a ghost, a man floated down the hallway. He smiled kindly. "Welcome to Lord DIO's mansion, We've been expecting you."

He chuckled as he let us all inside. Suddenly he pushed me and a portal appeared. "Akira!!" They all cried out in panic as he tried to grab me, but was pushed into a separate portal along with Joseph and Kakyoin. I blacked out, and when I opened my eyes, I was in a completely different room.

"DIO-sama! She's awake!"


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