tough type- prologue

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3rd person pov

Talk appeared about a new student and rumors going around saying it's a popular idol that is now going to the new school

Kyohei's pov

"Who cares about some new student" I said "apparently she's a pretty popular idol" yuki said "amd apparently super gorgeous" ranmaru said

"I heard she got into this school on recommendation so she must have exceptional talent" takenaga said sunako said nothing she was being very creepy as usual

"Alright students settle down we have a new student come on in" the teacher said as the new student came in "it's the pop idol Astra" a guy said "who?" I asked

"Alright students settle down we have a new student come on in" the teacher said as the new student came in "it's the pop idol Astra" a guy said "who?" I asked

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"I'm airi tokita I'm going to be staying at this school from now on please take very good care of me" she said in a calm and clear voice

"She has great manners unlike someone" takenaga said looking at me "hey" I growled as she walked past me and I could smell a faint scent of lavender

'I wonder why a pop idol like her would be sitting in the back isn't she supposed to thrive on attention or something' I thought to myself

Airi's pov

I sighed as I looked out the window 'I don't even know why I'm here I've learned all of this stuff before tons of times' I thought to myself

I heard the bell ring 'it's break now I guess' I thought to myself as I pulled out my tarot cards and shuffle them in my hands

"I never thought I'd see a pop idol so interested in tarot cards" I heard and looked up to see 4 boys and 2 girls looking at me

"Hi I'm noi kasahara it's nice to meet you I'm one of your biggest fans this is sunako nakahara" noi said introducing the girl next to her she seems a little uncomfortable

"Hello I'm ranmaru morii it's a pleasure to meet an angel like you" he said about to kiss my knuckles but I pulled my hand away

"No offense but I don't like anyone touching me unless they ask me for permission" I said "oh sorry" ranmaru said

"I'm yukinojoh tohyama but everyone calls me yuki" yuki said "I'm takenaga oda and this arrogant guy over here is kyohei takano" takenaga said

"Hmph" kyohei grunted glancing away from me 'what's his deal?' I thought to myself "so you read tarot cards?" Noi asked

"As a hobby" I said "sounds great can you read my tarot" yuki said "you pick 3 cards from the deck" I said as yuki picked 3 cards

"You pick one to flip over and I'll say what it means" yuki flipped over the chariot tarot card "ah you picked the chariot card" I said

"There are two meanings to each card this one direction, control, and willpower but it could also mean lack of control, lack of direction, aggression" I said

"You might be lucky or unlucky is probably what your trying to say right" kyohei said in a snarky tone I felt a bit uncomfortable with his feedback

I narrowed my eyes a bit looking at him "what?" Kyohei said "Don't mind him he's just being rude as usual" ranmaru said

"So this is a normal thing huh" I said and shuffled the cards in the deck "it doesn't usually depend on luck its just a quick draw of fate for the day" I said

"Can I have a go at it" sunako asked which really surprised the others "sure I don't mind" I said with a calm smile on my face

I made her pull 3 cards and like I instructed yuki she picked one card out of the 3 and flipped it over to see the card

"Ah you got the strength card the first meaning is inner strength, bravery, compassion, focus but the reverse would be self doubt, weakness, insecurity" I said

"Yup that sounds like sunako alright" kyohei said a dark shadow went over my face "do you have a remark for everything your being rude" I said

"Tokita...where have I heard that name before" takenaga said "my mom and dad are fighters so it's probably why you find it familiar" I said

"Ow now that makes sense tokita is ohma and his wife sasha are both competitive fighters" takenaga said "really?" Everyone said

"My mom doesn't box anymore she's not allowed to on account of her little heart problem" I said "a heart problem?" Takenaga said

"Yeah heart murmurs she passes out if her heart takes too much" I said "hey what are you doing?" Kyohei said pulling up a chair and sitting in front of my desk

"I'm pulling out my card" I said and pulled out 3 cards and put them on my desk 'I should have expected this' I thought to myself

"Hey you ok Airi you suddenly went quiet" noi said I gripped the card tightly in my gloved hand 'it's always the same card that has my fate' I thought to myself

'The death card end of cycle, beginnings, change, metamorphosis and the reverse meaning is fear of change, holding on, stagnation, decay' I thought to myself
I put my card back in the deck and shuffled

Kyohei's pov

I noticed a sudden change in her mood 'she didn't seem all too excited about it either is it because of the card she drew?' I thought to myself

"Would you like to join us for lunch Airi" yuki said "sure" she said as the bell rang and it was lunch time 'I can't help this feeling that's bugging me' I thought to myself as I followed behind them

'There's something odd about her' I thought to myself as we went up to the roof to have lunch "so what did the card say" noi asked

"Don't worry about it" Airi said that tone of voice sounds fake she must be worried about something I stopped walking 'wait...since when did I care' I thought to myself and shook my head

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