a future promise

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3rd person pov

Kagami woke up cuddling into Rikuo's chest and she was holding on to his clothes she yawned and sat up from her laying position

She stretched out her arms and legs as she looked over at rikuo who was still fast asleep she got up and went to take a look at the other yokai

Kagami's pov

I heard my cellphone ringing and answered it "hey iku what is it" I said "how come you never told me you had a boyfriend" iku said

"I already know where this conversation is going" I said annoyed "oooh I can't believe I finally get to say it kagami I told you so" iku said

"Yeah yeah stick a hole in it he's asleep right now so keep your voice down" I said "you'd think it would be impossible for you to fall in love but you actually did ha" iku mocked me

"Yeah uh huh I get it I should watch what I say around you" I said "well maybe next time you shouldn't..." I cut her off "oye your still holding a grudge on that" I said while rolling my eyes

"You said you'd never find love but guess who's got a boyfriend you do" she said and laughed "oh dear lord" I said hanging up the cell phone

"Your cousin iku again I'm guessing" rikuo said "she's just being an annoyance as usual yet she's still my cousin and I still love her just the same" I said

"Well at least something good came out of today" rikuo said "oh and what pray tell might that be" I said with a smirk on my face

"Waking up to see your gorgeous face" he said I was absolutely speechless at what he said 'did he just use a pickup line on me' I thought to myself blushing

"You look so cute when you're flustered" rikuo said with a chuckle "s.shut up" I said blushing immensely in utter embarrassment

"Your so cute" rikuo said "stop" I said as he cupped my cheeks he gently pressed his lips against my forehead, then kissed my nose then finally he kissed my lips

He looked into my eyes "your so beautiful" he said I blushed "You are ridiculous" I said my cheeks flushed "yet you are blushing" he said

"I hate you" I said annoyed he chuckled lightly and kissed me again as I kissed back you know I can tell this is only the beginning

The end...

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