danger Etsuko's anger part 2

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3rd person pov

Bruno had called out his stand sticky fingers that could easily beat the stand user but something in him froze in fear when he felt a deadly aura

"Chiharu when did you even get here" kagami said "I followed you guys of course did you think I was going to leave you by yourself" Chiharu said

"You idiot your hurt now cause you were too cocky and careless" kagami said "I don't want to hear that from someone who had their guard down" Chiharu said

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"You idiot your hurt now cause you were too cocky and careless" kagami said "I don't want to hear that from someone who had their guard down" Chiharu said

"And besides you should be worrying about Etsuko more than me right now or else we'll all be in trouble" Chiharu said

"Huh" kagami said "ara ara you dummy you still don't get it Etsuko may be half vampire but the reaction she gives for a scent of blood is crazy" Chiharu said

"Even the slightest drop of blood and her bloodlust goes into a dangerous and crazed frenzy" Chiharu said Bruno heard this and saw Etsuko holding her throat in pain

"Etsuko are you ok?" He asked "back away from me now" she said as she looked up slitted with dangerous red blood eyes Bruno was shoved behind her as she took out some daggers from her coat

"Etsuko are you ok?" He asked "back away from me now" she said as she looked up slitted with dangerous red blood eyes Bruno was shoved behind her as she took out some daggers from her coat

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"You've really managed to piss me off" etsuko said as she growled and the daggers turned green and ghostly she glared at the stand user

"now I'll show you how dangerous I can get" etsuko said throwing the daggers at the stand user the daggers had flown in different directions surprising Bruno and the stand user

"This is my ability aside from being able to see ghosts I can also use ghosts abilities to my advantage" etsuko said as she disappeared using her ghost abilities

This surprised Bruno 'I didn't know she could be this intimidating even my legs are shaking' Bruno thought to himself "where are you bitch" the stand user said

The daggers floated above him ready to strike etsuko appeared behind him with a dagger to his throat she gave him goosebumps

"If you hadn't dared to even harm my cousin I would have spared your miserable and pathetic life but you deserve death in every possible way" etsuko said

"Please have mercy" he said "mercy? I don't know the meaning of the word" etsuko said as she slit his throat and the daggers dealt the final blow

The stand users dead body lay there unmoving lying in a pool of his own blood etsuko covered her nose disgusted "even your blood smells rotten" she said

"No angel in heaven would take you up you'll burn in hell you should have thought twice before deciding to mess with me and my family" etsuko said then her eyes went back to normal and she passed out

"Etsuko" Bruno said as he went and put her on his knee "she's ok she just went a little crazy from the bloodlust she just needs some rest" Chiharu said

They went back to Etsuko's shop and went up to her apartment above her shop Bruno layed her down in her bed "explain please you know why the stand user was after her don't you" Bruno said looking at Chiharu

"Ara ara shut up already your giving me a splitting headache" Chiharu said rubbing her head then a light gathered in the room

An Astral projection was there "Airi" kagami said and hugged her "How did she get her" Bruno said "Astral projection keep up idiot" Chiharu said

Iku appeared behind airi "hey so we felt the pain in Chiharu's shoulder so I brought us both her with my Astral projection" iku said

"It's about time you put your power to good use you both have a healing ability don't you" kagami said Airi and iku nodded

"Ok show us the damage" Airi said as Chiharu groaned and showed the cut on her arm it was healed by iku and airi "great I feel a lot better now" Chiharu said

"Excuse me but I want to hear why a stand user was after caramia" Bruno said this caused hearts to go over iku's eyes

"Did you just refer to Etsuko as your beloved that's so sweet and romantic" iku said gushing like a fangirl "oh brother" Airi, Chiharu and kagami said in unison

Airi dragged iku back to the portal and left with iku whining "you want to know why it's because etsuko is the daughter of a mafia boss" Chiharu said smoking her cigarette

"What!" Bruno said "the reason was probably to try and kill no...try and get etsuko as ransom so her father would give up his territory" Chiharu said

"How is it that you knew all of this Chiharu" kagami said annoyed "I may have gotten a call about it from Etsuko's mother" Chiharu said

"Really now" kagami said not believing her one bit "ok fine her mother was very vague about she didn't give me much information about the whole thing" Chiharu said

"I figured as much she is a busy woman after all having to deal with running the casino all the time" they heard and turned to see etsuko was awake

"Are you alright caramia" Bruno said "...um...yeah I'm fine...Bruno why exactly do you keep calling me caramia?" Etsuko said

"I mean it's not that I mind you calling me that but I'm just curious about why you call me your Beloved" etsuko said this made Bruno blush and stutter

"Hm" Chiharu smirked in amusement at the scene while she was busy smoking her cigarette while kagami was just snickering under her breath at them

"It's because I am fond of you" Bruno said making Etsuko's face turn a deep shade of red Chiharu and kagami glanced at each other and nodded in unison

'They totally like each other in a romantic way' Chiharu and kagami thought in unison as they just looked at the two lovebirds gushing over each other which was actually very cute

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