she loves you

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3rd person pov

Iku was making some snacks for her friends when they got here kagami was reading a book on the couch and looked over at iku

Iku's pov

"Do you really like this watanuki guy that much" kagami said "well why wouldn't I like him" I said as I smiled at her

"How come you don't have a crush huh then maybe you'll finally know how I feel" I said "like that will ever happen anytime soon" kagami said

The doorbell rang "you'll see one day you'll fall head over heels in love and then..." she cut me off "and then you'll say I told you so I get it so whatever" kagami said

I removed my apron and went to answer the door I opened the door "hey guys come in" I said as they both walked in

Kagami looks over the side of the couch and narrowed her eyes at them "hello kagami" himawari said with a small smile "mhm" kagami said reading her book ignoring them

"She doesn't like talking to people much" I said as watanuki nodded I showed them to my room and brought up the snacks

"Wow as usual you always make the best food" himawari said "I'm not that good at cooking" I said "I'm going to have to agree this is delicious" watanuki said "Thank you hiro" I said

Watanuki froze as if I had just said something I wasn't supposed to I tilted my head in confusion kagami came into the room "iku, Wiz got out again" kagami said

"Huh again I've got to go and catch him before he escapes from the back yard I'll be back guys don't start without me" I said as I went to go catch Wiz

Watanuki's pov

I blushed 'she called me hiro she gave me a nickname' I thought to myself as I smiled "what's got you in such an uppity mood" kagami said

"Oh well I'm just happy for no reason" I said kagami gave me a look that indicated she didn't believe me at all I sweatdropped

"Your the one called watanuki aren't you" she said "yes" I said "I don't know what she sees in you" kagami said 'what's that supposed to mean' I thought to myself annoyed

"Kagami you should try to be a little more considerate to someone who's Friends with your cousin" himawari said

"Your kidding me right you know she likes him more than a friend right" kagami said 'iku likes someone I'm curious who it is' I thought to myself

"Are you seriously thinking about it your so dense no wonder iku had a hard time with you" kagami said looking at me

"I'm confused who exactly does iku like?" I asked "ugh" kagami groaned and facepalms she got up from her seat and walked over to me

She grabbed my shoulders and said in a very clear voice "She is head over heels in love with you how many times must I say it until you get the hint" kagami said

I was wide eyed with shock "what was that" I said in disbelief "she's in love with you watanuki" himawari said making me blush

I heard iku come into the room "Finally caught Wiz ok let's get this study session underway" iku said and sat in her spot she looked at himawari and kagami who were quiet as well

Iku's pov

'Why is it so quiet' I thought to myself as I looked at himawari and kagami then looked at watanuki who was extremely quiet

"Um...did I miss something..." I said tilting my head in confusion "nope nothing himawari will you take me for a walk" kagami said

"Yes well don't wait up for me" himawari said as both my cousin kagami and my best friend himawari left my bedroom

'Seriously did I miss something' I thought to myself "Hey iku" watanuki said getting my attention "yes hiro" I said looking at him

"Is it true..." he mumbled the last part that I couldn't hear him "hm what was that I couldn't hear you was what true?" I asked confused

"Is it true that you love me" watanuki said my breath hitched and I looked at him in surprise "how did you find out about..." I thought about it for a moment

"Kagami and himawari grr they weren't supposed to say anything" I said "So you do love me" watanuki said "yes I do" I said shyly

'If I ever get my hands on kagami and himawari I'm going to make sure they face my unbridled wrath' I thought to myself

"I'm sorry" I said "why are you sorry" watanuki said "I know you like himawari and I didn't want to get in the way" I said

"Iku" he said I looked up at him as he laced his fingers with mine "it's true that I used to like himawari but that changed" he said looking into my eyes

"What changed" I said as he smiled at me "I fell in love with you as well iku niwa" he said as I gasped in surprise as tears stream down my face

"Woah woah hey why are you crying did I do something wrong" watanuki said panicking "no I'm just happy" I said wiping the tears from my eyes

"These are tears of joy I just never thought I'd see the day that you would like me in the same way I like you" I said with a small smile on my face Watanuki sighed in relief

"Well you won't have to worry and wonder about that anymore iku niwa will you...will you be my girlfriend" he asked

"Hiro I'd love to be your girlfriend" I said with a smile on my face we both stood there with blush on our faces

"Heh well I guess we're a couple now" I said blushing "I guess so" he said blushing as well 'I can't believe it the guy I like, likes me back' I thought to myself as I held his hand

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