jaded memories part 1

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3rd person pov

It has been at least a week since chiharu and shindo had sex and Chiharu was at home trying to forget what had happened that night but was finding it difficult to forget

Chiharu's pov

I sighed as I couldn't stop thinking about what had happened but now that I think about it both the kiss and what I said sounded somewhat familiar

'Could I have met shindo before at some point in my jaded life' I thought to myself it's hard to remember since I had an accident when I was 18 years old

Then an image popped in my head making me fall to the ground on all floors "agh" I groaned my head hurt in pain

I saw me lying on the road blood dripping from my forehead and people screaming I saw a blue haired male watching in shock

I then couldn't handle the pain anymore and I passed out on the ground passing out unconscious

Flashback to 7 years ago...

This was by the time I had become jaded and started in my emo phase I was so done with love at that point in time I had also started to smoke

I lit up a cigarette and avoided everyone in my family I saw a couple of guys down in a place and skateboarding 'isn't that place off limits' I thought to myself

I walk down and looked at the other side of the fence 'why does it have to be so fucking cold out here' I thought to myself

"You really are an annoying bastard you know that" the pink haired guy said "hm you want to go against me then" the blue haired guy said

"Not a chance" the pink haired guy said the bluenette caught my sight and he noticed me "hey you over there" he said causing them all to look over at me 'shit all attention is on me now' I thought to myself

"Not a chance" the pink haired guy said the bluenette caught my sight and he noticed me "hey you over there" he said causing them all to look over at me 'shit all attention is on me now' I thought to myself

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"Come here I want to talk to you" he said 'what does this guy want' I thought to myself as I walked over to him 'damn he's tall' I thought to myself

"What's a shortie like you doing here it's pretty rare to see someone like you out so late at night and a girl at that" he said 'did he just call me a shortie' I thought to myself annoyed

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"What's a shortie like you doing here it's pretty rare to see someone like you out so late at night and a girl at that" he said 'did he just call me a shortie' I thought to myself annoyed

I grabbed the front of his jacket and pulled him to my height this seemed to surprise him "Listen asshole I'm just here to relax don't fuck with me or I'll tear your eyes out" I said pissed off

"Ooo someone's feisty are you a kitten with claws or something" he said "yeah and this kitten sharpens her claws whenever someone pisses her off so hurry up and tell me what the fuck you want" I said annoyed

"Getting straight to the point huh...you know how to skateboard?" he asked "a little bit" I said "hm well want to go and race me" he said

I scoffed "I'm not that experienced yet I would probably get my ass handed to me" I said "oh so you have the looks and the street smarts I'm impressed" he said

"I don't care if you're impressed shithead" I said "Your sharp tongue is going to get you into trouble one day" he said "whatever blueberry" I said

"Blueberry!?" He asked appalled by my pet name for him "your becoming an annoyance either you tell me what you want or I'll beat your ass" I said

"Hah...your an interesting girl why Don't you let me teach you how to skateboard and then race against me when you're ready is that fair enough" he said

I bit my lip thinking about it for a moment processing what he said 'his proposal doesn't sound too bad and I do want to learn how to skateboard' I thought to myself

"Ok I accept" I said "good" he said and ruffled my hair "get off your messing up my hair" I said "it looks ruined already" he said

3 days later...

I became good friends with these guys what I found out is that blueberry can be very psychotic at times and he's very sadistic when he wants to be

I was learning to do an Ollie "no that's not it at all your doing it wrong" blueberry said he still hadn't given me his name so I just called him blueberry

"If you're so sure I'm doing it wrong then you do it blueberry" I said "how many times have I told you to call me master" he said

"And overinflate your ever-growing ego not a chance blueberry" I said "oh come on kitten at least call me something other than blueberry that nickname sucks" he said

"Then call me something other than shortie and kitten" I remarked he gritted his teeth and inhaled sharply "your attitude is so harsh" he said

"So what if it is some people need to learn what reality is" I said "what's got you in such a bad mood did you get dumped or something" he said

"I dumped a guy for cheating on me a year ago I'm jaded and I hate everyone is that good enough of an explanation for you" I said

"...you certainly know how to make your way with words" he said as he showed me how to do an Ollie "that's how you do an Ollie" he said

"Whatever dark king" I said "I actually like the sound of that queen of mean" he said "that's kind of a long nickname" I said

"Would you rather your nickname be queen then and you'll call me king" he said "yeah sure Whatever" I said as he steadied me on my skateboard making my breath hitch

"Do I make you feel nervous" he said "as if baka" I said jokingly he put his chin on my head "you wound me so my queen" he said

It made me blush when he called me his queen "shut up" I said "ooo is someone blushing" he said teasingly "shut up baka king" I said lunging at him as I chased him around

To be continued...

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