lovesick part 2

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3rd person pov

Watanuki found himself caressing her cheek longer than he intended and had to stop himself and he rubbed the back of his neck as he watched her sleep

Watanuki's pov

'What is wrong with me I touched her so gently as if I was her boyfriend or something' I thought to myself as I looked at her

I can't seem to stop myself from touching her smooth skin I took a closer look at her face as she was sleeping peacefully as she was snuggled up against her pillow "cute" I said

I covered my mouth in shock 'did I really just say that she was cute' I thought to myself as I rubbed my chin 'I like himawari, I like himawari' I thought to myself as I sighed

I felt a hand grasp mine I flinched in surprise and saw that iku had unconsciously held onto my hand while she was fast asleep

'Here's the big question how am I supposed to get her to let go of me without waking her up' I thought to myself

I heard the door open Chiharu walked in with iku's dinner "Excuse me" I said Chiharu looked at me "what is it?" She asked

"Do you think you could help me here" I said pointing at iku who was still holding my hand Chiharu smirked at this

"She's a heavy sleeper so she probably won't feel you letting go of her hand but do you really want to let go of her while she's asleep" Chiharu said

She started to walked away "wait...ah" I sighed as Chiharu had already gone out of the bedroom and I was stuck holding iku's hand

I sighed 'well if I can't beat them might as well join them' I thought to myself as I crossed my arms and leaned against her bed closing my eyes to fall asleep

In the dream...

I found myself in a familiar place 'where am I?' I thought to myself "freak" I heard and saw someone getting picked on 'a little girl' I thought to myself

"Hey knock it off leave her alone" I heard then as a kid "whatever" the bullies said and left then I walked over to my younger self seems like I could see familiar red orange hair

"Are you ok" my kid self said she looked up with tears in her eyes "you helped me but why" she said "why wouldn't I help you" my kid self said

"But aren't you disgusted by my appearance" she said grabbing her hair tugging at it gently "not at all actually I think it's lovely and very unique" my kid self said

"I didn't know that I met iku when I was a kid guess I must have forgotten" I said then the memory changed to a different scene

"Where am I now" I said I saw iku a little bit older as a middle schooler she walked with her head down she was soaking wet "why is she soaking wet" I said

The scene goes to what happened to cause it a bucket of water was dumped over her head "Your a freak why are you here" one said "you don't belong here" another said

As it skipped to a scene where she was at home trying her hardest to try and not to burst into tears "poor iku" I said looking at the scene sadly

As it skipped to a scene where she was at home trying her hardest to try and not to burst into tears "poor iku" I said looking at the scene sadly

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"It's not fair" her voice quivered as her lips were trembling "why do I have to get this treatment just because I'm different" she said crying

"Why can't I be selfish just this once can't I get some respect for once" she said tears streaming down her face as she fell against her bed and cried

"Why am I seeing her memories is this because she's a dreamwalker" I said as the scene skips to iku as she was in her high school uniform

She looked into the mirror "just put on a smile" she said to herself as she smiled into the mirror I could tell she was lying to herself

Then it stopped as shadows started to appear and then she appeared sitting on the ground her knees to her chest her arms covering her face as she cried

"Iku" I said feeling sad for her "I'm pathetic" I heard iku's inner thoughts "I'm never going to amount to anything" another of her inner thoughts said

"I don't belong in this world" another of her inner thoughts said "why was I ever born" I covered my ears these inner voices of hers are getting louder

Then I heard a quiet voice "I'm such a coward" I uncovered my ears and looked towards iku "I'm not brave enough to say anything" iku's inner voice said

"I'm not as talented as everyone says I am I'm only trying to impress them so I don't feel left out but no matter what I do I'll always be different, an outsider, a nobody" her inner voice said

I walked towards her and kneeled down to her "You can't just give up on yourself" I said "if you give up you'll never experience true joy and happiness" I said

I hugged her from behind I heard her cry the tears of a crying child, lonely and wanting to be noticed "your not alone iku" I said

She looked up from her arms and to my surprise she looked at me "You don't have to be scared it's ok to let out what you're feeling sometimes it's what makes us human" I said

She looked at me with wide eyes tears streaming down her face as she hugged me tightly and cried against my chest as I rubbed her back soothingly "your going to be just fine iku" I said

I saw a golden shine to her as her body disappeared and evaporated as she went up and the darkness faded away from her memories 'now I need to make sure she's ok' I thought to myself as I was pulled out of her memories

To be continued...

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