jealousy take 2

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3rd person pov

Iku got dressed in her room and she put her hair up on an interesting hair style she wanted to try something new with her look

Iku's pov

"I'm not going to let people take me for granted anymore because I'm different" I said and put my hair up into 2 small ponytails

I zipped up my skirt and picked up my book bag I breathed in and out "ok I got this" I said as I walked out of the house fresh and new

I walked into the school yard and everyone was looking at me in utter amazement

Watanuki's pov

I couldn't walk to school with iku since I had lost somehow track of time 'well if iku is here I don't see her anywhere' I thought to myself

I then saw a crowd of people then saw doumeki "Hey doumeki who is everyone staring at" I asked confused "see for yourself" he said

I raised an eyebrow and made my way through the crowd of students "now who could be causing such a crowd..." I said then stopped and froze

I plugged out the students that were surrounding her and my heart pounded in my chest 'she looks twice as cute now' I thought to myself

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I plugged out the students that were surrounding her and my heart pounded in my chest 'she looks twice as cute now' I thought to myself

I went through the crowd of students and grabbed her hand dragging her out of the crowd of students "what the...oh hey watanuki" she said

"Why are you so cute..." I mumbled to myself "hm? Did you say something I couldn't hear you" She hummed in confusion

"What's with the twin ponytails" I said my voice muffled covering my face so she wouldn't see the growing blush on my cheeks

"Oh I thought I would try something new do you like it" she said looking at me for an answer I refused to look at her

I glanced at her but her face is sparkling with cuteness 'she's too cute' I thought to myself as I breathe in and try to control my blush

"You ok watanuki-san" she said "kimihiro" I said "hm?" She asked confused "call me kimihiro amd I'll call you iku" I said "ok" she said with a smile

'This girl is going to give me a heart attack' I thought to myself clenching my fist where my heart was and smiled to myself

At lunchtime...

Iku's pov

Watanuki, himawari, doumeki and I were having lunch and I was sitting in between doumeki and himawari while Watanuki was in front of me

"So iku I heard you got sick so are you feeling better now" himawari said "I'm feeling much better hima-chan thank you for asking" I said

"You seem sure of yourself" doumeki said "I am sure kimihiro helped watch me" I said "is that true Watanuki" himawari said

"Yes I did thankfully she got better" watanuki said "by the way iku when did you start to call watanuki by his first name" himawari said

"He said to call him by his first name" I said "well that's just one more reason you like him isn't it he's unpredictable" himawari whispered in my ear making me blush

"You have some food at the corner of your mouth" doumeki said "oh" I said and was about to wipe it away "I'll get it" watanuki said and took out a handkerchief to wipe it away

Then they started talking about my new hairstyle My eyes widened in surprise "you certainly have soft hair" doumeki said patting it

Doumeki then grabbed one of my ponytails making me very, very, very uncomfortable then I saw watanuki glaring at him

'Could he possibly be jealous?' I thought to myself when watanuki saw me looking at him he smiled at me with closed eyes

I scoot over to himawari to get away from doumeki "I think watanuki likes you iku he's been glancing at you while you weren't looking" himawari whispered in my ear

This caused me to look at watanuki and he looked away blushing I smiled to myself and chuckled then blushed as well

"So I'm going to come over for the study session" himawari said "oh right for the next upcoming test I gotta tell my parents first" I said

"Watanuki do you want to go as well the 3 of us could study together" himawari said "oh yeah that sounds great" watanuki said

"Tomorrow is a Saturday right so we can spend that day studying" himawari said "I need to watch my cousin kagami that day you don't mind do you" I said

"Oh course not kagami is such an adorable cutie" himawari said "you don't mind do you watanuki" himawari said "No I don't mind at all" watanuki said

After school...

Watanuki walked me home "so kimihiro are you sure you're ok with coming to my house again" I said "I don't mind really nothing to it" watanuki said

"Well good night feels weird calling you by your first name" I said "well you better get used to it" watanuki said I laughed a bit "your silly" I said as I walked into my house

"Welcome back" I heard my mom say "hey mom" I said "yes iku" she said "could I maybe have some friends over for a study group tomorrow" I said

"Well its ok with me and your father is already asleep in bed" mom said "ha I bet work tuckered him out yet again" I said and chuckled

"You know your father is always overworking himself to the bone" mom said "hey mom did dad ever say how he fell in love with you" I said

"Hm let's see I met your father when I was about 14 years I never did get to ask him why he fell in love with me" she said

"Hm well at least you got to marry the guy you like" I said "hopefully that will go the same for you" mom said this Comment made me blush

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