spirits and yokai- prologue

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3rd person pov

Kagami kujo 13 years old she's able to summon spirits and the spirits give her power as well her stand is unique in a very strange way it can be seen by normal humans

She us currently heading home after she had went to school and is taking a short cut through the red light district

Kagami's pov

Walking home from school same old, same old I heard shouts of fear I looked into an alleyway and saw a rat yokai with my classmates

"Now what the hell is this?" I asked as I walked forward "hey boss another cat is here" a rat said "kujo san" I heard and saw yura keikain as well as kana ienaga

"Since she's here we might as well..." I elbowed the guy hard as he was about to take me "I'm a hard catch and since you think I'm a cat" I said

I called out my spirit beast byakuya "byakuya outrage" I said as the spirit beast attacked the rat yokai "a shikigami" yura said surprised

"No baka it's a spirit beast" I said then they knocked us out this caused my spirit beast to run away to look for help 'hopefully it'll get my mom or dad or even my older sister' I thought to myself as I passed out

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"No baka it's a spirit beast" I said then they knocked us out this caused my spirit beast to run away to look for help 'hopefully it'll get my mom or dad or even my older sister' I thought to myself as I passed out

Next thing I know I'm in a metal cage "kujo san" yura said "kagami" kana said I sat up "stop freaking out I'm awake aren't I so stop shaking me" I said

"Why were you in the red light district" kana asked "shortcut of course" I said plainly "so how come you have a yokai at your command" yura said

"I said it was a spirit beast it's linked to me dummy" I said "are you sure you're not a yokai" yura said "no I'm not a yokai so back off" I said annoyed

"Sorry" yura said "so why did your face change when the spirit beast came out" kana said I touched the side of my face and sighed

"Sorry" yura said "so why did your face change when the spirit beast came out" kana said I touched the side of my face and sighed

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"It's a minor side effect that happens whenever I summon my spirit beast byakuya" I said as I stood up and stand at the bars

"Let us go you stupid rats" I said growling inhumanly "we won't let you go such a pretty face like yours is such a waist" the leader kyuso said

'Spirit beast possession' I thought to myself as I ripped his arm off "you little bitch you'll pay for that" kyuso said as I was close to ripping the bars off he scratched me and knocked me back

"Kujo san" yura said "damn it that hurts" I hissed holding my head in pain 'byakuya better get back with help soon' I thought to myself

Then I heard a crash through the wall "what is that the 3rd heir" kyuso said I look up to see a yokai with white silver hair at the top with black at the bottom and cherry red eyes

With him was my trusty spirit beast byakuya "kagami your injured" kana said as I tried to stand up holding my arm that kyuso scratched

"Byakuya outrage" I said as my spirit beast started to attack the rat yokai the yokai who arrived actually came to save us but I passed out

3rd person pov

The 3rd heir of the nura clan nura rikuo  is half human half yokai 'it's a good thing we got here in time' rikuo thought to himself as the spirit beast walked up to him

Night Rikuo's pov

"You did well" I said as I walked up to the boss 'how did he get his arm ripped off no...that doesn't Matter right now' I thought to myself as I burned kyuso to a crisp

I saw the spirit beast walk up to the cage slicing it open "what's wrong?" I asked and went into the cage to see kagami kujo my old childhood friend before she started to ignore me

'She used to be so playful but then that changed 4 years ago when she was attacked by a yokai' I thought to myself as I looked at her a moment longer

The spirit beast nuzzles her cheek with it's nose trying to wake her up she opened her eyes only for a moment and saw me

"Rikuo" she said weakly and I smirked as she passed out I saw as the spirit beast disappeared and I picked her up bridal style

"Master rikuo the other girls are safe and outside" kubinashi said "good" I said as I was carrying kagami in my arms

I saw the injury on her arm making me growl under my breath yura had sworn to kill me and I took kagami home

Kagami's pov

I knew rikuo was half yokai he had changed in front of me and I ended up getting attacked by a rogue yokai who caused me pain

I never bothered to tell my parents since my mom probably knew about it already and my dad didn't care enough to bother with them and my sister has no clue about them

I opened my eyes to see myself at home my arm bandaged up "your awake that's good" my mother hannah said as she touched my cheek

"How are you feeling" mom said as I looked at her "who brought me home last thing I saw was..." I cut myself off when I remembered seeing night rikuo

"I'm sure you know the answer to that honey be sure to thank him when you get the chance" mom said "sure I will" I said

I layed back down since it was still dark outside "do you want anything to eat" she said "no thanks I just want some rest" I said as I closed my eyes

"Ok have a nice rest" mom said as she closed the door and I fell asleep 'I should remember to thank him...ugh my mother obviously knows I don't forget anything' I thought to myself as I fell into a deep sleep

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