kagami and giorno are relatives! part 1

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3rd person pov

Etsuko had explained that she was the daughter of an Italian mafia boss but what Etsuko and Chiharu didn't know is that there was another reason why kagami wanted to go to Italy

Etsuko's pov

We were going to go and see Bruno's place which was actually a pretty big mansion "wow big mansion didn't expect that at all" kagami deadpanned in a sarcastic tone of voice

Chiharu walked up to me and whispered in my ear "do you think kagami is being a bit odd" she whispered in my ear I looked at kagami as she looked around with curiosity

I turned back around to state my opinion "Now that you mention it she looks like she's expecting to meet someone" I whispered back

Bruno opened the door and welcomed us inside "exuse me" kagami said "yes?" Bruno said "do you happen to know a giorno Giovanna" kagami said

"Yes we do? But how do you know about him" Bruno said "ah...I think I know the other reason why she wanted to come to italy" Chiharu said

"Giorno could you come here please" bruno said a blonde came out to greet us "Bruno welcome back...um why is that little girl glaring at me" giorno said

I turned to see kagami had a fierce aura around her is she trying to pick a fight with him "are you really my great, great, great, great uncle?" Kagami asked

"Huh...what do you mean do I know you young one" giorno said she revealed the star birthmark on her "You have the same birthmark as me Don't you" she said

"What is your name?" giorno asked "I'm kagami kujo daughter of jotaro kujo" kagami said "ah now the name rings a bell" giorno said with a sigh

"I have heard of you and I wanted to meet you" kagami said with a look of determination in her eyes "wow she looks so excited never I've never seen such a happy look on her face" I said

Bruno had heard me and turned to face me "is it not the Normal reaction she usually has when she visits reletives" bruno said

"Well most of our relatives live in Japan and more of our relatives are kinda split around the world but giorno is the first one out of the usual to give kagami here a real excited look on her face" I said

"Giorno would you mind showing these lovely ladies around the place while I take miss Etsuko here somewhere" Bruno said

"Hey bruno" Chiharu said gesturing him over to her and whispered in his ear this caused him to quickly pale in fear 'why do I have a bad feeling' I thought to myself

I walked over to them "what did you say to him" I said crossing my arms "Nothing" Chiharu said and whistles walking away "liar" I said annoyed

I saw a bit of a traumatized look on Bruno's face "are you ok?" I asked "oh...yes i'm fine caramia just a bit startled that's all" he said

"Chiharu what did you say to him" I said crossing my arms with a firm look on my face "well I'm going to see where kagami went" she said ignoring me

"Stop ignoring me" I said annoyed but sighed "well I expected this sort of thing from her so..." I said and turned towards Bruno

He looked at me curiously "shall we have a walk in the park" I said Bruno smiled "I think that sounds lovely" Bruno said

3rd person pov

"Who are you kid" abbachio said as she was holding onto Bruno's arm "this is a distant relative of mine kagami kujo" giorno said

"And the one behind her is also kagami's cousin Chiharu McGrath" giorno said "well hello there hot mama" mista said as Chiharu lit a cigarette and blew it in his face

"I have a boyfriend and if you even think about flirting with me I'm sure no good will come of it" Chiharu said in a dark tone

Mista shook in terror "how old are you young one" fugo asked "I'm 13 years old" she said "13 wow I would have pegged you for a 10 year old" narancia said

"He's doesn't do math does he" kagami said "no he's not very good at doing math but I'm trying to teach him" fugo said

"Well I pity you" she said "you and me both young one" fugo said "hey could you not smoke inside please" fugo said a bit annoyed

"Ara ara if you have a problem with me smoking inside then you should have said so on the first place" Chiharu said clicking her tongue in annoyance

"Chiharu" kagami said as Chiharu looked down at the 13 year old "hm?" She hummed "please respect the way others feel and put out the cigarette please" kagami said

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"Chiharu" kagami said as Chiharu looked down at the 13 year old "hm?" She hummed "please respect the way others feel and put out the cigarette please" kagami said

"Chiharu" kagami said as Chiharu looked down at the 13 year old "hm?" She hummed "please respect the way others feel and put out the cigarette please" kagami said

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Chiharu spat out her cigarette and put it out "You're sure laying it on thick aren't you" Chiharu said closing her eyes and sighing

"You take orders from a 13 year old that's hilarious" mista said "Don't think that this is any normal 13 year old kid in front of me she's dangerous when she's serious" Chiharu said

"Hahaha" mista started laughing as if it was the most ridiculous thing he had ever heard "yeah right dangerous I'm sure" mista said laughing hard "Are you mocking me" kagami said in an annoyed tone of voice

"I'm sure a child like you should have no trouble beating me down I'll make you a deal if you can prove how strong you are I'll stop making fun of you" mista said

"Your gonna eat those words bud" Chiharu said with a smirk knowing how sensitive kagami Is to being compared to a helpless child

"Sure I will" mista said as he kept laughing kagami's shoulders shook in anger "I'd back up if I were you" Chiharu said to the others as they obeyed

To be continued...

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