the sleepover, the dare and the seven minutes in heaven part 2

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3rd person pov

Hikari, iku, Harry and Peter watched as Gwen guzzled down a bottle of root beer only to choke on her drink and cough Hikari sighed at this

Hikari's pov

"Ok your punishment is you have to do the rest of the game blindfolded" I said "why blindfolded?" Peter asked as I chuckled

"Gives it a little more suspense" I said "you only say that now since you..." I glared at iku making her shut up instantly

"Ok parker your turn" I said "ok" peter said "Harry truth or dare" Peter said "I'm not bold enough to do a dare so I'm going with truth" Harry said

"Do you know if any rumors have been spreading around?" Peter said Harry looked at me and I glared at him telling him to shut up Harry immediately paled when he saw the look on my face

"No I'm afraid not peter" he said "ok?" Peter said confused "Gwen it's your turn" I said "ok so peter truth or dare" Gwen said

"I'll go with truth" peter said "ok is it true you have a crush on someone" Gwen said peter blushed as he scratches the back of his neck nervously

"I.I guess you could say that" he said 'so peter does have a crush on someone' I thought to myself as I wondered who it could be

"Ok iku truth or dare" I heard Harry say snapping me out of my dazed state "dare" iku said "I dare you to eat all the leftover cookie dough" Harry said

"Agh how'd you know I can't stand raw cookie dough" iku said sticking her tongue out in disgust I started snickering "you traitor you said you wouldn't tell anyone" iku said looking at me betrayed

"It's not my fault you can't stand unbaked dough" I said laughing "your so mean" iku said with a small frown on her face

"Well think of it as payback about telling them about my baby picture" I said as I gave her the raw cookie dough for her to eat

"Do I have to" she whined "a dare is a dare iku you can't back out of it now" I said "ah man" she said and started to reluctantly eat the cookie dough

"Maybe that will teach you not to poke your nose where it doesn't belong" I said with a smirk "ok I get it I'm nosy and I should keep my mouth shut" she said with a sigh

"Good I'm glad you know what's good for you" I said as the game kept going "Hikari truth or dare" iku asked with a smirk on her face

'I don't trust that look on her face' I thought to myself "I'm going with Truth" I said with an unease in my voice she had a grin on her face

"Is it true you have a crush on peter" iku said my face immediately erupted in color as it was flushed red in blush peter glanced at me curiously

"Well we're waiting for a response" iku said smirking "Gwen truth or dare" I said "hey don't try and dodge your turn" iku said annoyed

"What do you expect from me" I said "an honest answer of course come on now spit it out and get it over with" iku said

I hung my head low knowing that I had just dug my own grave by prolonging the inevitable

Peter's pov

I watched as iku was trying to get Hikari to say something about it 'actually now I'm feeling a bit hopeful about it' I thought to myself

"Do I have to say it" Hikari said 'I've never seen Hikari's face turn red like that before' I thought to myself as I blushed slightly

"We're all waiting in anticipation hika so you might as well say it loud and clear" iku said "alright already shut up I don't like being pressured" she said

Hikari covers her eyes and her cheeks redden "I do...have a crush on peter" she said my heart pounded in my chest as I smiled at this good news

"Alright I said it Gwen truth or dare" Hikari said blushing immensely 'she's embarrassed that's so cute' I thought to myself

"I guess I will go with another dare" Gwen said "I dare you to prank call flash Thompson" Hikari said "what...agh fine" Gwen said

Gwen used a boyish voice and insulted flash on the phone then hung up quickly "I'm never doing that again" Gwen said

"Ok Harry truth or dare" I said "I guess I'll go with dare this time" Harry said "I dare you to go outside and shout I just came out of the closet" I said

"Oh god" Harry said "I'll do it I'm not embarrassed" Hikari said standing up and going to an open window "I JUST CAME OUT OF THE CLOSET" Hikari shouted

"GOOD FOR YOU" we heard someone shout back this caused all of us to start laughing hysterically then we settled down

"Ok peter truth or dare" Gwen "I'll go guess I'll go with dare" I said "I dare you to peck Hikari's cheek" Gwen said

"You guy's really love humiliating me and peter don't you" Hikari said with a sour look on her face "it's just a peck on the cheek it's not a big deal hika" iku said

She sighed and scooted closer to me so that I had a view of her left cheek "ok" I said as I blushed slightly at this and leaned in pecking her cheek gently

"Ok iku truth or dare" Harry said "truth" iku said "do you like anyone in Japan" harry asked as Hikari snorted "I already know the answer to that question" Hikari said "yes" iku said

"Hikari truth or dare" iku said "dare" Hikari said iku had a Cheshire grin on her face "I dare you and peter to do seven minutes in heaven" iku said 'wait what' I thought to myself as I just looked baffled

To be continued...

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