web slinger- prologue

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3rd person pov

New York city the big Apple and the place that is currently inhabited by a very talented musical artist we zoom in on an apartment complex with a girl practicing guitar

"Hikari heartnet are you done in there yet" a mother's voice rang out while she banged on the bedroom door until her daughter opened it

Hikari heartnet 16 years old and lead vocalist of the band called star burst "what mom?" Hikari said taking her headphones off

"Honey you need new headphones because they aren't canceling the noise at all" her mother Hikari blushed in embarrassment

"Woops" Hikari said "aha sure also your going to be late for school if you don't hurry up" her mother said "agh look at the time why didn't you say anything" Hikari said

Hikari grabbed her bookbag and ran to school she passed through the entrance and quickly went to her seat the bell rang

"Ah made it" Hikari said "Your on time that's a miracle" Hikari looked to her right to see her seat mate and crush Peter Parker

"Yeah My mom didn't say anything until the last minute so I had to rush to school" Hikari said while Peter chuckled as the class began

Hikari's pov

Peter Parker computer geek and my crush why is he my crush well let's rewind to a few months ago when I first got here

Rewind Flashback...

"These guys are looking at me like I'm some sort of unique specimen" I sneered as I walked into the administration office to get my schedule

"Ah man I can't believe I lost my schedule" a certain brown haired boy said as he bumped into me making me drop her bag and books flew out

"oh I'm sorry here let me help you out" he said "well he seems more decent than the other jerks" I whispered to myself "hm?" He said looking at me confused

"It's nothing don't worry about it" I said as I pick up the rest of the contents of my book bag "sorry about slamming into you like that it was an accident I swear" he said

I saw a hand in front of me "here let me help you up" he said as I finally look up to see his face 'wow he's kinda cute not a bad sight for the eyes either' I thought to myself

I grabbed his hand and let him help me up from the ground "my name is Peter Parker" he said "Hikari heartnet" I said in my normal voice

"You must be new" he said "was it that obvious" I said crossing my arms "well that and you looked like a lost puppy" he said

"Very funny" I said sarcastically "and also you looked like you could use some help" he said "yeah that would be great" I said with an awkward chuckle

"You don't talk to people much do you" he said "yeah no I'm socially awkward" I said rubbing the back of my neck embarrassed

"Then maybe we can both be awkward together" he said I looked at him as he smiled "sure" I said with my own small smile

End of Flashback...

Although...'when I also met Spider-man that same day it seemed to be more than just a simple coincidence' I thought to myself


"Ok now where do I go from here?" I said as I was trying to memorize the way to get to the apartment me and my parents were staying at

I heard a crash from a distance I ran over to the place and it was shocking literally like electricity poles were knocked down and wires were everywhere

A type of supervillain was shooting electricity out of his hands "well that's a shocking revelation" I said then facepalmed "I hate myself sometimes" I said

He then noticed me and threw electricity at me "Oh shock" I said as I dodged his attack "quick reflexes won't save you for long" the supervillain said

"I think I can beg to differ" I said as I ran behind a brick wall then I heard some fighting "didn't I deal you with you last week electro funny how time flies" I heard

I saw a guy dressed up in a Spider-man get-up wait his voice sounds familiar 'peter!' I thought to myself electro saw me and tried to shoot at me

I ducked behind a pile of rubble just in time "hey can't help but notice you need some help" he said "I guess you could say that" I said

"Well I think you should get going before sparky over there comes over to give us a real shock" Spider-man is Peter Parker, Peter Parker is Spider-man

'Didn't think my first day would be so interesting' I thought to myself "I think it would be better if you evacuate from this place asap" Spider-man said

I heard electro walking closer "new plan duck" I said as I pulled his head down to avoid an electric shock "I should really be paying attention to the fight" Spider-man said

"Just go" I said as I saw him shoot webs at electro 'I think my Normal boring life here just turned upside down' I thought to myself as I smiled to myself

End of Flashback...

Me and Peter were in our seats waiting for the bell to ring 'I'm not going to let myself break my self-esteem' I thought to myself

I heard the bell ring and immediately packed my book bag with my stuff then I went to go to my next class

I did not realize Peter was trying to get my attention I guess I didn't notice since I went straight out of the classroom to get to my next class

After school...

I went to my locker and it was stuck 'why does this locker hate me so much' I thought to myself as I felt a presence behind me

End of prologue...

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