bloopers 6

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Chapter 1 or prologue

I called out my spirit beast byakuya "byakuya outrage" I said as the spirit beast attacked the rat yokai "a shikigami" yura said surprised

"Boy does that look like a shikigami" kagami said annoyed "kagami Is my favorite kid by far" Angela said "you only say that cause you like the way she looks" iku said "yes I do" Angela said


Next thing I know I'm in a metal cage "kujo san" yura said "kagami" kana said I sat up "stop freaking out I'm awake aren't I so stop shaking me" I said

"I'm getting dizzy you guys" kagami said as she she fell to the ground trying to regain her balance "she's fine" jotaro said "dad!" She said annoyed


Chapter 2

"It was by my own accord that I broke ties with you it wasn't your fault certain changes had begun to develop" I said and opened the medicine bottle

"So...I forgot what I was supposed to say" rikuo said making everyone on set laugh "why am I not surprised" Angela said sarcastically


The room turned cold as I already know Tsurara oikawa is a snow woman "hai open up and take your medicine" I said ignoring the awkward silence

"Hahaha really" rikuo laughed "I don't like awkward silence I had to break it somehow" kagami said making Angela laugh


Chapter 3

"Are you sure you don't want to play with us kujo kun" kiyotsugu said "no thank you I would rather read" I said as I flipped to the next page

"Why does my book have a duck face in it" kagami said this made Angela burst out laughing "oh so your the culprit" kagami said as Angela kept laughing


"Not everyone is meant for the thing they dream about sometimes they have to achieve their goals to succeed in life" I said

"Man Angela you actually thought up a good quote are you sure it's ok for me to use it" kagami said "Nah its OK I don't mind" she said


Chapter 4

"You are nothing but an ordinary human nothing but dirt underneath gyuki" gozumaru said as something inside rikuo changed

Kagami immediately woke up and attacked gozumaru "you take that back you son of a bitch" kagami said

Hannah crossed her arms "I wonder where she got that language from" she said glaring at her husband jotaro and her eldest daughter making them both flinch under her glare


"She'll be ok she's strong willed" night rikuo said "I certainly hope so master rikuo" Tsurara said as rikuo walked away while carrying kagami

"Hey rikuo do you know the wifi password" kagami said rikuo started to laugh like crazy when she said that accidentally dropping her "I'm sorry are you ok" he said


Chapter 5

"Kagami don't you need to learn this as well" torii said "no" I said "why not" maki said "because unlike you two I actually have experience in fighting" I said

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