Snow Shenanigans

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Luz loves the snow. She never got to visit it much in the human realm so she finds it interesting and does her best to make the most of it when she can.  Snowmen, snowball fights, sledding, if you can name it she did it. She gets tired pretty easily but will do whatever she wants in the snow. Although you do have to watch out for the times she gets hurt. You can find her faceplanted in the snow needing you to pry her off of it.


Eda was never really into the idea of the snow since it didn't intrigue her as much when she was little. But now she uses it as a means of distraction. Luz begged Eda to take her somewhere with snow and that led to a family trip. She didn't exactly like the cold but she could tolerate it. She did say she wouldn't touch the snow at all. That was until Luz threw a snowball at her, making contact with her head. That day the snow became a battlefield.


She doesn't care much for the snow but likes the cold weather it brings. Willow will watch the snowball fights and only introduce herself in battle if she is caught in the crossfire. Then she'll unleash her wrath upon the unsuspecting group. After the bruises, she'll patch everyone up and get you all a cup of hot chocolate or any of your favorite beverages. She's tough but she'll take care of you when she wants to.


She is iffy when it comes to snow. She can either hate it or love it. She'll only like it when it is convenient for her. She'll say she hates it if she is caught in the crossfire between snow wars but will say she loves it if she wins them. Amity could care less about it, she only likes it since it keeps everyone else distracted and allows you to have moments alone together. Just you and her in a warm blanket together. Unless you would rather play in the snow with everyone else.


His favorite thing to do is build snowmen. He sometimes uses his illusion power to make them look better. He doesn't mind snowball fights and sledding but he prefers building things since it means he's less likely to get hurt by the snow or crash into a tree again. Next to snowmen, sledding is his favorite activity since he loves the rush. He only has it in second place since he once fell off the sled and ended up eating snow.


He doesn't care for the cold. He likes simple activities similar to Gus. He will build snowmen since it brings out his creativity but he doesn't mind snowball fights. He usually wins but only if Willow and you aren't there. His favorite thing after a snow day is to sit by a warm fire and eat the most sugar-filled cookies with warm milk. He loves the snow but only because he receives cuddles and blankets near the end of the day.


They don't have much experience with snow but he does like it. He complains now and then about the wet snow and how they don't like the cold as much. They go wild for snow in the first few minutes but then immediately get tired. They much prefer to stay inside and eat sugary treats in a warm pillow fort. If they were to choose a favorite activity they would choose snowball fights. They never did like it when they got hit. It depends on what is convenient enough for them.


He loves the snow. I mean he almost ate it in one episode. He only does certain snow activities though. As much as he likes snowballs he never throws them at you, only Amity and Emira. Emira will throw one back if he starts it though. He also loves to build snowmen and gets very creative with them. He will beg you to make one with him. Don't be surprised if he makes one of you. At the end of the day, he will demand you spend time with him very dramatically. Despite some complaints, you give in and spend the last moments of the day eating hot soup and sweet treats.


She doesn't mind the snow. Similar to Amity, her mood will depend on the convenient timing of the snow. She does use the snow to mess with her siblings and usually has you help her with her pranks. She does use her time to enjoy the activities that are possible. Her favorite activity is making snow angels. She usually lays in the snow after she completes one since she likes the feeling of laying in the snow. She can't do it for long since she'll get ambushed by Amity and Edric as an act of revenge.


She loves the snow. She can only experience it in her human form so she tries to make the best of it when she can. As a reptile-like creature, she doesn't like the cold. She'll say she loves the snow but she means she loves the warm clothes she is given along with the hot beverages she's allowed to have. In general, she just likes the benefits that come with a snow day since she doesn't have much resistance for situations involving cold weather. So yeah, if you ask her she'll say she loves the snow.

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