Chapter 14

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Chapter VIII

Percy watched as his mentor hacked the dummies, feeling a strong sense of déjà-vu as he remembered just when he had arrived on Vanguard just over five hundred years ago. Back when he was much younger, even though he hadn't physically changed much from when he had been made a warrior.

"Come out, Perseus." his mentor requested quietly as his sword stopped his swinging. Percy winced, Alpha rarely addressed him by his first name and he only did it when he was either disappointed in him or angry at him. Which, by his tone it sounded a little bit of both. Plus he was hurt. He swallowed and shuffled forward, forcing his eyes to watch his mentor's head. He knew how much his friend hated it when he looked at the ground. "What do you want, Torrent?"

He was really disappointed with him. "I..." he felt words fail him and he shrugged. How would one say sorry without saying sorry anyways? "I was wrong," he admitted. Perhaps that would be enough.

"Okay. Anything else?" the apprentice was obviously not happy.

"I shouldn't have said that." Percy confessed quietly, but firmly and truthfully, not taking his eyes off of his friend's head. "I was the one who had lied to you. Not the other way around. I acted out of rashness, and I..." he trailed off, realizing that he was about to say the word that Alpha would probably not want to hear anyways.

"Your aura has grown." He murmured, almost as if he was talking to himself but Percy knew better. He never spoke unless he had something that he wanted to be heard. "I didn't notice it until now..." he sounded almost concerned but that was impossible. Alpha never showed that much emotion. Percy swallowed and widened his stance slightly so that he wouldn't shift his weight like he always did when he was nervous. Always. "Your powers are getting strong, aren't they?" It was phrased as a question, but it wasn't really a question.

"Yes," Percy confirmed nonetheless. Alpha suddenly spun around to look at Percy in his eyes, and Percy forced himself to meet them, pushing his emotions out to let his mentor to see, something that he would probably never do again, but he was right now anyways.

Alpha sighed and began to pace around him in a circle. Percy tried to watch him but he couldn't completely. "They are strong," his mentor murmured quietly. "Stronger then I would have expected so soon."


Alpha smiled wryly at him. "I need to you promise me something."

"Anything." Percy's voice was hard and unwavering and his stance was tall, but the desperation showed in his eyes.

Alpha chuckled. "You still trust me," he shook his head in slight amusement. "No more lies or secrets. I need to be able to trust you completely."

Percy locked eyes with him. "My name is Perseus Orion Jackson, I was the Son of Poseidon, and I am a demigod, a being that is half mortal, half god. I am now a Warrior of Chaos and the primordial of Loyalty and Hope, my title is Torrent and I am called Percy." His voice was strong, almost echoing around the room. Alpha looked down with a slight smile on his face. "Is that enough? I even told you my middle name."

Alpha chuckled slightly and nodded. "Yes, that's enough. Now, I'm sure you want to know why your powers have suddenly matured." Percy nodded impatiently and he cracked a smile. "Well, what none of you didn't know was that you could possibly be another Apprentice to Chaos incase anything happened to me..."


Alpha winced and nodded. "Yes, I wasn't happy when Chaos told me about two hundred years ago." Percy began to pace, unable to keep still anymore. He blamed the ADHD. "Not at you, of course, but more at Chaos for not telling me sooner. I have always known you were powerful, but I didn't know how powerful you were until then." Alpha shrugged and Percy sighed, running his hand through his hair in frustration.

"Why are they just beginning to show themselves now though? I would have thought they would have started showing long ago."

Alpha shrugged helplessly. "I'm sorry I don't know the answer to that, Percy." He apologized almost sadly. Percy looked at the wall without seeing it, what could he do? Then he looked back at Alpha, his eyes suddenly ablaze with fire that the apprentice had never seen before, but he had heard of.

Apparently that flame had been smoldering for over five hundred years.

"Can you help me control them? I really don't want to accidentally blow up some of the Cheops pyramids." He requested, but his eyes showed that he would try to control those newfound powers whether he had help or not. Alpha rolled his eyes.

"Why in the world are you asking? And what is a pyramid?"

Percy paused for a moment, blanking out completely. "Uh..." he stuttered. "It's... um..." he shrugged, trying to make a triangle with his hands. "It's a big triangle that is on the sand..." he offered somewhat sheepishly.


Percy threw fireballs at the target and watched as it went up in flames and did yet another mini victory dance. He was actually hitting the target and not some innocent bystander. (The books, or Alpha, or Nico, or some other useful, yet boring, practice utensil.)

"Good," Alpha complimented sounding pleased. Percy turned to look at his mentor with an almost blinding grin. Alpha lugged an awkward looking box across the room. "Now, I think it's time to move toward something a little more... challenging." Percy blinked and watched with detached curiosity as the apprentice grinned in almost malevolent glee, bordering sadistic.  He blinked as fog billowed out from the box in a suspenseful effect only serving to increase his curiosity. Alpha reached in and Percy leaned forward. There must have been some kind of priceless artifact, perhaps a dangerous jewel or gold, at the very least.

What he saw was a stone. A pretty stone, granted, but still only a stone.

"Alpha..." he asked warily as the apprentice tied a string around it. "Why do I have a feeling this stone is like my sword?"

Alpha only smiled innocently at him. "This'll help increase your control of air."

Percy nodded, not really hearing him, and then he stopped and looked up. "Air? What do you mean, air?" Percy eyed him suspiciously, and he rubbed his hands together with... di immortales. His face was way to immoral to mean that he was doing this out of the goodness of his heart- and what did he mean about control of air? "I can't use ai..." he trailed off as he glanced down and noticed that he was hovering a few inches above the floor. Oh, Hades. "...never mind. Just a quick question- did you have anything to do with this?" I glared at him as he began shaking, trying to hold his laughter back with tears appearing in his eyes. I raised my eyes to the ceiling and nodded along in exasperation.

"I've been looking forward to this since I found out about you being able to harness the power."


Percy was dead. 

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