Finally California (O2L Fanfic)

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A/N Ok, so if anyone is new that is starting to read this, be prepared. The beginning is HORRIBLE! Just bare with it and continue, my writing (in my mind) gets much better!


Today was the day, finally! I kept
bugging my parents about going to
California.... But they never really listened until know.

Instead of just visiting Cali, I was actually moving there! Finally! I was tired of this bipolar Pennsylvania weather.

But the real reason why I was excited because do you know who lives there.... SAM, KIAN, AND TREVOR!! I was a huge fan of them and all of O2L from the beginning and honestly I just needed one picture.

*2 hours later* "Kylie come on!" my mom yelled "Coming!" I took one last quick look in the mirror. I had on peach shorts with a floral crop top and white flip flops. My medium length, blonde hair was straightened. My makeup was neutral with a little bit of foundation, powder, and mascara. I was ready! I grabbed my two huge suit cases to the steps, but when i tried to carry them down I fell down the steps.

I get up and my parents and my sister are literally crying from laughter. "Whatever, lets go." I said. We got in the car and drove to the airport.We waited about an hour till our flight got called. "Flight 986 now boarding" Cali here I come!


Hey Guys so i'm new to this so if you like it so far please vote and comment! Thanks for reading!! :)

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