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I hear a horrific scream and a loud crash. We all jumped and run to where we heard it.

When we got to the living room, my heart dropped all the way to my stomach. There lying on the floor was my grandfather. My mom was right next to him, crying hysterically.

"SOMEONE CALL 911! PLEASE! HURRY!" She yelled. Deanna was the first to react. She let go of Jc's hand and ran to the phone and dialled 911, but Jc followed and held her from behind.

The last thing I heard was my mother's cries and screams, and my sister talking on the phone, then everything got muffled. I slumped to the floor, just staring. How could this happen? What happened? I didn't get to say I loved him. Then one, single tear slid down my face.


"Come on Poppy!" A little 8 year-old girl yelled. Then I saw a older man running after her. I watched as he little girl was running around laughing, and having fun. While the man was running with her, picking her up, throwing her into the air, making her laugh.

Then one time the girl fell. The man picked her up, and brought her into the house, to the bathroom. He sat her on the toilet, got some band-aides, and peroxide. He cleaned her her wound and wiped away her tears.

"It's ok. You're ok now." He said. The little girl wiped here tears and smiled. "I love you Poppy!" She said while throwing her arms around his neck. He laughed and said "I love you too, Kylie."

*End of flashback*

When my senses returned, I saw bright red and blue lights flashing, and I saw 3 men with a gurney, pick up my grandfather, lay him on it, put a breathing mask to his mouth, and carry him away with my mother following.

Then I feel two hands grab onto my arms and pull me up off the ground. I didn't resist, I couldn't feel anything anyways. My mind was blank, my body was numb. He swept me off the ground holding me bridal style. I didn't move, or cuddle closer. I just sat there, mascara smudged, eyes blank, and body frozen.

He took me up stairs to my bedroom. He laid me down and wrapped me in a blanket. I closed my eyes and let more tears escape. He laid down next to me stroking my hair, while one hand was holding mine, one arm was around my waist, and started humming. It didn't take long for me to go to sleep

*Next Day*

I woke up, but didn't open my eyes. The events that occurred last night came flooding back. My grandfather. On the ground. Motionless. Gurney. Hospital.

Then I heard the door creak open, and then smell of bacon and pancakes. Yet I didn't move. I hear footsteps coming closer. I flip over to wear the sound is coming from. I finally open my eyes and just see pitch black.

The bed gets pushed down and I feel a hand on my hand. I grab it and intertwine our fingers. Then I feel two soft lips press onto mine.

"Morning." Connor says. I didn't speak. He understood and crawled next to me and cuddled with me. "I made you breakfast. Would you like it?" He asked kissing my neck.

I didn't want to move. I didn't want to speak. So I just nodded. He rolled of the bed and over to the nightstand where he left the food.

I sat up and he placed the food in my lap. "Do you want the windows open?" He asked. I shook my head. I did, but I didn't want to face the world yet. I just lost one of the most important people in my life. I couldn't do it.

So I just started eating in pitch black, with Connor at my side hugging my hips.

"Connor....." I tried to say but it came out choked. "Yes Babe?" He asked. "What if he's not ok?" I say, and the tears start falling. I don't wipe them away.

Connor takes the food of my lap and reaches across me to set it down on the nightstand. Then he makes me lay down again, and he wraps his arms around my waist and pulls my closer to his chest till I could hear his heartbeat.

"Don't think that way. He'll be fine, either way." More tears escape. I didn't talk after that. I just laid there till I drifted off to sleep, again.


When I woke up again Connor wasn't there. I knew it. He didn't want to be with a girl that is a wreck and can't handle the situation. But then I hear the shower turn off, and Connor walk out with a towel hugging his waist.

"Hi." He says while walking over to me. He leans down and gives me a kiss. "I hope you don't mind. I really needed one." He says gesturing to the shower. I shake my head, not minding. Not at all......

Then I smile. Connor sees it and attacks me. "You smiled!!" He yells. I start laughing. "AND LAUGHED!" Then he starts tickling me. "CONNOR...... St... op!" I yell in between breathes. He stops and smiles down at me. I smile back. We stay like that for a few minutes. He kisses me and says, "Maybe you should take a shower too, get up and moving. I nod and smile. I push him off, get up, grab my phone and go to the shower.

I take my clothing off and take my hair out of it's horrible bun and hop in the shower. I never realized how cold I was till I felt the hot water run down my body. I just stand under the water for a good 15 minutes, then decide to do all of the things I need to.

When i'm finish I get out, tie a towel around my body and my hair, and grab my phone.

When I get out I see Connor isn't in there but there's a note on the bed.

Meet me in the Park. 7:00.


I smile and check my phone. 5:30.

I start getting ready. I put on a pair of skinny jeans, and a plain navy blue tank-too, brown sandals, and curled my hair.

I grab my Vera Bradley wallet and phone and walk out the door.

*At the park*

No one is here so it shouldn't be hard to find him, so I start searching. Then I see a blanket on the grass and a man on it laying down. I smile and walk over. I put my wallet and phone next to the blanket and lay down. We don't talk for a while, just sit there and look at the stars.... but then I speak up. "Hi." I said. He turns his head and looks at my with a beautiful blue/green eyes and scoots closer and wraps his arm around my shoulders and pulls me closer. "Hi." He says.

We lay there for what seems like hours look at the stars, pointing at constellations, laughing, and cuddling. Then I hear my phone go off. I break out of Connor's hold and roll around to my phone. I got a text from a random number.


I told you to be afraid. Now your grandfather's suffering.

"Connor....." I choke out, and show him the texts. "Oh my god." Is all he can say.


Sorry I haven't updated in a while.

I don't know why but here you go!

Hope you like it!

Finally, California (O2L Fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora