What is going on?

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"Kylie!" I hear my name being yelled.

I slowly lift my head and look towards the sound. I see everyone from the table making their way over to me.

"What the hell happened in there?" Connor asks.

I rolled my eyes. "Nothing." I spit.

I have to go to the hotel and just think about things. Pushing my self off the curb, I head towards the car.


I drove with Connor. Can this get any better?

"I'll talk to her." I hear someone whisper and footsteps approaching. No use in fighting them, so I just sit back down on the cold concrete.

"Whats up hun?" Alexa asks.

Alexa and I've knew each other for a while now. We started talking of course through YouTube, and we just so much in common. Plus she's always helped my with my fashion.

"I don't wanna talk about it." I blandly reply.

She takes a spot next to me and starts to rub my back. That puts me over the edge. I lean into her and start letting all my tears go. Alexa doesn't seem to mind as her arms wrap around my body instantly.

"Please tell me." She pleads. Alexa was the type of person that couldn't stand to see people sad. Every time we'd FaceTime and I was down she'd waste no time cracking jokes; making me laugh.

So I spill everything, and I mean everything. From the minute I left my seat to running outside. I even told her about my trust issues.

I've never told anyone this, but I figure you should know.


When I was 16, a junior in high school, I had this thing for a new guy at my school. He was athletic, shy, and just adorable. One day, while I was at my locker I saw him walking down the hall, so I quick hid my face behind the small, metal door.

I wasn't really good with guys.

Then I hear footsteps approaching, and they stopped right next to me. I peer around the locker door, and are greeted with amazing brown eyes.

"Hi." I says.

"He-hey." Of course I stuttered! Jeez Kylie, why do you have to be a screw up.

I continued to get my books out and slammed the door closed.

"So I was wondering if you'd like to go on a date with me." He cautiously asks, while rubbing the back of his neck.

He's so cute.

"Umm sure." I answered slowly.

"Can I have your number?" He asks more confidently.

"Yeah sure." I pull a pen out and start writing my number on a piece of paper. Shakily might I add.

"Thanks." And he walked off.


You're probably thinking how did this do anything to make me have trust issues.

Well, the date went great and after a couple more, we were official. We were happy.

That's what I thought, until that party.

*Another Flashback*

Our football team had won playoffs and were going to the championships, so of course we'd celebrate.

We all headed to the lake, where the quarterback had a cabin.

Surprisingly there was only wine coolers. Only because the guys had to stay in shape and stay focused. I was only on my first one, and was talking to this one girl who was dating the receiver. Bree, I think her name was. But anyways I hadn't realized that my boyfriend was no where to be seen.

"He's probably upstairs to take a breather." I hear Bree yell over the music. I nod. I mouth a 'Thanks' and head upstairs.

There were people everywhere, just sucking each other's faces off. Not unusual.

I begin to check all the rooms. One after another, each one holding a bunch of horny teens.

As I near the next one I'm expected to see what I've saw behind all the others, my expectation was right but different.

As the door swung open, you guessed it, there he was laying there sucking the face of none other than whore Kasey.

I ran out as fast as I could.

I was used. I was a toy. No guy wanted me, all they wanted were my "friends".


So when that so called Abby told me those things I was quick to believe it.

I should of expected it really. I mean it's happen before and it could happen again. I guess this was it.

I looked up at Alexa after pouring my heart and soul out. I could feel my tears drying on my reddened cheeks. Her face was shocked, sincere, surprised. But she understood. She got up, brushing herself off in the process, and reached her had out to me. I graciously took it. She hauled me up and started walking towards her car.

"Where are we going?" I sniffled.

"My room. you've been through enough, and you need some space. Plus we are over due for a sleepover." She replies; adding a smile at the end.

I nod knowing I was going to be ok.

As we reached the car, I saw a black truck go up the street. Slightly slowing as he passed us. But speeding off after. I couldn't help but shiver.

I hopped in the passenger seat, and Alexa took the wheel.

I let my head rest against the window, as I slowly drift into a slumber. I've been caused to much pain the few months I've been here, and something is telling me its not over.

I was slightly taken off guard when I felt vibrating in my pocket; waking me from my sleep.

I groaned quietly and retrieved my phone.

I held it to my face, eyes squinting from the light, and unlocked it.

' Thought I was picking you up. But seems your friend as you. Sweet dreams x '

I gulped. What is going on?


I know I haven't updated in awhile but things are going on in my family and its hard on all of us.

But I hope you guys enjoyed.

What do you guys think is going to happen? Who is the guy? What does he want? Is he dangerous?

Hope you guys are enjoying everything so far, and I'm about to start my other fanfic. I think its going to the a One Direction one, but I'm also thinking 5SOS. So tell me what you think I should do!

Love you all! xx

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