"Life is good."

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"KYLIE, WAKE UP! WE'RE HERE!" I hear girls scream. I groan and just turn my head. "Fine, then you can just stay here for the next couple of days." I hear what sounds to be Andrea's voice. "Ok, ok i'm up!" I yell.

As you can see I fall asleep in cars, obviously. But for some reason car rides, especially long ones, make me tired and it'll happen so quickly that I'll forget everything that happened before I went to sleep. Does that even make sense? I don't know, but it happens.

Anyway, I begin to stretch out a little, when all of a sudden a loud scream comes out of my mouth so loud I jump, scaring myself.

Has that ever happened to you? When you're stretching for what, a couple seconds, then all of a sudden you scream. Yeah, that happened to me. But it wasn't just a normal scream it was more like a growling sound. How does that happen?

"What the hell was that?" Rebecca asks laughing her head off.

"I was stretching ok! Leave me alone." I pout.

They all just continue laughing as we get out of the car. As I open the door I feel the warm breeze wash over me. Seriously, I will never get over this weather.

All of us girls go to the back of the car to retrieve our bags, but of course before I even wanna consider pulling out my suitcase, I open it to find my camera.

"Guys, we in Anaheim." I say giggling right after.

"So, yea we finally made it to our hotel and we are actually just getting our bags out waiting for the guys to come so we can check in together."

I finally decide to reach in and grab my suitcase. But me being an idiot I totally forgot it was open so everything falls out and I mean everything.

"Are you kidding me!" I yell. I haven't even noticed the camera was still recording.

"Oh, hey, sorry guys it's just i'm an idiot and before I pulled my suitcase out I opened it to get my camera." I say gesturing to the technology I have in my hand. "And I guess I forgot it was open and I decided to finally get it out of the trunk and everything fell out!" I explain turning my camera to show them, but making sure none of undergarments were showing.

"Don't I have to greatest luck! Well I guess I have to clean this up, so I'll talk to you once we check in." I say and end it.

Ugh, now I have to refold everything and put it back.

"Guys can you help me?" I plead.

They all get up from sitting on their bags and come over to help me.

"Jeez, how much stuff do you need! I thought I was bad." Alexa says commenting on my huge pile of clothes.

"Hey, you are bad, but I didn't know what the weather was suppose to be like." I retaliate.

Jenn opens her mouth to say something but I stop her. "And don't even say 'You should of checked the weather.' Cause meteorologists are mostly wrong!"

"Well you just took the words right out of my mouth." Jenn says and we all laugh.


A loud horn honks and we scream. We turn around and see all the guys laughing in the car.

"What the fuck!" I yell holding my hand to my chest. "You gave us a heart attack!" Andrea says.

All the guys pile out of the car trying not to laugh. They all go and grab their stuff out of the back and walk over to us, me not saying a word to them.

We head to the hotel and Connor repeatedly tries to talk to me.

"Come on Kylie, I said i'm sorry, and you can't stay mad at me." He says oh so confidently. I try not to smile, and that proves to be really hard, i'm literally fighting with myself just not to give him a little grin

Tyler walks up to the check in desk to get us rooms.

"3 rooms under Oakley." He says poshly.

"Oh yes, here you are Mr. Oakley."

"Why thank you." He says and walks off.

I can't help myself from cracking up, which makes Connor pout. "So he gets a laugh from you and I don't?"

I stop laughing and turn my head and give him a quick kiss on the lips, and turn back around.

"Yes, but you get a kiss and he doesn't." I say barely above a whisper so only he can hear me. I can feel him smiling as he moves closer and rest his hand on my hip and gives me a kiss on the check. "See I knew you couldn't stay mad."

"You are way to confident for your own good Franta." I say.

"You love me though." I whispers in my ear. All I do is smile.

"Ok, so what are the sleeping arrangements?" Troye asks breaking Connor and me out of our little moment.

"How many beds in a room?" Trevor asks.

"2." Tyler replies.

"How about couples in one room, boys in one, and girls in the other." Jc says, solving our problem.

"I'm fine with that." I say. I look over to Connor and he's already looking me. "I'm ok with it too." He says still looking at me and I swear I see him wink.

I roll my eyes at him and turn my direction back to the group. Out of the corner of my eye I see his mouth open and him places his hand over his heart; acting offended. I smirk but keep my head straight.

"Oh don't you think you're a bad ass." He says just above a whisper; playfully squeezing my sides. I jump and everyone looks at us.

"I'm just really excited!" I say cheerfully, smiling widely. I here Connor laugh besides and I elbow him in the ribs.

"Ok, well it's 9:45 so we should go to our rooms?" Trevor yawns. "Yeah, sure." I reply.

We all head to the gold elevators and hope in. All of us are near the top of the hotel so we have great views of the city. We go our separate ways with our roommates once we reach the floor. Connor, Kian, Andrea, and I all head to our room. Kian unlocks the door and it seems like a normal room; until we turn on the lights.

It's literally like the 1st floor of a house! There's once section with a mini bar/ kitchen, there's a whole living room and dining room, and there's another door that leads to a gigantic room with two king beds!

We were all gaping at the sight, this is incredible!

All of a sudden I see two extra doors coming off from the room; so I go walk over of course. I open the first door and what do I see, A WALK IN FREAKING CLOSET! Yeah, you read right, a walk in closet that could fit at least 7 people.

"ANDREA!" I yell and hear her running over. "What is i.. OH MY GOD!" She screeches.

"I KNOW!" I scream with her. We both run to get our stuff and hang it, and after we're done we just sit in there; that's how big it is.

Once we saw that it was weird that we were sitting a closet, we walked out, Andrea went to go find Kian but I wanted to see where that second door went to.

I approach it and can feel it radiating cool air. I reach for the hand and yank it open, only to be greeting with the light breeze. I walk outside on the balcony and see a figure leaning against the railing. I walk over and mimic his position. "This is beautiful." I gape at the breathtaking view of the city lights.

He looks over at me and smiles that amazing smile. "Yeah, yeah it is." He agrees. I move closer and rest my head on Connor's shoulder and he snakes his hand around my waist to close the space.

"Life is just so good." He says.

"It definitely is."

Y'all hate me right? I'm the worst at updating! It's just school, then write after I have practice and I just end up to tired to do anything.

I'm sorry again, but I hope you all are enjoying it!

THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE 30k+ guys I never thought this would happen. Like imagine 30,000 people in one room that all read my story! Thats makes me scared but seriously I love you all! <3

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