YouTube Friends

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I start sobbing uncontrollably. "It's ok.... Everything's fine." Connor says while holding me. I break away and stand up. "HOW COULD EVERYTHING BE OK!" I yell. "A CRAZY PERSON IS RUNNING AROUND AND HURTING MY FAMILY! AND ALL YOU CAN SAY IS 'Everything's fine.' YOUR LIFE IS GOOD! NOTHING IS GOING ON... ITS FUCKING PERFECT!"

He just stares at me in disbelief. It was true though! He had an amazing life! Everything was going good.

"And how would you know that?" He asked. His eyes got darker, his face less caring. I got scared. He stood up so that our faces were inches apart. I gulp. "I...." I started but couldn't finish. He stands there waiting for an answer, but I don't give one. Instead I stare him right in the eye. His face softens and he backs away. Then he starts walking, away.

"Connor....." I manage to say. He doesn't turn around. I run after him. I grab his wrist. "Connor!" I say more loudly. He stops but doesn't turn. "I'm sorry." I tell him. He finally turns around, but with tears in his eyes. Instead of asking, I move in and hug him. Instantly, he wraps his arms around my waist and buries his face in the crook of my neck.

"Come on." I say and lead him to my car. I drive to my house and lead him in. We both lay on the couch. "I love you." Connor says while snuggling me closer. "I love you too.." I say and we fall to sleep.

*next day*

I decide to go get Connor and me coffee. I get out of his hold and let him sleep. I grab my wallet and phone and head out the door.

*At StarBucks*

I order us both caramel mochas. When I get our coffee from the pick-up line and turn around, I'm shocked. There staring right at me was Kasey. And next to her, her little follower. But her friend looked really familiar.

She had dark, brown, curly hair. And was about 5'3. I swear I remember her from somewhere. Not in person though.... Like the internet or something.

Then I snap back to reality and see Kasey staring right at me. Her and her friend gives me a smirk and a wave. They get up from their seat and walk over to me. "Well isn't it the little trap. All alone like always." She pouts. I set the two coffees done and turn toward her once more.

"You know what slut! I'm here alone because my BOYFRIEND is at home and isn't real happy. Ok! So I came down here to get him coffee!" I grab the coffee once more. "So if you'll excuse me." I start to walk away then I hear her disgusting high voice again. "You have a boyfriend! Haha in your dreams hun!" Thats it I've had enough. I set the coffee down and walk back towards her. I don't even remember anything, except my arm swinging and the outcome was Kasey has a bloody nose. I turn around and walk away... A little bit faster than I tried too. "Carly... Get her!" She yells.

I start to pick up speed. Then I hear footsteps getting closer. I start into a full sprint. But that doesn't help. Next thing I know I'm on the ground with the coffee spilled everywhere. Her friend gets off of me. "I'm sorry." I heard her mumble. At least I thought she did. "What?" I reply. "I'm sorry." She says. That voice is so familiar. I know it! "dancerxx4life?" I asked her. "Yeah..." She says.

"Oh my god! I haven't seen you in forever!" I stand up and give her a hug. "Do you remember me?" I ask. She nods and smiles. "KylieForever." She says. I smile back.

Carly and me were amazing friends. We met each other through YouTube. We did collabs, public pranks, all of that! Then she stopped because she was way to busy. I never talked to her again. Now she was helping Kasey?

When we released from the hug we heard Kasey coming down the street. "I'm sorry." Carly says while grabbing my arm. We see Kasey running and holding her nose. "I got her!" Carly yells to her. I was so confused. She was my friend and she is letting Kasey get me? I start to pull. "Carly what are you doing!" "I have to she's my friend." "That whore!?" Before she could answer Kasey was right in front of us.

"Well, Well... Look who's got a bloody nose now." Just then I see her fist coming right at me. I duck and manage to pull myself free of Carly's grip. But then Carly takes my hand and gives me a piece of paper, quickly so Kasey wouldn't notice. Then I start again into a full sprint. Thanks to track I'm in pretty good shape, so I run all the way home.

I get home and throw the door open. I quickly shut it and throw my back against it. Out of breath I go to the kitchen for water and I see Ryan and Lilly. They look at me with confused looks. "Kasey." I say panting. Their eyes widen and sit down around the island, waiting for me to tell them what happened. "Later." I told them. They just nodded because they understood.

When I headed back to the living room I see Connor still sleeping. So, I set my water down and crawl back in next to him. Then I feel his arms wrap around my waist and pull me closer. "Later?" He asked. "Later." I reply.

Then I open my hand. I see a crumpled up piece of paper. I open it and see a phone number.

'Hey!' Is all it said with the number.


Thank you all so much for reading!

I hoped you enjoyed! :)

As you can see, Carly is the winner!

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