Texas and California Landing

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When we landed in Texas, Ricky started getting really excited. Confused, I was about to ask him "Why are you so excited?" But, before I could he jumped up and started running down the aisle making his crazy nosies.

When I saw where he was going my heart literally stopped. Deanna was asleep but woke up when I started hitting her.

"What!" She said angry.

"Jc....... Ricardo......." I said hyperventilating. She looked down the aisle to a group of boys hugging. She then turned to me and got up and moved. Since she knew I wanted them to sit next to me. (Authors Note: there are 4 seats in a row)

After the reunion, Ricky, Jc, and Ricardo started walking back towards me. "Guys," Ricky said. "This is....." "KYLIEFOREVER!!!" Jc and Ricardo yelled simultaneously, cutting off Ricky.

I was just sitting there with a blank look on my face. They knew who I was? Did they all know?

While I was still sitting there in shock Ricky started laughing. "She's a HUGE fan." He said. They all started laughing. I finally returned to real life and started blushing.

"Don't worry, we're fans too!" Said Jc. I was practically dead! First Ricky is a fan of me and wants me to hang out, now Jc and Ricardo are fans. This couldn't get any better!

Jc sat next to me, Ricky next to him, and Ricardo on the end. "So, Kylie..." Jc started. "Why are you on a plane?" I told him all about how my family finally agreed with me about going to California, and instead of visit we are moving there. "Cool, all of us O2L guys are staying for the whole summer! Maybe we could hang out, introduce you to the other guys!" Jc said. (Authors Note: Its summer right now when Kylie is moving) "Yeah!" Was all I could get out of my mouth.

During the flight we all got to really know each other. Well mostly me since they knew everything about each other. After about an hour I fell asleep.

*2 hours later*

I was still laying down, with my eyes closed but I was awake. Then I felt eyes staring at me. I turned my head so it was facing the ceiling and opened my eyes. Once they got adjusted to the light I saw 3 boys hovering above me. "WAKE UP KYLIE!" They said. "WE'RE HERE!" All I could do was smile at their excitement. I groaned and turned my body, still laying down. Next thing I knew I was lifted up and thrown of a shoulder.

"Put me down!" I screamed. Ricky, Jc, and Ricardo started laughing. Once out of the plane Ricky finally put me down and Ricardo handed me my carry-on. Once I had it I hit all of them with it. "You jerks!" I yelled, but trying to hold back a smile. They just continued to laugh.

We all started walking to where our suit cases were, with my family behind. My family all knew who they were from me talking about the so much, so they didn't mind. When we got our suit cases we started going to where people got picked up. All of a sudden I heard screaming. I looked to my left and saw the boys running to....to.... SAM, KIAN, AND TREVOR!! I was about to die. To much excitement in one day.

They had there little reunion, but I had to leave. So, my family and I started walking to a taxi but then I heard foot steps behind me. It was Ricardo. "Kylie, wait!" He yelled after me. Then he handed me 3 slips of paper. "Here is mine, Jc's, and Ricky's phone numbers. Call us when you're settled so we can hang out."

"Ok, Thanks!" I said. Then I started to leave. But I took one last glance behind me and I saw all the guys waving bye to me. I waved back, smiling like an idiot, and left.

Once in the taxi I just looked out the window and replayed every part of this day in my head.


Hope you like it! :)

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