Will Vidcon Happen?

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(A/N: I typed this on the way to New Jersey really quick so if there is mistakes sorry!)


My phone alarm started singing "LA Story" by Sammy Adams ft. Mike Posner.

I groan and start hitting my phone just to stop it. Then I remember something.

I quickly get up and unplug my phone, its 6:30 am.

"GUYS WAKE UP!" I yell.

No one moves. So, I scream louder.

"WAKE UP!!!" Finally everyone open their eyes.


You're probably wondering why I'm up early for the day BEFORE Vidcon. Well, I totally forgot about it and we're gonna film a video, we need to go shopping, the drive to Anaheim is like 2 hours, and we have to check in to our hotel.

After I yell that everyone hops up! I'm so excited, this will be my very first time going to Vidcon! I don't have many subscribers but everyone was tweeting how they wanted to meet me, and it is seriously surreal!

Everyone started getting up and ready, the girls in my room, and the guys just switching in the bathroom. Which ended up waking up my family.

"What the hell is going on." My dad groaned.

"Sorry!" I said laughing. "But today is the day before Vidcon, and we need to get stuff done!"

"Thats fine, just keep it down." He says.

"OK!" I say smiling and closing my bedroom door again.

Us girls weren't even getting ready we were just talking.

"Guys, I'm seriously so nervous!"

"Why?" Olivia started laughing.

"Cause I've never went before! And what if the people that watch my videos expect someone different?" I say honestly.

"Oh, Kylie calm down! They'll love you!" Rebecca answered.

Then all of a sudden Andrea and Jenn attacked me.

We all started laughing uncontrollably when all of a sudden Sam walks in.

"Aren't you suppose to be getting ready?" He says laughing as the other guys come in.

"What if we were getting dressed?" I ask standing up with my hands on my hips.

Sam stayed silent. "Exactly. Now get OUT!" I say as we all throw pillows at them.

They finally leave except Kian, and Connor. Me and Andrea walk up to them.

"And why are you still here?" I ask all sassy.

He pulls me by my waist closer to him. "Just wanted to say I love you." He says.

"Aww aren't you sweet!" I say wrapping my arms around his neck and giving him a peck on the lips.

"Now get out, so I can get dressed!" I say pushing him playfully.

"Ok, ok I'll go." He says throwing up his hands in defeat.

Kiandrea finally say their good byes and we are left alone.

"Ok I suggest we get dressed now, before they come in again!" Jenn says laughing.

*Connor's prov*

Its been over an hour and the girls have not come down yet. So us guys decide to go get some Starbucks, and grab all of our camera stuff.

As we're walking to Starbucks, everyone pulls out they're camera's and begin vlogging.

"Hey guys, so right now we are on our way to Starbucks, then we are gonna film a bunch of videos with all of us." I say pointing the camera to all the guys. "Plus more! I'll talk to you guys once we get home!" I say and shut off the camera.

Once we get to Starbucks, we all order our drinks plus some for the girls. We get our drinks and head over to each other houses to get our cameras and lights and head back over to Kylie's.

*Kylie's Prov*

We were finally dressed and down stairs making breakfast when the guys walk in.

"Hey got everything?" I ask flipping the pancakes.

"Yeah, and we got you guys Startbucks." Connor says walking over and giving me a quick peck.

"Thanks!" Rebecca yells.

"Ok so what are we gonna do first?" Kian asks.

"Well, I was thinking filming because that takes longer. Then we can go out and get everything we need, and then drive tonight." I answer.

"Thats fine!" Ricky says.

"Ok but lets eat first!" Sam and Trevor add.

I laugh and set out all the pancakes, eggs, and bacon the girls and I just cooked.

After about an hour everyone is done eating and the guys are helping me set up.

"Ok the lights go here, here, and here." I say telling the guys where to put them.

"And the camera goes right in the middle."

"GUYS WERE READY!" I yell to the girls. "Coming!"

All the girls sit on the couch, while the guys sit on the floor inbetween our legs.

Ricky gets up, presses record, and we begin.

"Hey guys!" I yell waving my hands.

"So today I'm here with.." Everyone just looks at me."Say your name!" I laugh.

"I'm Jenn!"

"I'm Rebecca!"

"I'm Alexa!"

"I'm Andrea!"

"I'm Lilly!"

"I'm Deanna!"

"I'm Connor!"

"I'm Ricky!"

"I'm Sam!"

"I'm Kian!"

"I'm Trevor!"

"I'm Ryan!"

"and I'm Jc!"

"I'll put all their links in the description, but today we are playing Would You Rather! So lets just get into it. We we all tweeted out for you guys to ask us Would You Rathers, lets see what we got!"

"Ok I have a good one!" Jc says.

"Would You Rather not be able to go to Vidcon & able to go everywhere else, or only allowed to go to Vidcon and thats it?"

"Go to Vidcon definitely!" Rebecca says.

"But then you can't go to like Playlist or TeenHoot." Trevor says.

"But Vidcon is way bigger and you can meet more people." Rebecca throws back.

"I say Vidcon." I answer.

"Yeah same." Jenn says.

Everyone else nods their head in agreement.

"We are actually going to Anaheim today! To get in and settled." Connor says.

"Ok next one, Would You Rather have to eat nasty healthy food for the rest of your life, or fast food for the rest of your life?" I ask.

"Can I just say both are pretty bad!" I add.

"How?!" Ricky says.

"Well nasty healthy food, as it says is nasty and to eat that everyday would be hell! And eating fast food everyday gets you sick and can kill you." I say.

"Can I just die?" Kian says as we all start laughing.

"I say the healthy food cause you can always add salt and stuff." Lilly says.

"That is true!" Ryan agrees.

"So we all agree healthy food?" Jenn asks.

"Yes!" We say.

This goes on for about 30 minutes (Since can't seem to stop laughing or messing around.) and then we're finally done.

"Ok guys so that's it for Would You Rather, please like, comment, and subscribe if you haven't already. Also make sure you check out all of these guys! I'll be doing vlogs at Vidcon so subscribe to my vlog channel and I'll see you guys in my next video. Bye!"

"Bye!" Everyone else yells and we stop recording.

"I say that went pretty well, but there is gonna be a lot of bloopers I know it!" I say.

"Definitely!" Sam agrees.

"Ok well I guess we should go pack." Jc says.

"Yeah, right, ok I'll see you all at 5 so we can go shopping?" I ask.

"Sure, so who's driving?" Connor says.

"I'll drive all the girls, I guess." Jenn said.

"I'll drive the guys. I can use my moms car it has 3 rows." Ryan says.

"Ok so I'll see you all in a couple of hours!" I say.

Everyone says bye to each other and goes out the door. Now time to pack, which is gonna take FOREVER!

*10 minutes later*

Ok packing fucking sucks! I've only got some bras and underwear packed. I don't even know what clothes to bring, should I bring jeans just incase or just bring shorts? I have no clue. So I pretty much just start editing my video.

Seconds turn into minutes and minutes turn into hours and before I know it its already 3! Ok I have like 2 hours to pack!

I text Alexa and ask her what kind of clothes she's bringing. She says she's bringing a couple of shorts, a dress, vans, wedges, and nice shirts but also casual ones.

So thats exactly what I packed, plus an extra dress just in case we want to go some where nice to eat, plus an airy oversized sweater, cardigan and 2 pairs of jeans. Hey don't judge me! A girl needs a variety of clothes, what if the weather just changes quickly then I'll be prepared.

I pack up my makeup, curling wand, straightener, all my bathroom stuff. (such as shampoo and conditioner, soap, and toiletries) my penny board, and of course my laptop. I think i'm ready. When I look at my phone again its 4:15. So I just decide to go on YouTube for the rest of the time.

*45 minutes later*

All of a sudden I hear the door bell ring and I'm awoken from my nap, I guess I was tired. I look at my phone and its exactly 5. I go over to my bathroom fix my hair and makeup to make sure I look awake and ready. I put on my pair of black converse, grab my suitcases and head downstairs.

"I'm leaving!" I say to my parents as I walk into the kitchen. I hug them both goodbye, and of course they give me the lecture of being safe. "I know, I know. I'll call you when we get there, and I'll call you tonight, promise." I say to assure them that I'll be ok.

They smile, give me one last hug and let me go. I reach the door with a smile on my face. I'm so excited! This is gonna be the best couple days ever!

I grab the door handle and yank it open. When I expect to see all the girls I'm a bit taken back.

"Carly what are you doing here?"

"Kylie I need to come to Vidcon with you! Please." She said urgently.

"Whats wrong?" I asked concerned.

"Its Kasey, she found out I told you about her plan."

Just then I didn't think my heart could beat any faster.

Ok I know Vidcon is over but I was so sad looking at all the pictures and tweets that I knew if I wrote about it while Vidcon was actually going on, I'd be more depressed that I wasn't there! Lol

And whats gonna happen with Carly?

But next chapter will be all about the first day, or the industry day of Vidcon. Then the next chapters will be a different day.

So I hope you guys enjoyed this :)

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