She's Here...

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"It started with a whisperrrr....... And that was when i kissed herrrr..." My phone alarm sang. I unlocked it and saw a got a twitter notification.

I looked and saw Connor tweeted something. "Morning 😊 @kylieforever13" it said. I tweeted back "Morning ❤ @ConnorFranta"

I got up all happy. I went to the bathroom and took a shower, brushed my teeth, did my hair curly and got dressed. Then I went downstairs and saw Lilly and Ryan eating. "Hey guys!" I said skipping into the kitchen. "Hey Kylie!" Ryan said totally oblivious to my random happiness, but Lilly noticed. "Hey Kylie...." She asked questionably.

"Ryan can I talk to Kylie alone?" She asked him. "Sure! I gotta take a shower anyways!" He said and went up stairs.

"What's up with you?" She asked. "What do you mean?"

*Lilly's Prov*

Kylie was really happy, considering Kasey's finally in town. Did she found out yet?

"What's up with you?" I asked. "What do you mean?" She replied.

"Kylie come on! You're literally glowing!! What happened?!?" She started blushing. "It's a guy! Isn't it!?" I yelled.

She just continued blushing. "Who is it?!?!?!?" "Calm down Lilly! Damn!" She said laughing. Kylie took out her phone and showed me a tweet from Connor. "Morning 😊 @kylieforever13" After I read that I literally attacked her. "OH MY GOD!!" I yelled.

*Ryan's Prov*

Lilly wanted to talk to Kylie alone. I was fine with that. I just figured she was going to tell her Kasey's here. So I go up and take a shower. Right when I get out I here a scream. Oh god, Kylie found out.

I slowly got dress, trying to avoid going down stairs. I finally finish a crept down stairs.

When I turn the corner into the kitchen, I see Lilly on top of Kylie on the floor, she's probably pinning her down because she's angry. "So, I'm guessing you found out?" I finally ask, speaking up. They both turn their head towards me. "About what?" Kylie asks while they are getting up. "That Kasey is in town." I answer with a duh sound in my voice.

Kylie's eyes turn dark with anger. Lilly gave me a dirty look. I was so confused. "HOW LONG HAVE YOU KNOWN THIS!?" Kylie yells at the top of her lungs. I jumped at the sound of her voice. Did Lilly tell her? Or didn't she? And did I?

Olivia and I didn't answer. Kylie started looking back and forth between us. "How long?" She asks quieter but still filled with anger. She looks to Lilly. Finally she speaks up. "3 days....." She says looking down. Kylie then goes into complete rage mode. "AND YOU DIDN'T WANT TO TELL ME!!!!!" She shouts. I yet have to say anything, only out of pure terror. "I was going to but then you were so happy with the whole Connor thing and I didn't wanna ruin it." Lilly says soothingly while rubbing Kylie's arms.

Kylie flinches away and heads towards the door, brushing past me. She reaches for the door knob, but before opening it she says "It would have been better if you told me, you know how I feel about her..." Without turning around, then she walks out.

Right when the door closes Lilly turns towards me. "JEASUS RYAN!! WHY'D YOU HAVE TO SAY ANYTHING!?" She yells. "I.... I... I thought you told her...." I replied. But she didn't answer me, she just walked out onto the deck and slammed the door behind her.

"What did I do?" I asked myself.


Kasey's in town!!

What will Kylie do?

Hoped you liked it! :)

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