The Flight

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Once on the airplane I quickly took a window seat. Which forced my sister, Deanna, to take the isle seat. We sat there talking about all the things we'd do when we got to our destination till a flight attendant came on the speaker. "During our flight we will make two stops." She said. "One to Alabama and the other to Texas." She continued. Ugh why?! This flight is going to be longer then I expected, I just want to get to California, I thought to myself annoyed. She went on about the safety stuff and all that. I didn't really pay attention but I put on my belt and stared out the window daydreaming about California.

In no time we were in the air. When the pilot said we could use electronics I took out my Canon camera. Oh, didn't I mention.... I'm a YouTuber! My name is KylieForever...But I only have about 10,000 subscribers. It might sound like a lot but compared to other people I'm at the bottom of the Internet Famous ladder.

So I took out my camera and started a vlog. "Hey guys Kylie here, I'm with my sister, Deanna right now and we are on an... AIRPLANE!" I screamed. People started staring but it didn't bother me. "You guys might not know but I'm moving... Thats right moving. Getting away from this..." I said pointing my camera towards the window. "And starting fresh in CALI! I'm so excited!" I continued. "All of you know I'm obsessed with O2L right? Well, I'm like freaking out because I might see SAM, KIAN, AND TREVOR!" I yelled. People started shushing me but I continued. "But I don't know." I continued. "Anyways, right now we are on our way to our first stop, Alabama." Then I stopped, so I could vlog later once we landed.

*2 hours later*

We finally landed in Alabama. While people started getting off, my family stayed and I took out my camera again.

"So we just landed in Alabama and we are waiting for people to get on so we can go to Texas."

I kept going on about how excited I was and how I would actually be able to go to Vidcon this year! Then all of a sudden, I felt my sister tap my shoulder. "What?" I asked. She didn't speak, just pointed up. When I looked up I saw a boy about 5'11 with brownish, blondish hair. "Can I sit here?" he asked us. I was frozen. I couldn't speak or move. Was it really him or was I just dreaming?

Then my sister pinched me. I flinched "Uhhh..." I started. "Sure." He smiled, put his stuff on top compartment and sat down. "I'M RICKY." he said excitedly. "I know..." I reply. "I mean... Uhh... I'm... Uhh..." I said to him still shocked. "A fan?" He asked. All I could do was nod. He laughed and stuck out his hand. I shook it, scared he would tell I was nervous. "I'm Kylie." I finally got out.

When he let go of my hand, he started to stare at me weirdly. I just looked over at him and after awhile finally spoke up and asked him "What?!" "Nothing."He said. "You just look so familiar.... Do you happen to know KylieForever?" He asked. I stared with a questioning look. "Yes, I do actually, that's me." I revealed. His face lit up. "OH MY GOD!" He screamed. "What?!" I asked. Then he asked Deanna to switch places with him. She agreed and he sat down next to me. "I'M A HUGE FAN!" He yelled. I had to move my head back a little because he was loud.

Then when I had a chance to process what he just said my heart skipped a beat.

"You are?" I asked.


Second Chapter! Hope you liked it!!! :)

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