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Im sorry about not posting! But this is a chapter so get excited! I have no clue why I haven't but I feel really bad, and I'm serious! I'm on break so I'll try to post more.

So here's the chapter.


"Do you remember that one FaceTime where all we did was eat?" Alexa asks, laughing in the process.

"YES!" I giggle, tearing at the eyes.

This feels good. It feels right. Just sitting her with one of my best friends, reliving the greatest moments. She hasn't questioned me anymore about what had happen back in that hell hole, and thank god she hasn't. Just one word could trigger my tears, and I wouldn't be able to stop. I still can't wrap my head around it. He played me.

I mean Abby said that they we're on "break" but I don't know if he ever talked to her again.

Was this technically cheating? I mean, if they were on a "break" there are two types of those. They could still be together but just needed space.

He broke my heart into a million pieces, yet I had no clue if this chick was lying or telling the truth. I couldn't explain it to anyone. They'd take his side saying it was just a crazy fan.

But everything matched up.

I don't know his life before then, and I know he'd never mention it in a video. Privacy is the obvious answer, YouTubers show people what they want, but it kills me.

I kills me knowing that the man I let through my walls, into my heart could be cheating.

I said I love you. I never say that, and now I remember why. I couldn't let this happen again. Yet it did.

I gave him the title boyfriend. If I can even call him that anymore.

"Kylie?" I hear Alexa voice. I look towards her and see her hand waving in front of my face.

"Kylie, you ok?" I blink a few times, regaining reality. I shake my head releasing it of all the horrible thoughts.

"Uh, oh yeah-yeah just thinking."

But what if I just mention the name Abby in a conversation, that is if I ever talk to him again.

Will he react? Will he stiffen? Or just remain calm? What if he's done this before and he's use to it?

My mind begins drifting to probably the most ridiculous scenarios.

What if this was his plan all along, from when he saw my videos? Has he even seen my videos?

Has he been lying this whole time?

"KYLIE!" Alexa screams.

I turn my head, again realizing I'm not alone.

"What?" I spit.

Her face twists in hurt and I'm left feeling guilty, but I don't move.

"You're crying." She whispers.

I look down, slowly moving my hand up to my face. I feel it. The heat, my makeup, the wetness, everything sitting on my heavily tear-stained cheeks.

I gradually lift my head and I'm faced with her worried expression.

"Why do I do this to myself?" I say, begging for an answer.

"Oh babe." She says and moves over next to me. She engulfs me into a hug.

"Why?" I question between my short breathes.

My tears begin to stain her clothes, but she doesn't seem to mind. I'm a wreck and I'm broken, yet someone cares enough to try and lift me back up.

Connor should be here, he should be here with my making me feel better.

My eye lids begin to drop and my breathing finally becomes even. I lay there in the arms of one person who I know that cares. And thats all I can ask for.


*Connor's P.O.V*

What the actual fuck just happened? What the hell was that?

We were left here, on the sidewalk, while we watched Alexa drive her away.

Away from me.

What did I do? Why am I here and not there?

"Connor what the hell happened?" I hear Rebecca yell.

I stand there.

"Connor!" And then I'm slapped, hard.

"What the fuck!" I yell at her holding my face with both hands.

"Connor it's obvious you did this."

"Me? Why me? It could of been anyone, including you!" I fire back.

She steps closer.

"Because you are the only one that can cause her pain like that. You are the only one closer to her then her family. You are the only one she let in and she told you everything she wanted to. She trusted you. Now do you think if one of us did something she's be acting like this?" She speaks loudly through gritted teeth.

My eyes widen at her sudden out burst.

"But-but what could I have done?" I whisper, more asking myself.

She hears it though. "I don't know, but you better find out or I'll kick your ass. That girl is amazing and she doesn't deserve this." Rebecca stomps off toward everyone else and I'm left alone, once again.

I sit on the curb and start taking deep breaths. My heart is hurting. My mind is going crazy trying to fine the answer. Yet I can't think of anything.

I rest my head in my hands.

I ruined possibly the one thing other then my family that I cared for, that I let know everything.

I found her on a day I had nothing better to do.

I just finished editing my video for O2L and had a few hours to spare before going out, a naturally I browsed YouTube.

While watching some random video I saw her smoothie challenge in my recommended videos. I clicked on it and watched the whole ten minutes.

I couldn't stop laughing. I was smiling from ear to ear. So I watch more, and more, and more. Finally I just subscribe.

I showed the guys and they felt the same. But I had a tingle in my heart. Butterflies in my stomach.

Wow I'm so cliché.

So when I first met her, I thought she'd be totally different then in her videos. Most are shy, but her, not even close. She had the same strange, quirky personality. I loved it.

Now it's gone. Forever? Maybe.


I hear the door of the restaurant open. Following my instinct I look over at the door and my hear races. My eyebrows furrow in anger.


I see her spin around, her ugly skirt twirling. We make eye contact and she winks.

No, no, no, not again. Why does this always happen? Why every time I get close to someone, she's around to ruin it?

I'm done, I'm done. I can't do this anymore, she disgusts me.

I have no clue how I dated her for two years.

The first two years of college, I stated, we're my best. Now I loathe them.


Abby and I began dating about 5 months into our studies. She was in the same literary classes as me.

She was shy, and sweet. We began working together on work and asking what we got for what question. After getting a test back we'd ask what each other got and help each other on a question we didn't understand.

I took her on dates. They were good, fun. Abby was, at the time, a great girl. I was happy. So I asked her to make it official.

She agreed.


The first year and a half was amazing. Few little fights here and there but overall it was good.

But one night I saw for what she really was. It was a Christmas party before we left for the holidays. Lights strung, garland hung, ornaments on the tree, it was great.

Someone had spiked the eggnog, so everyone was getting a little tipsy that night. None, however, we're too drunk where they couldn't comprehend things.

While conversing with some people I saw in my classes, I saw something that made my heart stop.

Abby was kissing some random guy.

I had marched over and tapped her shoulder. All she did was turn around and give me a smirk.

I didn't even see her drinking that night, so she knew what she was doing.

My world crumpled. Two years of my life were wasted on this girl, that was most likely lying to me the whole time.

I never talked to her again. She tried to contact me, acting like nothing happened.

After about the 50th call, I answered.

"We need a break. I can't be with you anymore." I plainly stated and hung up.

She never gave up after that, and she's been ruining every relationship since. Scaring all the girls I came to care about away.


I couldn't take this anymore.

I shoot up from the curb and run after her.

"You can't keep doing this!" I yell when I'm right behind her.

She laughs, why the fuck is she laughing.

"Oh, honey. I'm the least of your worries now." She says and begins to walk away.

What? Least of her worries now?

"Wait. What do you mean?" I call her attention back.

She halts but doesn't turn around.

"I'm just saying, certain guys are after her." And she walks away.

My knees feel weak and I begin hyperventilating.


So here you go! I hope you liked it!

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